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  • He hated beyond most things the "varnishy" look of some modern work; and his own oil pictures had so much of the manner of frescoes in their lustreless depth, that they were sometimes mistaken for water-colours, while, on the other hand, his water-colours had often so much depth and brilliancy as sometimes to be mistaken for oil.

    Recollections of Dante Gabriel Rossetti Hall Caine 1892

  • He stands up for Poivre by Caron, despite a "prickly, clovy, tacky-varnishy, old-upholsteryish, neglected card-catalogue dryness," since "love has its blind spots" and he wears it.

    James Warren: This Week in Magazines: Tone Deaf Republicans, Rock Stars, and Subprime Wolves 2008

  • In the gauzy and fluffy and varnishy little drawing-room Reardon found a youngish gentleman already in conversation with the widow and her daughter.

    New Grub Street 2003

  • Any roofed-over shed or shack, with doors or not, is what one generally has to put up with to-day, for housing his resplendent brassy and varnishy automobile.

    The Automobilist Abroad

  • As he stole past the joiner's on that sunny morning, when wood was resinous and pungent of odour, he was suddenly conscious of a varnishy smell, and felt a misgiving without knowing why.

    The House with the Green Shutters George Douglas Brown 1885

  • The varnishy smell of the desks, the smell of the wallflowers at Mrs. Manzie's on the way to school, the smell of the school itself -- to all these he was morbidly alive, and he loathed them.

    The House with the Green Shutters George Douglas Brown 1885

  • He stands up for Poivre by Caron, despite a "prickly, clovy, tacky-varnishy, old-upholsteryish, neglected card-catalogue dryness," since "love has its blind spots" and he wears it.

    The Full Feed from 2008

  • "A painter, air you? you don't look it," sez I. "P'raps it's holiday time with ye," sez I, "and that makes you look so varnishy.

    Aylwin Theodore Watts-Dunton 1873


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