
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • noun A doughnut-shaped chamber used in fusion research in which a plasma is heated and confined by magnetic fields.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun A toroidal chamber in which a plasma is magnetically confined; used in nuclear fusion research.

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • noun a doughnut-shaped chamber used in fusion research; a plasma is heated and confined in a magnetic bottle


from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition

[Russian, from to(roidal'naya) kam(era s) ak(sial'nym magnitnym polem), toroidal chamber with axial magnetic field.]

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

A transliteration of Russian токамак, an acronym of тороидальная камера в магнитных катушках (toroidal chamber with magnetic coils).


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  • The word tokamak means "toroidal chamber" in Russian.

    Nuclear fusion power 2009

  • The CFNS is based on a tokamak, which is a machine with a "magnetic bottle" that is highly successful in confining high temperature more than 100 million°C fusion plasmas for sufficiently long times.

    Nuclear Fusion-Fission Hybrid Saves The Future Staq Mavlen 2009

  • The CFNS is based on a tokamak, which is a machine with a "magnetic bottle" that is highly successful in confining high temperature more than 100 million°C fusion plasmas for sufficiently long times.

    Archive 2009-01-01 Staq Mavlen 2009

  • Nuclear fusion entails forcing together the nuclei of light atomic elements in a super-heated plasma, held in a doughnut-shaped chamber called a tokamak, so that they make heavier elements and in so doing release energy. - latest science and technology news stories 2010

  • Nuclear fusion entails forcing together the nuclei of light atomic elements in a super-heated plasma, held in a doughnut-shaped chamber called a tokamak, so that they make heavier elements and in so doing release energy. - latest science and technology news stories 2010

  • Nuclear fusion entails forcing together the nuclei of light atomic elements in a super-heated plasma, held in a doughnut-shaped chamber called a tokamak, so that they make heavier elements and in so doing release energy.

    Energy News - Energy Technology - Energy Business - Energy and the Environment 2010

  • A tokamak is a doughnut-shaped vessel in which researchers use powerful magnet fields to squeeze and heat a plasma of hydrogen isotopes until the nuclei fuse together forming helium and releasing large amounts of heat.

    News Daniel Clery 2010

  • Nuclear fusion entails forcing together the nuclei of light atomic elements in a super-heated plasma, held in a doughnut-shaped chamber called a tokamak, so that they make heavier elements and in so doing release energy. - latest science and technology news stories 2010

  • Nuclear fusion entails forcing together the nuclei of light atomic elements in a super-heated plasma, held in a doughnut-shaped chamber called a tokamak, so that they make heavier elements and in so doing release energy. - latest science and technology news stories 2010

  • A tokamak, which is what ITER will be, is basically a D-shaped car tire. what's new online! 2009

  • To work around this, scientists developed a donut-shaped chamber with a strong magnetic field running through it, called a tokamak, which suspends the plasma in place.

    Is nuclear fusion the answer to the climate crisis? Oscar Schwartz 2021

  • ITER will keep a plasma of deuterium and tritium confined in a toroidal vacuum chamber, or tokamak, and heat it up until the nuclei fuse.

    Nuclear-fusion lab achieves ‘ignition’: what does it mean? Jeff Tollefson 2023


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  • Toroidal'naya kamera s magnitnymi katushkami, accorting to Wikipedia.

    This is a truly beautiful device. The torus is a recurring shape in nature. I think our own inventions will ultimately follow, ever more closely, the shapes and forms of nature's, and be better for it.

    August 26, 2008

  • "ITER is based on the 'tokamak' concept of magnetic confinement, in which the plasma is contained in a doughnut-shaped vacuum vessel. The fuel—a mixture of Deuterium and Tritium, two isotopes of Hydrogen—is heated to temperatures in excess of 150 million°C, forming a hot plasma. Strong magnetic fields are used to keep the plasma away from the walls; these are produced by superconducting coils surrounding the vessel, and by an electrical current driven through the plasma."


    January 19, 2012

  • “Harnessing this form of nuclear power, though, has proven extremely difficult, requiring heating a soup of subatomic particles, called plasma, to hundreds of millions of degrees – far too hot for any material container to withstand. To work around this, scientists developed a donut-shaped chamber with a strong magnetic field running through it, called a tokamak, which suspends the plasma in place.“

    — “Is nuclear fusion the answer to the climate crisis? Promising new studies suggest the long elusive technology may be capable of producing electricity for the grid by the end of the decade.” By Oscar Schwartz, Mon 28 Dec 2020 05.00 EST


    December 28, 2020

  • Is it an acronym or more specifically a clipped compound? I don't know Russian, but it seems like it's coming from To-ka-ma-k, not T.O.K.A.M.A.K. or T.K.M.K but maybe that's how you pronounce those letters?

    February 23, 2022