Comments by amoore5272

  • Mr. Rochester to Jane:

    Yes--just one of your tricks: not to send for a carriage, and come clattering over the street and road like a common mortal, but to steal into the vicinage of your home along with twilight just as if you were a dream or a shade.

    - Bronte, Jane Eyre, Chapter 22

    October 28, 2009

  • Then I thought of Eliza and Georgiana: I beheld one the cynosure of the ball-room, the other the inmate of a convent cell; and I dwelt on and analyzed their separate peculiarities of person and character.

    - Bronte, Jane Eyre, Chapter 22

    October 28, 2009

  • John gambles dreadfully and always loses--poor boy! He is beset by sharpers...

    - Bronte, Jane Eyre, Chapter 21

    October 28, 2009

  • In the drawing room (not the kitchen or dining room), "The matrons, meantime, offered vinaigrettes and wielded fans; and again and again reiterated the expression of their concern that their warning had not been taken in time..." Jane Eyre, chapter 18

    October 28, 2009

  • Expelled for failing examinations. Found in Jane Eyre Chapter 10 in reference to John Reed.

    October 21, 2009

  • Used in the north of England for a meadow or low ground beside a river.

    October 20, 2009

  • Spelling in THE AWAKENING. Also pompano, a deep-bodied food fish.

    October 2, 2009

  • "Here is the unadulterated ale of father Adam--better than Cognac, Hollands, Jamaica, strong beer, or wine of any price; here it is, by the hogshead or the single glass, and not a cent to pay!" from "A Rill From the Town Pump" by Nathaniel Hawthorne

    September 23, 2009