A list of 86 words by ruzuzu.
- shottenwas added by ruzuzu and appears on 5 lists
- herring under a fur coatwas added by ruzuzu and appears on just this list
- herring-chokerwas added by ruzuzu and appears on 2 lists
- sylewas added by ruzuzu and appears on just this list
- herring-spinkwas added by ruzuzu and appears on 3 lists
- herring-hogwas added by ruzuzu and appears on 3 lists
- harenguswas added by ruzuzu and appears on just this list
- silewas added by ruzuzu and appears on 7 lists
- skipjackwas added by ruzuzu and appears on 20 lists
- Glasgow magistratewas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- bucklingwas added by hernesheir and appears on 8 lists
- mydaleinewas added by ruzuzu and appears on 2 lists
- Ohio herringwas added by kalayzich and appears on 2 lists
- thick as herringswas added by kalayzich and appears on 2 lists
- California herringwas added by kalayzich and appears on 2 lists
- dead as a herringwas added by ruzuzu and appears on 4 lists
- cred herringwas added by gangerh and appears on just this list
- colored herringwas added by fbharjo and appears on just this list
- hard of herringwas added by fbharjo and appears on just this list
- scents of herringwas added by fbharjo and appears on just this list
- confirmation herringwas added by fbharjo and appears on just this list
- fair herringwas added by fbharjo and appears on just this list
- so said upon herringwas added by fbharjo and appears on just this list
- dread herringwas added by fbharjo and appears on just this list
- dead herringwas added by deinonychus and appears on 2 lists
- crake-herringwas added by ruzuzu and appears on just this list
- spratswas added by ruzuzu and appears on 5 lists
- rousingwas added by ruzuzu and appears on 15 lists
- pollanwas added by ruzuzu and appears on 3 lists
- cranwas added by ruzuzu and appears on 7 lists
- gipsey herringwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- hoarsgoukwas added by ruzuzu and appears on 4 lists
- herring drewewas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- droudwas added by ruzuzu and appears on 5 lists
- alewifewas added by fbharjo and appears on 24 lists
- alosewas added by fbharjo and appears on just this list
- mattowaccawas added by fbharjo and appears on 2 lists
- twaitewas added by fbharjo and appears on 4 lists
- clupeoidwas added by fbharjo and appears on 5 lists
- qreen-tailed shadwas added by fbharjo and appears on just this list
- schmaltz herringwas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- surströmmingwas added by hernesheir and appears on 6 lists
- menhadenwas added by fbharjo and appears on 12 lists
- garviewas added by fbharjo and appears on 2 lists
- pookaganwas added by fbharjo and appears on just this list
- unread herringwas added by fbharjo and appears on just this list
- silver of the seawas added by hernesheir and appears on just this list
- blueback herringwas added by ruzuzu and appears on 2 lists
- sawbellywas added by ruzuzu and appears on 2 lists
- kippered herringwas added by ruzuzu and appears on 2 lists
- brittwas added by ruzuzu and appears on 3 lists
- britwas added by ruzuzu and appears on 20 lists
- clupeidwas added by ruzuzu and appears on 6 lists
- herring gullwas added by ruzuzu and appears on 2 lists
- sardinewas added by ruzuzu and appears on 11 lists
- spratwas added by ruzuzu and appears on 18 lists
- sparlingwas added by ruzuzu and appears on 6 lists
- sildwas added by ruzuzu and appears on 5 lists
- round herringwas added by ruzuzu and appears on just this list
- lake herringwas added by ruzuzu and appears on 3 lists
- kipperwas added by ruzuzu and appears on 30 lists
- rollmopswas added by ruzuzu and appears on 8 lists
- salt herringwas added by ruzuzu and appears on just this list
- matjes herringwas added by ruzuzu and appears on just this list
- matjeswas added by ruzuzu and appears on just this list
- maatjesharingwas added by ruzuzu and appears on just this list
- soused herringwas added by ruzuzu and appears on just this list
- two-eyed steakwas added by ruzuzu and appears on just this list
- Pacific herringwas added by ruzuzu and appears on just this list
- Atlantic herringwas added by ruzuzu and appears on 2 lists
- thread-herringwas added by ruzuzu and appears on 2 lists
- smorgasbordwas added by ruzuzu and appears on 62 lists
- blotewas added by ruzuzu and appears on 2 lists
- bloatwas added by ruzuzu and appears on 18 lists
- busswas added by ruzuzu and appears on 32 lists
- herring-bonewas added by ruzuzu and appears on just this list
- herringbonewas added by ruzuzu and appears on 33 lists
- whitebaitwas added by ruzuzu and appears on 9 lists
- herring-pondwas added by ruzuzu and appears on 2 lists
- herring pondwas added by ruzuzu and appears on 2 lists
- herring-fisherywas added by ruzuzu and appears on 2 lists
- herring-busswas added by ruzuzu and appears on 2 lists
- bloaterwas added by ruzuzu and appears on 9 lists
- red herringwas added by ruzuzu and appears on 36 lists
- pickled herringwas added by ruzuzu and appears on 4 lists
- herringwas added by ruzuzu and appears on 26 lists
bilby commented on the list herring
What's this list about?
