Comments by ekerilaz

  • one who talks at length in a boastful and pompous manner


    June 14, 2009

  • Next, listen to the "St. Anne" fugue by Bach (BWV 552). It's a triple fugue, where the first strain is God, the second is Jesus, and the third is the Holy Spirit. The second strain represents Jesus' incarnation on earth and is for manuals alone, without the sepulchral pedal tones. For a great article on it, see which discusses the connection between the music and the views of Arius and St. Athanasius.

    Facebook posting by Evan Klein at 11:18pm June 2

    June 5, 2009

  • Diaresis is the name for the 2 dots that people write over letters to be cool. It's very popular with bands, e.g., Motley Crue. It's probably more widely known as umlaut.

    May 14, 2009

  • Jowls are those big bags of skin that hang just off of your jawbone where your jawbone attaches to your skull. Think Jabba the Hut cheeks or the Fat Lady at the circus.

    April 12, 2009