Comments by fidardorist

  • Reesetee: Alternatively the 'ph' for 'f' misspelling can push a word in the direction it is already inclined to go, as with 'phantasy.'

    That is if you can find a sufficient context to at once misspell & simultaneously avoid the cheap incense aroma such a word is in danger of blanketing about itself. Which, you know, you can't. Though one girl did like it when she found that very, quite inadvertent, ph-for-f-ism in something I wrote back in college... But then, youth is so partial as to endow even our errors with charm.

    How about a new word, coined by some imaginary youth?

    aphorafism: 1) a misspelling, solecism or malapropism, that has an aesthetic something to recommend it. 2) an aspiring neologism.

    June 12, 2009

  • Kudos to laconic. May have to filch that usage sometime.

    June 12, 2009