Comments by christycat927

  • my hair that is...

    November 5, 2007

  • For some reason, I thought it was in A Clockwork Orange but then recalled that it was Welly, welly, welly....

    but I forgot about the lyrics to Summer Nights... but it's not why I started saying it... I SWEAR! Ha, ha...

    November 4, 2007

  • Honestly, I'm not sure where I got it from... perhaps!

    November 4, 2007

  • My version of yummy. This is usually in the phrase...

    "Nummy in my tummy!"

    November 4, 2007

  • From watching a late night infomercial about a showering/spa kit... The model said something to the effect of:

    "Just a dab on the puff, and jump in the shower..."

    Now I saw that... but say "showa" instead.

    November 4, 2007

  • Those yummy things we have for breakfast. I'm from Baltimore originally so I say egg with the e sounding more like an a...other than the eh sound... :P

    November 4, 2007

  • Said to my cats when they are trying to get into various places I don't want them to go or are in my way... This is accompanied by a very gentle scooting motion with usually my right foot... :P

    November 4, 2007

  • Sometimes "oh well" is not enough...

    November 4, 2007

  • Another nickname for my furry kids.

    November 4, 2007

  • One of the many nicknames for my cats.

    November 4, 2007

  • When being silly...I will sometimes say things or read things as a child would sound them out... but then some become a habit... like this one.

    "I'm soooooo comfort-table right now!"

    Yes, I'm a dork!

    November 4, 2007

  • "When something "excites" or "interests" me... but not really... This is my sarcastic response to such a thing...

    November 4, 2007

  • November 4, 2007

  • I'm so happy to see that someone else loves this word. A few years back-I was joking with my ex boyfriend...we were talking about how his eyes were not quite truly brown...they also had shades of a deep green... I said..."so they are breen"... never thinking it was really a word... we laughed...and then as soon as we got to a dictionary...there it was!!!! :P

    September 7, 2007