jay.dugger has adopted no words, looked up 0 words, created 6 lists, listed 156 words, written 15 comments, added 0 tags, and loved 1 word.
jay.dugger has adopted no words, looked up 0 words, created 6 lists, listed 156 words, written 15 comments, added 0 tags, and loved 1 word.
Comments by jay.dugger
jay.dugger commented on the word fremitus
an angry murmur
April 4, 2008
jay.dugger commented on the word tonitruous
April 4, 2008
jay.dugger commented on the word flavid
April 4, 2008
jay.dugger commented on the word choate
April 4, 2008
jay.dugger commented on the word choate
April 4, 2008
jay.dugger commented on the word referent
I remember and understand this definition as referent is to referrer as signified is to signifier. Do I have it right? Do I miss an important point?
January 7, 2008
jay.dugger commented on the word chuffed
I like "egoboo" better, though the words only overlap at their definitions' edges.
November 28, 2007
jay.dugger commented on the word heresthetic
November 3, 2007
jay.dugger commented on the word stercoraceous
November 1, 2007
jay.dugger commented on the word technoporn
I first saw the word "technoporn" in Greg Egan's novel Distress. The protagonist used it as a pejorative and insult to his kidnappers. I use it in the context of pornography. Anything that glamorizes technology without merit, esp. in a prurient manner, counts as technoporn.
The best examples of technoporn appear on American television channels such as the Discovery Channel, in particular, the shows involving current or potential military hardware. If you don't work in the defense industry or military, then watching such video counts as indulging in technoporn.
July 12, 2007
jay.dugger commented on the word heterotopia
I wouldn't have guessed this word meant tissue out of place.
July 9, 2007
jay.dugger commented on the word tarradiddle
# fib: a trivial lie; "he told a fib about eating his spinach"; "how can I stop my child from telling stories?"
# baloney: pretentious or silly talk or writing
June 15, 2007
jay.dugger commented on the word analemma
Analemma names the figure-eight shaped trace of the sun at a given time over the course of a solar year. You can see an example here.
May 10, 2007
jay.dugger commented on the word espieglerie
the quality or state of being roguish or frolicsome
A friend of mine dated a fellow who used this adjective in his Yahoo! profile.--Sunday, 8 April 2007
April 8, 2007
jay.dugger commented on the word levee
This word has an archaic and obsolete definition. It names a procession of visitors received upon waking from sleep but before arising from bed.
February 18, 2007