Comments by dijinn

  • I feel as though I've found a kindred spirit here. Thanks for posting the words you found whilst digging the strata that is the IJ. I did a similar exercise when I first encountered IJ five or six years ago. And I am redoing it currently. Am a little over half way through the book but am taking a much more leisurely approach this time. Trying to piece the book together in my head as I go instead of the perpetual deer in the headlights look I had during my first pass.

    Anyway, thanks for the list. I plan to flip open my list tonight when I get home and see if I encounter any that you did not list. You already are doing well in my book as you have listed the best word in the entire book. Suprasubliminal. Which is also encased in my absolute favorite sentence in the book - "Suprsubliminal and that." (If I remember correctly it was embedded in a rather surreal para. that discussed the actual content of the Infinite Jest movie. Which would make it my favorite paragraph of the book as well. Which is saying something.)

    Anyway, I digress. Thanks a bunch for the list. I have enjoyed it immensely.


    May 21, 2007