Comments by riehlmiz2

  • FASK F*ask Noun

    1. A covering for all or part of the face, worn to conceal one's identity. 2. A grotesque or humorous false face worn at a carnival, masquerade, etc.: Halloween masks. 3. A device consisting typically of a transparent glass or plastic panel fitted into a flexible rubber gasket that fits snugly around the eyes, over the cheeks, and usually over the nose: used by skin divers. 4. Anything that disguises or conceals; disguise; pretense. 5. A likeness of a face, as one molded on the face in plaster. Synonyms: Mask. Ex. Sentence: I used a fask for Halloween.

    Origin: Circa 2012. Modern English. American English. < Mask Middle French masque, perhaps directly < Italian maschera mask, disguise < pre-Latin *maskara, an extended form of *mask-, probably with orig. sense “black” (blackening the face being a simple form of disguise); another development of the same base is early Medieval Latin masca witch, ghost (also, mask); see mascot. Face: late 13c., from O.Fr. face, from V.L. *facia, from L. facies "appearance, form, figure," and secondarily "visage, countenance;" probably related to facere "to make" (see factitious). Replaced O.E. and wlita. To face (v.) "confront" is first recorded mid-15c. Related: Faced Source

    F*ask*ly - Adverb

    F*ask*ful - Adjective

    October 2, 2012