April 26, 2011
ruzuzu commented on the list herring
I dunno... I just woke up this morning and thought, "Herring. Yes. Today's the day I'll make a list about herring."
April 26, 2011
bilby commented on the list herring
April 26, 2011
PossibleUnderscore commented on the list herring
Spontaneity of life.
How about
It pretty much sums up what I see in this list. No red-herrings about that. Sorry about the language though.
; )
April 26, 2011
ruzuzu commented on the list herring
Thank you, Possible. Do we really live in a world where making a list about herring causes the lister's motives to be questioned? Bilby, why do you hate freedom?
April 26, 2011
bilby commented on the list herring
Oh, sorry. I'm just a bit hard of herring.
April 26, 2011
ruzuzu commented on the list herring
April 26, 2011
reesetee commented on the list herring
Heehee! Saw that setup coming, but I still didn't figure it out. :-)
April 26, 2011
Prolagus commented on the list herring
I thought this was a list of words whose definition contains the word "herring".
April 26, 2011
ruzuzu commented on the list herring
Maybe that's what you're meant to think.
April 26, 2011
PossibleUnderscore commented on the list herring
Hey! Did Vanderpink's secrecy rub off on you?
Edit: Not that I'm blaming you of course, with the backdrop of 'Identify the Wordienik'.
April 26, 2011
ruzuzu commented on the list herring
Well, I think Vanderpink did make me a job offer--I'd bet a red herring list could be a good addition to my c.v. (not that I'd ever take her up on that offer).
*cough, cough*
*begins to wonder whether Vanderpink offers decent health insurance*
April 27, 2011
deinonychus commented on the list herring
In this blog post about bioluminescence, they quote The Rings of Saturn by W.G. Sebald:
"An idiosyncrasy peculiar to the herring is that, when dead, it begins to glow; this property, which resembles phosphorescence and is yet altogether different, peaks a few days after death and then ebbs away as the fish decays. For a long time no one could account for this glowing of the lifeless herring, and indeed I believe that it still remains unexplained. Around 1870, when projects for the total illumination of our cities were everywhere afoot, two English scientists with the apt names of Herrington and Lightbown investigated the unusual phenomenon in the hope that the luminous substance exuded by dead herrings would lead to a formula for an organic source of light that had the capacity to regenerate itself. The failure of this eccentric undertaking, as I read some time ago in a history of artificial light, constituted no more than a negligible setback in the relentless conquest of darkness."
I have a feeling that the dead herring is somehow related to the (more famous) red herring.
September 26, 2012
fbharjo commented on the list herring
and then there's dread herring..... a clue too smelly to follow!.... that my two scents (shiny pennies-coppertop) worth?
September 27, 2012
deinonychus commented on the list herring
Or maybe a LED herring (glowing stonger than the dead herring)?
September 27, 2012
kalayzich commented on the list herring
1891 N. Gould Double Event 117 (Farmer) People jammed inside like herrings in a barrel.
October 19, 2012
hernesheir commented on the list herring
added buckling.
February 11, 2013
hernesheir commented on the list herring
Glasgow magistrate: A herring, after the practice of sending specimen herrings to the Baillie of Glasgow. - Hyamson's "Dictionionary of English Phrases".
August 21, 2014