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  • At this point I am only looking for people who have already done a lot of nonfiction writing, preferably book or movie reviewing, and are familiar and comfortable with the editorial process, small wordcounts (I ask for 180-200 words and edit them down to about 145), and tight deadlines.

    Odin's Day pixelfish 2009

  • A small author-is-not-very-clever misunderstanding about the conversion of MS Word wordcounts to page run-off counts means that the book I thought was a bit on the long side, while unfinished, was, ummm, very very very much on the long side.

    msagara: Cast in Silence Cover, attempt one msagara 2009

  • You total up your wordcounts, panic at how short you've fallen, and invite a few "closer" writers who can produce good work quickly.

    MIND MELD: Behind the Scenes...How the Hottest Short Fiction Anthologies Are Created (Part 1) 2009

  • A small author-is-not-very-clever misunderstanding about the conversion of MS Word wordcounts to page run-off counts means that the book I thought was a bit on the long side, while unfinished, was, ummm, very very very much on the long side.

    Cast in Silence Cover, attempt one msagara 2009

  • She writes as SarahP on the Saucy Sisters blog, Celestine Lyons for her wordcounts, Cali0pe for her garden tracking, Callisto Shampoo for her every day thoughts, and here as Sarah Parker.

    The Creative Process in a (Poetic) Nutshell! Joanna Fay 2010

  • She writes as SarahP on the Saucy Sisters blog, Celestine Lyons for her wordcounts, Cali0pe for her garden tracking, Callisto Shampoo for her every day thoughts, and here as Sarah Parker.

    KSP Mini Con Program Imagine me 2010

  • After grinding through much smaller wordcounts at huge effort the last few days, this rate of writing feels really nice.

    trying something new 2008

  • She writes as SarahP on the Saucy Sisters blog, Celestine Lyons for her wordcounts, Cali0pe for her garden tracking, Callisto Shampoo for her every day thoughts, and here as Sarah Parker.

    Indiebooks Donating to Toodyay Bushfire Appeal Carol Ryles 2010

  • She writes as SarahP on the Saucy Sisters blog, Celestine Lyons for her wordcounts, Cali0pe for her garden tracking, Callisto Shampoo for her every day thoughts, and here as Sarah Parker.

    Aus Spec Fic Carnival February 2010 SarahP 2010

  • She writes as SarahP on the Saucy Sisters blog, Celestine Lyons for her wordcounts, Cali0pe for her garden tracking, Callisto Shampoo for her every day thoughts, and here as Sarah Parker.

    The Good, the Bad, and the Useful Carol Ryles 2010


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