
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • preposition Not including; without.
  • preposition Free of any transport or handling charges incurred before removal from a given location.
  • preposition From, but not having graduated with, the class of.
  • noun The letter x.
  • transitive verb To delete or cross out.
  • noun A former spouse or partner.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun The name of the Latin script letter X/x.
  • noun colloquial An ex-husband, ex-wife or ex-partner.
  • verb To delete; to cross out


from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition

[Latin; see eghs in Indo-European roots.]

from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition

[From ex–.]


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  • Eriugena returns in Book Three to give a very complex discussion of the meaning of ˜ex nihilo™ in the concept of creatio ex nihilo, which makes use of some of these modes of being and non-being, and, in general, these modes should be borne in mind when interpreting Eriugena's more overt metaphysical statements.

    John Scottus Eriugena Moran, Dermot 2004

  • _Heinsius 'ex libris antiquis'_ hitanisque _B_ hyranisque _C ut uid, M ut uid_ hytanusque _F_ hytanesque _T_ hitaneusque _ex_ hitanque _I_ hythausque _H_ iponesque _L_ | | Calesque _I.

    The Last Poems of Ovid 43 BC-18? Ovid

  • Supper does not confer _grace ex opere operato_, and that, when applied on behalf of others, alive or dead, it does not merit for them _ex opere operato_ the remission of sins, of guilt or of punishment.

    Apology of the Augsburg Confession Philipp Melanchthon 1528

  • Heat ex - The energy and work capability of the ex­ changers must be used when capturing heat from haust can be recovered to produce steam.

    Recently Uploaded Slideshows 2009

  • MsgService. streamMessage (uri, MsgStream, msgWindow, null, false, null); catch (ex) alert ( "message:" +ex. message);

    unknown title 2009

  • A­t­t­ra­ct­io­n­ - If­ yo­­u kno­­w­ yo­­ur ex bo­­yf­riend is st­ill a­t­t­ra­ct­ed t­o­­ yo­­u, t­h­en yo­­u h­a­ve a­ go­­o­­d ch­a­nce o­­f­ get­t­ing yo­ur ex­ bo­yf­riend bac­k­.

    xml's 2008

  • Ipfum vero, cujus fragmenta exhibeo, Ire - naeum eandem dilexiffe allegoricam S« Scripmrae ex* ponendae rationem, ex editis ipfius hbris quo major authentiae ineditorum noftrorum fragmentorum ha* beatur fides, paucis exponendum mihi erit.

    Fragmenta patrum Graecorum Friedrich Münter 1788

  • But exclufive of this event, the alarmingnefs of which the French have endeavoured in vain to ex* tenuate, ftrong indications foon appeared in a vari - ety of inftances, how incredibly fhort of their ex - pectations thofe benefits would prove, which they were fo fanguine in promifing themfelves upon the emancipation of the Britifh Colonies from their dc» pendcnce on the parent ftate.

    History of the war with America, France, Spain, and Holland : commencing in 1775 and ending in 1783 1785

  • Pefiimi eft ex - cmpli, prsefertim in viris ad aliquam dignitatem cvedtis, quos infetioris fortis homines nimis facile imitantur; quo modo fit ut non folum ipil pec - ccnt, fcd etiam alios ad peccandum adducant ex« emplo, quo nihil eft apud hominum vulgus effi - cacius; quia multo magis id quod faciunt ii, quos fummo honore profequuntur, quam quod dicunt, adtendant.

    De veritate religionis christianæ Hugo Grotius, Jean Le Clerc, 1657-1736 1772

  • "Cappas Romanas duas, unam videlicet ex rubeo cindato, et fimbriis viridibus in circuitu ornatam; alteram _ex cane

    Notes and Queries, Number 21, March 23, 1850 Various


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  • exercise

    January 19, 2008