Comments by kun585

  • BREUL come from combination of BREAK and RULE

    BRUEL (V) means that the action of breaking rules.

    BREULER (N) means person who break rule.

    Example conversation : 'Be a good student! Don't breul"

    September 30, 2016

  • Hello Ms. Erin, we are students from MUIDS (Mahidol University International Demonstration School) of Thailand. We would like to send you a new word that our group has created together. And that word is BREUL come from combination of BREAK and RULE which is a verb means that the action of breaking rules. Example conversation 'Be a good student! Don't breul.'For noun, we decided to add -er after the verb, so it will become BREULER means person who break rule. We wish that you can accept our word. Thank you.

    September 30, 2016