
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun Plural form of twinkler.


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  • "Not -- Venus?" she whispered, snatched in her breath, bit her lip, and half averting her face, shot me through with both "twinklers" at once.

    The Cavalier George Washington Cable 1884

  • 'gubble gum' for bubble gum and 'twinklers' for Twinkies.

    Catholic Exchange 2008

  • 'gubble gum' for bubble gum and 'twinklers' for Twinkies.

    Catholic Exchange 2008

  • We had all the colored lights on the tree and the twinklers lined over the doorway and across the banister. . .

    Tentacle of the Christmas Thing Warren Smith 2011

  • “No, by the bright Aldebaran and all his brother twinklers!” answered the Bohemian.

    Quentin Durward 2008

  • Thanks to Sadie for that one, shining brightly among a cluster of bright twinklers.

    Archive 2007-10-28 2007

  • Thanks to Sadie for that one, shining brightly among a cluster of bright twinklers.

    Dave-id: It's the Way You Tell 'Em Me Old China 2007

  • They plunged down to that at other times invisible multitude in the back rows of the celestial theatre: remote layers of constellations whose shapes were new and singular; pretty twinklers which for infinite ages had spent their beams without calling forth from a single earthly poet

    Two on a Tower 2006

  • New ideas struggled to disclose themselves and with the addition of strange twinklers to his southern horizon came an absorbed attention that way, and a corresponding forgetfulness of what lay to the north behind his back, whether human or celestial.

    Two on a Tower 2006

  • Such a sun in a family, where there are none but faint twinklers, how could they bear it!

    Clarissa Harlowe 2006


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