
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun A cap by wearing which one obtains whatever one wishes.


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  • Fortunatus's wishing-cap and Prince Hussein's tapestry were baby toys to him.

    The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 17, No. 103, May, 1866 Various

  • In return, and as an evidence of my gratitude, I shall leave you to choose among all the treasures I have in my pocket, among which are a variety of enchanting articles, not exactly adapted for you, who, I am sure, would like better to have the wishing-cap of Fortunatus, all made new and sound again, and

    Stories by Foreign Authors: German — Volume 2 Various

  • Alberich forced Mimi to make for him a strange wishing-cap.

    Opera Stories from Wagner Florence Akin

  • In Grimm, No. 197, which is distantly related to our story, the hero cheats two giants out of a wishing-cap over which they are quarrelling.

    Filipino Popular Tales Dean Spruill Fansler

  • He looked upon the wishing-cap, but surely no one could turn into anything better than a hero, and Siegfried was already a hero.

    Opera Stories from Wagner Florence Akin

  • After this simple introduction from the greater personage, his light-foot, volatile, graceful minister takes Alberich in hand and practising confidently upon his intoxicated conceit of power, his pride in the cleverness which had contrived ring and wishing-cap, uses him like a puppet of which all the strings should be in his hand.

    The Wagnerian Romances Gertrude Hall Brownell 1912

  • First, The Ring, with all its gods and giants and dwarfs, its water-maidens and Valkyries, its wishing-cap, magic ring, enchanted sword, and miraculous treasure, is a drama of today, and not of a remote and fabulous antiquity.

    The Perfect Wagnerite, Commentary on the Ring George Bernard Shaw 1903

  • "Oh, I took the clown's cap," said the fairy, "for it was the wishing-cap, and fast as you and the Princess rode back to the country of King Whitebeard I was there before you."

    The Counterpane Fairy Katharine Pyle 1900

  • When Jack had got around the first bend, he put on his wishing-cap and wished for two bottles of Ioca from the Well of the World's End, and no sooner had he wished than he had them; and back again he came, and when the other two came riding up, surprised they were to find Jack there before them.

    Tales of Wonder Every Child Should Know Various 1896

  • If I had a wishing-cap at this moment, I would wish for an eider-down coverlet to keep your feet warm.

    Selections from the Letters of Geraldine Endsor Jewsbury to Jane Welsh Carlyle 1892


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  • You'd think these would be pretty good sellers.

    August 30, 2021