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  • Blessed as it was, though, the little quill's constitution, worn by its long voyage, began to fail.

    The Feather Phil Van Treuren 2010

  • Tellin reached for his pen, found the quill's tip split, and took up another.

    Dalamar the Dark Berberick, Nancy Varian 2000

  • He wiped the quill's nib clean and took out the penknife to sharpen the point.

    The White Order Modesitt, L. E. 1998

  • As the scrivener followed Benthann back toward the kitchen and common roam, Cerryl cleaned the quill's nib, then took the penknife and sharpened it before dipping it into the ink.

    The White Order Modesitt, L. E. 1998

  • From time to time the horror of his conduct made him pause, but each time Sharpe snapped the small blade open and shut and the noise prompted the Colonel to dip his quill's tip into the inkwell.

    Sharpe's Battle Cornwell, Bernard 1995

  • The quill's orders were simple … to sow discord and anger with whatever it wrote.

    The Web Comic List - Latest Webcomics 2008


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