Comments by cjohnson318

  • I was writing a poem observing the lack of any good words for the nostalgia, or desire, one has for someone, with whom one was involved in a mutually destructive and abusive relationship. The Russian word razbliuto comes close, but it doesn't have the whole mutually poisonous aspect to it. I found the word I was looking for on your list, veneficial. You're a shining star!

    January 19, 2013

  • Thanks ruzuzu, I found bez via bey. I was initially reading about oil painting materials and the origin of the term varnish. I don't know how I got to bez or bey.

    November 2, 2012

  • I think bunfight sounds like the French, bon fete, for good party.

    November 2, 2012

  • a fleur de peau is a French expression meaning that someone is overly sensitive, or too highly strung.

    October 29, 2012