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  • The haunches were about the size and shape of a piglet's or small sow, and the feet were splayed with three digits toward the front with nearly the same shape and dexterity of human fingers with a spur to the back about the size of a human thumb.

    Around a Sun Named Inferno Hugh Barlow 2011

  • Don't even think about sausage after a piglet's gone through a GE jet turbine engine.

    Bradley Monton 2008

  • The piglet, which was found by a teenager on his way home after a night out with friends was brought to the Vets Now clinic on Sunday morning but despite the clinic's attempts to find the piglet's owner to reunite it with its mother, the piglet became extremely ill and died.

    Lost piglet dies after suspected so-called prank Thatsnews 2008

  • We opted for the estimable "piglet's Benedict" with its first-rate circular cake of toasted hash browns, perfect runny poached eggs, avocado and pulled pork (which was blah), but really loved the spicy side order of nicely browned chorizo sausage meat.

    Dining With the Delegates 2008

  • The piglet, which was found by a teenager on his way home after a night out with friends was brought to the Vets Now clinic on Sunday morning but despite the clinic's attempts to find the piglet's owner to reunite it with its mother, the piglet became extremely ill and died.

    Archive 2008-08-01 Thatsnews 2008

  • I pretend to ignore it and ask my mom the piglet's name.

    Archive 2006-10-01 Mac 2006

  • - Briskly rub a cloth up and down the piglet's back.

    Chapter 22 1994

  • - Gently blow air into the piglet's nose; or hold the piglet on its back and gently and rhythmically pump the back legs forward and back until the piglet breathes.

    Chapter 22 1994

  • It seemed like an eternity before he managed to pry a scale free with the knife, revealing a patch of skin as pink as a piglet's.

    The Dragons of Krynn Weis, Margaret 1994

  • Oh, they'll not go far out of sight, I know - not yet, not until they've tried every roundabout way they can find, and been baulked at every attempt by a small knife at a small piglet's throat.

    The Virgin In The Ice Peters, Ellis, 1913-1995 1982


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