Comments by aaltoilu

  • θæŋk ju: boʊθ! I do agree about the x-sampa/Kafka connection, and I am heartened that there are others around who agree that phonetic transcription should not include '_<' or counter-logical vowel representation. Yay indeed.

    May 26, 2009

  • Oh yes, that comment comes from my own page; I'm horribly forgetful of what I write that late at night. Well, I'll do what I can do to provide you with one; although as a forewarning, I lack much co-ordination, so it might be a bit of a farce!

    All the best,


    May 26, 2009

  • Hi there, Prolagus:

    Thank you for your kind welcome; I am glad that you like my first comments here.

    I assure you that I am a brand new user, althoughI'd be intrigued, however, to see the person(s) who you thought I might have been. Is that what the puppet show comment is about, or is there just a higher than average number of ventriloquists here? Either way, I'm probably not the best at puppet shows; sorry if this is a dissapointment.

    All the best,


    May 26, 2009

  • This, along with the monumental ugliness of American Dictionary, is the devil's transcription system. IPA forever..

    May 24, 2009

  • I applaud this mispronunciation. It's about time that the immorality of syngnathidae was recognised.

    May 24, 2009

  • Insomnia... what a liar of a word, with its multiple vowels, its nasal consonants. It doesn't sound as bad as it is at all.

    You talk to people about your insomnia, and they are all sweetness and care about it - but you can't shake the feeling that they associate the deep dark night with romance and excitement.. and that silky name, insomnia; it can't be as bad as hemorrhoids with such a name!

    I propose, therefore, that we change the insomnia to a name that is appropriately irritating khuhlkhutscheu.

    This night was over before it began.

    May 24, 2009

  • Somnodrag /ˌsɔəm.nə.ˈdra�?g̥/ happens when you stay up all night - not because you drank too much and stayed up vomiting, or you had to watch all that tv season box set - but because some weird mood came over you and you ended up having an all-night, meandering, philosophical conversation; you look up, and it's morning.

    Knackered, you intend to go to bed, sleep it off, get back into the diurnal necessity of normal life after a good old rest. But someone chooses to somnodrag (v) you out of bed - usually for something stupid. You spend the day experiencing somnodrag (n) - that absolutely tired fuzzy feeling when the world is a secondary concern. Make sure that you don't get dragged to a public space, or you could become a zimbtrovert.

    May 24, 2009