Comments by garethwilliams

  • For those who might be interested the origin of the phrase 'fuck-me' shoes the first time I heard was on the BBC late night TV show 'Newsnight Review' by the feminist and author of 'The Female Eunuch' Germaine Greer. It caught on almost immediately because, it had then and still does now, have great shock value. It also hits the mark directly as we can all envision the shoes she is referring to. Here is an article giving some details as to why she said it.

    The term was indeed used by Germaine Greer. While I'm not sure of the year of its conception, it was certainly used by Greer in the early 1990s to denigrate writer and columnist Suzanne Moore, who at that time wrote for the Guardian (the left-of-centre British newspaper). The two women subsequently appeared on the satirical quiz show "Have I Got News For You", and traded further barbs. Greer was basically arguing that it was inappropriate for anyone claiming to be a feminist to wear fuck-me shoes (as Moore did).

    May 21, 2011