
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun slang, pejorative An obnoxious or unlikeable person; a jerk.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

jerk +‎ ass


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  • I like to think that Sempronius had his coffee and a jerkass wakeup call from the gods.

    Trebbia, or My Lose Record as Hannibal Returns | Spontaneous ∂erivation 2010

  • Kennedy had fouled up the Bay of Pigs fiasco, a dumb-fool jerkass plan to recapture Cuba with a tubful of idiot Cuban dandies who wanted their precious Batista, in exile in--where else?

    More on War The Daily Growler 2006

  • Not me, I now own a nicer respirator than you jerkass.

    Thirteen is my friend: I - Anil Dash 2001

  • Kobato is stupid than naive and Fujimoto is a jerkass more than ever.

    Anime Nano! 2010

  • She's aided and abetted by a great supporting cast, including her camera and cosplay obsessed best friend Tomoyo (who's the subject of a few self aware stalker jokes as the series goes on), rival and jerkass tsundere with a heart of gold Syoaran Li (done much better than the clichéd role suggests), overprotective big brother Toya and hopeless crush Yukito.

    Japanator Japanator Staff 2010

  • This is probably the only situation that being a pettanko is a good thing, disguising as a male to get back at the jerkass Igarashi.

    Anime Nano! 2010

  • If the Yankees go 85-77 in 2010, will it be because suddenly Mark Teixeira is a jerkass who hits team killing home runs?

    Comments for FanGraphs Baseball Helen Datamphay 2010

  • Matt finds out, of course, and after first giving Betty the "I thought I could trust you" look, eventually realizes he's been sort of a jerkass about this whole thing - Because visibility matters 2009

  • Way to help the cause, jerkass ... and way to lather him up, people.

    Original Signal - Transmitting Digg 2009

  • The first jerkass called her "laura" and he did it again later on.

    G4TV - The Feed 2009


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  • Eggcorn for jackass or a deliberate upgrading thereof?

    August 30, 2021