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  • Ond yr fy ychydig eiliadau sbar, dyma dwi wedi bod yn ei wneud

    Archive 2008-07-01 Dyfrig 2008

  • Ond yr fy ychydig eiliadau sbar, dyma dwi wedi bod yn ei wneud

    Ac yn ganol y gwaith...... Dyfrig 2008

  • We pitched our tents among little fields of beans and barley, planted with olive-trees, close to a mosque, and awoke when _es-sbar_ (sunrise) was called in sonorous tones from the top of the dome: a cuckoo answered the mueddzin, and a pair of little doves began to coo persistently.

    In the Tail of the Peacock Isabel Savory

  • Yearly Bonus Payment With regards to the HM's Titah recently during his 63rd birthday, it was very delightful to hear ... same old story. .tapi tabik orang ane yang masi bersemangat mengubah ke Dyg Rozy, sbar ja k?

    Brudirect News1 The Brunei Times Writer 2009

  • Yearly Bonus Payment With regards to the HM's Titah recently during his 63rd birthday, it was very delightful to hear ... same old story. .tapi tabik orang ane yang masi bersemangat mengubah ke Dyg Rozy, sbar ja k?

    Brudirect News1 2009

  • Yearly Bonus Payment With regards to the HM's Titah recently during his 63rd birthday, it was very delightful to hear ... same old story. .tapi tabik orang ane yang masi bersemangat mengubah ke Dyg Rozy, sbar ja k?

    Brudirect News1 Ubaidillah Masli 2009


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