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  • Students enjoyed programming in Commodore Basic with line numbers and playing video games depicted in "PETSCII" character graphics - the machine was unable to process a single pixel but people made up for it with amazing intuition.

    MyLinkVault Newest Links 2009

  • For this, they changed the encoding of the string "MICROSOFT!" that was hidden in every BASIC since 1.1 from XORed ASCII into PETSCII with the upper two bits randomly set - this way, the text would be just as obfuscated, but it the decoder would be shorter on PET systems. Michael Steil 2008

  • Every version since 2. 0a had the PETSCII version of the "MICROSOFT!" text in it - and so did every version of BASIC for 6809. Michael Steil 2008


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  • This refers to the letters and graphical character elements in the Commodore 64.   Each character was in a 8pixel by 8pixel square.

    January 27, 2022