Comments by yoopzi

  • Protexia (protecia) is a hebrew term for the word protection (as in mob like protection) used in Israel that deals with preferable treatment for an individual by a person, group, religious institution or government official base not on one's merit but a list of factors mostly social and religious. It is mostly used related to awarding of work, contracts or governmental favors. Protexia depending on the level and people doing protexia can be any of the following: Social networking, nepotism, racism, relgious discrimination, black listing, thought control (attitude adjustment), dispute settlement, shunning, close competitors and prevention of fair competition by outsiders by threat on patrons of revoking their protecia. For example American Companies trying to enter the market find only customers are tourists and not natives. At its extreme protexia, like the protection of the mafia, is used to maintain cult-like control over many of the people of Israel as a reward and punishment system for the leaders to "adjust attitudes" and control thinking. It is similar to shadow governments and modesty squads of neighboring middle east countries practicing Sharia. A person who loses protecia will loose their job and not be allowed to work or support their family.

    August 23, 2010