A list of 32 words by nkocharh.
- abyssiniawas added by nkocharh and appears on 6 lists
- van diemen's landwas added by nkocharh and appears on 2 lists
- serendibwas added by nkocharh and appears on just this list
- byzantiumwas added by nkocharh and appears on 20 lists
- constantinoplewas added by nkocharh and appears on 17 lists
- calcuttawas added by nkocharh and appears on 6 lists
- rhodesiawas added by nkocharh and appears on 4 lists
- new hebrideswas added by nkocharh and appears on just this list
- spanish saharawas added by nkocharh and appears on just this list
- ellice islandswas added by nkocharh and appears on just this list
- leningradwas added by nkocharh and appears on 3 lists
- bombaywas added by nkocharh and appears on 15 lists
- pekingwas added by nkocharh and appears on 2 lists
- zairewas added by nkocharh and appears on 9 lists
- upper voltawas added by nkocharh and appears on 3 lists
- kampucheawas added by nkocharh and appears on 2 lists
- new amsterdamwas added by nkocharh and appears on 2 lists
- transjordanwas added by nkocharh and appears on just this list
- persiawas added by nkocharh and appears on 10 lists
- mesopotamiawas added by nkocharh and appears on 6 lists
- gwentwas added by nkocharh and appears on just this list
- merciawas added by nkocharh and appears on 5 lists
- northumbriawas added by nkocharh and appears on 2 lists
- nubiawas added by nkocharh and appears on 5 lists
- assyriawas added by nkocharh and appears on 5 lists
- czechoslovakiawas added by nkocharh and appears on 11 lists
- albionwas added by nkocharh and appears on 20 lists
- siamwas added by nkocharh and appears on 7 lists
- ceylonwas added by nkocharh and appears on 8 lists
- yugoslaviawas added by nkocharh and appears on 4 lists
- burmawas added by nkocharh and appears on 7 lists
- sandwich islandswas added by nkocharh and appears on 2 lists
nkocharh commented on the list vanished-lands
We call these places by different names, now.
December 12, 2006
seanahan commented on the list vanished-lands
Even old New York was once new Amsterdam
December 12, 2006
nkocharh commented on the list vanished-lands
Why they changed it, I can't say
December 12, 2006
whatever1013 commented on the list vanished-lands
people just liked it better that way.
December 12, 2006
kce commented on the list vanished-lands
serendib, constantinople, byzantium, van diemens land
December 29, 2006
seanahan commented on the list vanished-lands
Somalia changed its name, right?
December 29, 2006
nkocharh commented on the list vanished-lands
Hmm, I'm not sure, seanahan, and a couple minutes' research over at Wikipedia has me no clearer on the subject. It seems it has been called Somaliland for awhile, often with a European proper adjective tacked on the front, depending on who was occupying it at the time.
Thanks, kce, for your suggestions. I'm amazed I didn't manage to get Constantinople and Byzantium before now, and the other two were entirely new to me.
January 6, 2007
chatombre commented on the list vanished-lands
Yay for They Might Be Giants... and for this interesting list, as well! ;D
October 15, 2007
Wordplayer commented on the list vanished-lands
What about Ferdinandea...it literally vanished!
December 19, 2010