
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun Plural form of trichome.


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  • SAGE OIL istockphoto Sage leaves Photo Researchers, Inc. Sage leaf, under the microscope The medicinal use of sage oil goes back to the fourth century B.C. The leaves are covered in tiny hairs called trichomes shown in pale purple, which exude droplets of oil produced within the plant.

    Ready For Their Close-Up 2011

  • The genus Nostoc contains Blue-green algae which are composed of colonies of Cyanobacteria arranged in strings or filaments called trichomes which are surrounded by a thin sheath.

    BBC (UK) Homepage main promotional content 2009

  • Protective hairs called trichomes are produced by epidermal cells of stems, leaves, and reproductive organs.

    Recently Uploaded Slideshows 2009

  • Protective hairs called trichomes are produced by epidermal cells of stems, leaves, and reproductive organs.

    Recently Uploaded Slideshows 2009

  • Then he puts up an image of a microfossil from the Murchison meteorite and it looks quite like the first, including the presence of trichomes or strands of cells in sheaths, and later he shows images from Murchison very similar to those stacks of dimes.

    First Contact Marc Kaufman 2011

  • Then he puts up an image of a microfossil from the Murchison meteorite and it looks quite like the first, including the presence of trichomes or strands of cells in sheaths, and later he shows images from Murchison very similar to those stacks of dimes.

    First Contact Marc Kaufman 2011

  • The trichomes grow most abundant and THC-rich just as the plant matures.

    Boutique buds: What underground mom-and-pop growers did while we debated legalization Adrian Higgins 2010

  • These fragile trichomes, which give modern varieties their frostiness, are full of a compound called THC, one of about 100 cannabinoids but the principal one for producing the high.

    Boutique buds: What underground mom-and-pop growers did while we debated legalization Adrian Higgins 2010

  • The light color is usually due to a dense covering of trichomes (hairlike scales), but is sometimes from a waxy secretion on the leaf or stem surface.

    Adaptations of desert plants 2009

  • Brittlebush and white bursage leaves show no green through their trichomes during the dry season, while desert agave (Agave deserti) is light gray due to its thick, waxy cuticle.

    Adaptations of desert plants 2009


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