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  • COSTELLO: No. MILES O'BRIEN: The one where they want to unbond, de-bond him or whatever they do?

    CNN Transcript Mar 2, 2006 2006

  • MILES O'BRIEN: So you're not going to that unbond site or whatever it is?

    CNN Transcript Mar 2, 2006 2006

  • Cracked area exhibited evidence of cohesive failure in the RT455 material with no evidence of a void or unbond, indicating impact rather than processing problems 2009

  • Cracked area exhibited evidence of cohesive failure in the RT455 material with no evidence of a void or unbond, indicating impact rather than processing problems 2009

  • Cracked area exhibited evidence of cohesive failure in the RT455 material with no evidence of a void or unbond, indicating impact rather than processing problems 2009

  • Bw. undlers; unbond - ed. Shakefp UNMEAJiURCD.a. 1.

    A dictionary of the English language. Abstracted from the folio ed., by the author. To which is ... 1768

  • "4 inch circumferential crack or unbond detected on the RH (Right Hand) center field joint aft RT455 ramp at approximately 250 degrees," noted one of the squawks found on the boosters during post-retrieval inspections. 2009

  • "4 inch circumferential crack or unbond detected on the RH (Right Hand) center field joint aft RT455 ramp at approximately 250 degrees," noted one of the squawks found on the boosters during post-retrieval inspections. 2009

  • "4 inch circumferential crack or unbond detected on the RH (Right Hand) center field joint aft RT455 ramp at approximately 250 degrees," noted one of the squawks found on the boosters during post-retrieval inspections. 2009


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  • Verb - (of a process or garment) be abandoned

    September 7, 2023