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  • And the tension-stoking musical underscorings can sound tinny and seem awfully conspicuous.

    1st Stage's 'Mousetrap' is a whodunit worth catching Celia Wren 2010

  • On this last point it is worth remarking that in examining examples of these handbooks of the seventeenth century, one is struck by the evident at - tention with which many of them were read by their original or other owners, who frequently inscribed heavy underscorings or elaborate marginalia, often pictorial as well as written.

    Dictionary of the History of Ideas FREDERICK HARD 1968

  • Her impulse was to laugh, an impulse hard indeed to restrain when she came to the last line of the document and read in Grant's neat, careful-man's handwriting with heavy underscorings: "Above all, never forget that you are a mighty stiff dose for anybody, and could easily become an overdose for a refined, sensitive lady."

    The Fashionable Adventures of Joshua Craig; a Novel David Graham Phillips 1889

  • It was the younger of two heavily upholstered and matronly ladies who spoke, in a voice of many underscorings.

    Life at High Tide Henry Mills Alden 1877

  • He was an impressive reader, and he carefully prepared himself for these occasions, indicating by graduated underscorings, the exact values he wished to give to words and phrases.

    Mark Twain's Letters — Volume 4 (1886-1900) Mark Twain 1872

  • He was an impressive reader, and he carefully prepared himself for these occasions, indicating by graduated underscorings, the exact values he wished to give to words and phrases.

    Complete Letters of Mark Twain Mark Twain 1872


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