
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun The act or process of founding type in molds. It was formerly done by hand, now chiefly by machinery.


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  • Before we jump in, though, a quick side note about type-casting.

    The Lo-Down Lo Bosworth 2011

  • Before we jump in, though, a quick side note about type-casting.

    The Lo-Down Lo Bosworth 2011

  • Are the twin titanic terrors of of type-casting and sequels to blame for career slumps of otherwise stellar talents?

    Dan Persons: CFQ Black Hole Ultra Lounge: Confirmed Film Genius and Video on D-Box Dan Persons 2011

  • Are the twin titanic terrors of of type-casting and sequels to blame for career slumps of otherwise stellar talents?

    Dan Persons: CFQ Black Hole Ultra Lounge: Confirmed Film Genius and Video on D-Box Dan Persons 2011

  • And re #75, I don't think it's so much that he prefers comedy roles, but more like that's what he gets offered all the time - a form of type-casting, but at least it's not as one particular character.

    Rumor: Marvel Wants Leonardo DiCaprio as Captain America? « 2008

  • Melodrama's conventions, and its type-casting, became universal, but each theatre had its preferred tone.

    Projections of puppet theatre Vera Rule 2010

  • I mean, avoiding type-casting is one thing but…the obvious is obvious for a reason, really…

    Geek6 casts The Avengers…Joss style 2010

  • His career was varied enough before he took the role to protect him from type-casting and, really, would two to three more years on Doctor Who have been so much worse than playing an invisible man on Heroes and Destro in a horrifically bad GI Joe movie?

    It’s OK to Say Good Bye to the 10th Doctor - Pink 2010

  • Anyone who's interested in the topic of mind-pattern programming (type-casting, topic-casting, use of movies to prepare the public for actual planned events, etc.) in movies should check out youtube clips with a guy called Freeman (try one called "Freeman on Edge TV" I think), or a guy named Lenon Honor who has a bunch of essay-style "films" – (try "Denzel Washington Imprint").

    2012 Movie Review 2009

  • And while this critic has been known on more than one occasion to criticize the well-worn practice of unimaginative type-casting, I must admit that in this case the virtual melding of these actors with their respective roles achieves the kind of free-wheeling ensemble cast performance that most Tony-winning actors can only dream of.

    In the Land of the Witless, the Half-wit is King 2009


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  • "The act or process of founding type in molds. It was formerly done by hand, now chiefly by machinery."

    --Century Dictionary

    April 4, 2011