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  • I must thank Mr. Paine, and the author who condensed and presented the above, for a elucidating true liberalism – not the current besmudged term of our day as depicted by right wing wack-osof the conserative far right.

    "There Comes A Time - Paine Still True Now " 2008

  • I grew up Roman Catholic, so I know what it feels like to walk around besmudged after being solemnly reminded that, I am "dust, and to dust" I "shall return."

    DIES CINERUM or Why A Bit Of Ash On The Noggin May Be Good For You Mirtika 2006

  • I grew up Roman Catholic, so I know what it feels like to walk around besmudged after being solemnly reminded that, I am "dust, and to dust" I "shall return."

    Archive 2006-03-01 Mirtika 2006

  • I grew up Roman Catholic, so I know what it feels like to walk around besmudged after being solemnly reminded that, I am "dust, and to dust" I "shall return."

    March 2006 Mirtika 2006

  • I go, slumpy, besmudged, but happy; I return, superficially immaculate -- but my stockings will still be blue! ...

    The Younger Set 1899

  • She looked up at him, raising her swollen eyelids with a great effort, in a sorrowful expression of her drooping mouth, of her whole besmudged and tear-stained face.

    An Outcast Of The Islands 1896

  • Fancier is stretched forth to draw us in, how can he possibly smite any one of us, or cast us away, because we came back to him black and blue with bruises and besmudged and bedraggled past all recognition?

    A Kentucky Cardinal James Lane Allen 1887

  • Mr. Hersh has now besmudged the integrity of all the men and women who make up the U.S. Military's special operations groups.

    Latest Articles Press TV 2009


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  • Besmudged, like bemused but smudged instead.

    August 3, 2009