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  • “Toom! toom! toom! toom” a smooth trombonic sound,

    The Confessions of a Beachcomber 2003

  • Maceo to bring the tenor sax, if you take a step deeper into the mix you get to hear calls (like Bobby Byrd's in this song) for the trombonic assistance of

    Funky16Corners 2009

  • a smooth trombonic sound, "hollow to the reverberate hills," which his consort answers with a series of "Tum! tum tum! tum!" on a higher but still harmonious key, and in accelerated tempo.

    Confessions of a Beachcomber 1887


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  • Adjective - (of an electric motor) having a speed slightly below that of normal speed.

    September 10, 2023