
from The Century Dictionary.

  • See transferable.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • adjective Capable of being transferred; transferable.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective Archaic form of transferable.


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  • On motion of Mr Mason, Ordered that the Rector be requested to prepare and present to the Legislature a petition praying for the passage of the necessary Law to carry out the suggestions made in the said letter, as to Register at the State Treasury of such bonds for the said loan as now are or may be hereafter issued for the same, by authority of the Board of Visiters, for the payment of the semi annual interest on the same at the Treasury such payments to be deducted from corresponding accruing amounts of the annuity, and making the said bonds transferrible as State bonds are by law transferrible -

    Board of Visitors minutes 1852


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  • Is this how you'd spell transferrible?

    Perchance it strikes you as terrible

    But old-timey as 'tis

    At least a dictionary whizz

    Would on the whole not find it unberrible.

    October 25, 2021