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  • As well as having sweet Rob Ryan-illustrated packaging, and having the same active ingredient as Crème de la Mer, and being properly carbon neutral, Snowberry products (Day Creme Lite, £46, harveynichols. com) use no petrochemicals (the things lots of people are allergic to).

    Kiss and make-up: natural moisturisers 2010

  • The Snowberry Clearwing is a wide-ranging and fairly common member of the family Sphingidae, the sphinx moths also known as hawk moths.

    BIRDS ETCETERA—Birds, Birding, Birders, and Birdwatching John L. Trapp 2002

  • The Snowberry Clearwing differs from most other sphinx moths in that it has adapted to feeding during daylight hours rather than at night.

    BIRDS ETCETERA—Birds, Birding, Birders, and Birdwatching John L. Trapp 2002

  • The Snowberry Clearwing differs from most other sphinx moths in that it has adapted to feeding during daylight hours rather than at night.

    Archive 2002-08-01 John L. Trapp 2002

  • The Snowberry Clearwing is a wide-ranging and fairly common member of the family Sphingidae, the sphinx moths also known as hawk moths.

    Archive 2002-08-01 John L. Trapp 2002

  • They went out from the stuffy room, beyond the dusty street, and the jangling cars, and the gilt sign, and the shop full of dry-goods and notions, and the high desks in the office -- out to the dim, cool forest, where Snowberry and Partridge-berry and Wood-Magic grow.

    The Blue Flower 1902

  • This is Snowberry, and if you eat of it, you will grow wise in the wisdom of flowers.

    The Blue Flower 1902

  • This is Snowberry, and if you eat of it, you will grow wise in the wisdom of flowers.

    The Blue Flower Henry Van Dyke 1892

  • They went out from the stuffy room, beyond the dusty street, and the jangling cars, and the gilt sign, and the shop full of dry-goods and notions, and the high desks in the office -- out to the dim, cool forest, where Snowberry and Partridge-berry and Wood-Magic grow.

    The Blue Flower Henry Van Dyke 1892

  • The Snowberry (Symphoricarpus _racemosus_) has been cultivated for nearly a hundred years in our gardens, and probably stands at the head of the list of white-fruited shrubs.

    Amateur Gardencraft A Book for the Home-Maker and Garden Lover 1882


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