A list of 80 words by tusseymountain.
- wakawas added by tusseymountain and appears on 9 lists
- puhawas added by tusseymountain and appears on 4 lists
- mishegosswas added by tusseymountain and appears on 19 lists
- brekekekexingwas added by tusseymountain and appears on 2 lists
- bête noirewas added by tusseymountain and appears on 45 lists
- schlosswas added by tusseymountain and appears on 5 lists
- gymnopédiewas added by tusseymountain and appears on 3 lists
- naebodywas added by tusseymountain and appears on just this list
- hazelrawwas added by tusseymountain and appears on 3 lists
- scherzowas added by tusseymountain and appears on 24 lists
- néewas added by tusseymountain and appears on 10 lists
- paysagewas added by tusseymountain and appears on 3 lists
- décolletagewas added by tusseymountain and appears on 33 lists
- volkischwas added by tusseymountain and appears on 3 lists
- tutoyerwas added by tusseymountain and appears on 8 lists
- tianwas added by tusseymountain and appears on 3 lists
- fermatawas added by tusseymountain and appears on 28 lists
- diminuendowas added by tusseymountain and appears on 27 lists
- con briowas added by tusseymountain and appears on 3 lists
- lentowas added by tusseymountain and appears on 20 lists
- non troppowas added by tusseymountain and appears on 2 lists
- smorzandowas added by tusseymountain and appears on 7 lists
- scherzandowas added by tusseymountain and appears on 7 lists
- zaftigwas added by tusseymountain and appears on 123 lists
- scheißewas added by tusseymountain and appears on 8 lists
- de jurewas added by tusseymountain and appears on 29 lists
- duendewas added by tusseymountain and appears on 63 lists
- timpulawas added by tusseymountain and appears on 2 lists
- wakanwas added by tusseymountain and appears on just this list
- wakandawas added by tusseymountain and appears on 4 lists
- orendawas added by tusseymountain and appears on 9 lists
- koanwas added by tusseymountain and appears on 55 lists
- muezzinwas added by tusseymountain and appears on 23 lists
- reddwas added by tusseymountain and appears on 9 lists
- eejitwas added by tusseymountain and appears on 19 lists
- tzitzitwas added by tusseymountain and appears on 10 lists
- aperçuwas added by tusseymountain and appears on 57 lists
- vigorishwas added by tusseymountain and appears on 20 lists
- toquewas added by tusseymountain and appears on 44 lists
- lusus naturaewas added by tusseymountain and appears on 14 lists
- lustrumwas added by tusseymountain and appears on 31 lists
- lorgnonwas added by tusseymountain and appears on 5 lists
- lorgnettewas added by tusseymountain and appears on 41 lists
- umamiwas added by tusseymountain and appears on 43 lists
- kislevwas added by tusseymountain and appears on just this list
- tammuzwas added by tusseymountain and appears on 2 lists
- in situwas added by tusseymountain and appears on 21 lists
- mots justeswas added by tusseymountain and appears on just this list
- mot justewas added by tusseymountain and appears on 50 lists
- kotowwas added by tusseymountain and appears on 3 lists
- kowtowwas added by tusseymountain and appears on 83 lists
- oolongwas added by tusseymountain and appears on 34 lists
- zitzewas added by tusseymountain and appears on just this list
- pelotonwas added by tusseymountain and appears on 28 lists
- dossardwas added by tusseymountain and appears on just this list
- côtewas added by tusseymountain and appears on just this list
- breakawaywas added by tusseymountain and appears on 10 lists
- maillot blancwas added by tusseymountain and appears on just this list
- maillot a poiswas added by tusseymountain and appears on 2 lists
- maillot vertwas added by tusseymountain and appears on just this list
- musettewas added by tusseymountain and appears on 14 lists
- col du galibierwas added by tusseymountain and appears on just this list
- domestiquewas added by tusseymountain and appears on 9 lists
- soigneurwas added by tusseymountain and appears on 5 lists
- maillot jaunewas added by tusseymountain and appears on 2 lists
- champs-Élyséeswas added by tusseymountain and appears on just this list
- mont ventouxwas added by tusseymountain and appears on just this list
- col du tourmaletwas added by tusseymountain and appears on just this list
- alpe d'huezwas added by tusseymountain and appears on just this list
- darjeelingwas added by tusseymountain and appears on 18 lists
- congouwas added by tusseymountain and appears on 2 lists
- solidarnośćwas added by tusseymountain and appears on just this list
- weemoedwas added by tusseymountain and appears on 2 lists
- fuwas added by tusseymountain and appears on 9 lists
- waglulawas added by tusseymountain and appears on just this list
- athabaskanwas added by tusseymountain and appears on just this list
- potawatomiwas added by tusseymountain and appears on 3 lists
- mskodawas added by tusseymountain and appears on just this list
- pespeyasonwas added by tusseymountain and appears on just this list
- kagakshiwas added by tusseymountain and appears on just this list
tusseymountain commented on the list native-tongue
Potawatomi for crow according to: http://www.kansasheritage.org/pbp/books/dicto/dicto_nf.html
June 24, 2009
seanahan commented on the list native-tongue
Which word are you referring to?
You probably want to add that comment to the comment section for the specific word, not this list.
June 25, 2009
tusseymountain commented on the list native-tongue
Oops. Yes, that comment is in reference to kagakshi.
June 28, 2009
ruzuzu commented on the list native-tongue
I came to this list for the timpula, but I *favorited* it because of potawatomi (as a nebraksan, I'm always hearing the Omaha stations talk about storms in Pottawattamie County, Iowa).
May 13, 2013