Comments by soyer

  • in the context of reading it my understanding was freemium is an abrreviation for free medium:-)

    May 28, 2009

  • I just read in a book of Seth Godin the following sentence: Then you go for a job interview and try to be as coglike as possible in your malleability and desire to fit in. My mother tongue is German and know the respective German word, but...

    April 15, 2009

  • Witz is the German word for joke -- just testing the system -- ciao Peter

    April 5, 2009

  • Pityriasiform is a rather distinct type of scaling observed in quite a few skin diseases -- just one of the words used by dermatologists all over the world -- the origin is probably greek or latin -- I just wanted to test wordnik in regrad to specific medical or better dermatological terms. Wordnik is simply great:-)Cheers Peter

    April 5, 2009