refinch has adopted no words, looked up 0 words, created 1 list, listed 2 words, written 3 comments, added 0 tags, and loved 1 word.

Comments by refinch

  • No, English. How my dad had these two words in his head puzzled me until I noticed in my genealogical studies that there were many Dutch who had moved to the Kentucky frontier about the same time various elements of my lineage arrived there. It doesn't surprise me that the local vernacular might have been a hodge podge. I imagine that my dad used the same terms with me that his father used with him...interestingly, I do it with my daughter too. At five, she's a pizzlesprung if there ever was one.

    June 19, 2008

  • When he wasn't calling me a pizzlesprung, my dad called me a snickelfritz. It has about the same meaning.

    June 19, 2008

  • My dad, who died when I was young (he was very old), used to call me a pizzlesprung when I was overly excited. That's pretty close to what the urban dictionary says, but others have told me that it was an old Kentucky saying for "weary." That would make sense, since a great-great-grandfather on that side probably lived in Kentucky as a child.

    June 19, 2008

Comments for refinch

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  • Clearly, your father is a good, good man, dontcry. And welcome, refinch. :-)

    June 19, 2008

  • Interesting. My own father is fascinated by birds (he especially loves finches) and uses snickelfritz liberally when referring to his grand-daughters.

    I'll have to rock this one out on the porch.

    June 19, 2008

  • No, English. How my dad had these two words in his head puzzled me until I noticed in my genealogical studies that there were many Dutch who had moved to the Kentucky frontier about the same time various elements of my lineage arrived there. It doesn't surprise me that the local vernacular might have been a hodge podge. I imagine that my dad used the same terms with me that his father used with him...interestingly, I do it with my daughter too. At five, she's a pizzlesprung if there ever was one.

    June 19, 2008

  • You're Dutch?

    June 19, 2008