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  • That's right, the very same Geneva guidelines for p. o.w.'s that so inflamed politicians, academics, clergy, editors and, ethicists from around the world to demand that Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo be closed, and that its Al Qeda prisoners not be "tortured," have never sparked a similar international campaign to close the Hamas dungeon where Shalit is tortured, a dungeon where war crimes are never tabulated.

    unknown title 2009

  • Saidina Hussein ibni Ali, Prophet Muhammad s. a.w.'s grandson was killed at Karbala (as in Karbala now in Iran).

    Brunei Lifestyle 2009

  • That's right, the very same Geneva guidelines for p. o.w.'s that so inflamed politicians, academics, clergy, editors and, ethicists from around the world to demand that Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo be closed, and that its Al Qeda prisoners not be "tortured," have never sparked a similar international campaign to close the Hamas dungeon where Shalit is tortured, a dungeon where war crimes are never tabulated.

    unknown title 2009

  • That's right, the very same Geneva guidelines for p. o.w.'s that so inflamed politicians, academics, clergy, editors and, ethicists from around the world to demand that Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo be closed, and that its Al Qeda prisoners not be "tortured," have never sparked a similar international campaign to close the Hamas dungeon where Shalit is tortured, a dungeon where war crimes are never tabulated.

    unknown title 2009


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