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  • He says that the fire hydrint on our grass smells like the latreen at a shiner's kavenchin but I don't know what that means.

    Going Potty 2010

  • I've never seen anyone ask for any special treatment or technique, or complain about the shiner's performance.

    Archive 2006-11-01 Brooks of Sheffield 2006

  • I've never seen anyone ask for any special treatment or technique, or complain about the shiner's performance.

    Shine, Mister? Brooks of Sheffield 2006

  • Run your hook all the way through its bottom lip and then bury its point at the base of the shiner's tail.

    The Hell of High Water 2002

  • Within a month of the rubber-legged shiner's début, there were two other boot-blacks on the streets.

    Mystic Isles of the South Seas. Frederick O'Brien 1900

  • 7: 53 PM melissa mcgee said ... say the word - and the shiner's in the mail.

    Country comes to the city | Homesick Texan Homesick Texan 2006

  • The silk gownd an 'the shiner's mine; you can buy them soon's you please. "

    Two Little Travellers A Story for Girls Frances Browne Arthur


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