madmouth has adopted no words, looked up 0 words, created 191 lists, listed 9562 words, written 3539 comments, added 0 tags, and loved 402 words.
Comments for madmouth
Happy 2022, Madmouth! I have adopted your list 'Bits and Pieces' as a beloved favorite, and found a good bit of poetry in it. Not sure I need to ask, but I'm thinking of submitting a few for publication, so I thought I'd ask your blessing, or give you a heads-up, or whatever, just the same.
I'd also be delighted if you'd add 'tarted up ethnopoetics' to that list.
Hi! I was just suggesting that in the meantime we could congregate over on community. What do you think? (502 Bad Gateway would be funny, too.)
Thank you! Or should I say gracias from Bogota. Somehow I always pictured you with a duck balanced on your head.
Haha I like my hotmadums with mango relish.
Aha! I was just a bit ahead of my time. Thank's for pointing this out, I had completely forgotten about traumatic insemination and was surprised to see it mentioned on my profile...
You're fun.
I think of you as the lead in this:
Pleased to introduce you to Futility Closet. A ton of interesting stuff there that I imagine you're discovering on your own. Cheerio!
I have been acquired by a reasonably tame possum who will come down and eat apple cores, banana peels and other tastykins if I leave them out on the deck before nightfall. Should I ask him if he eats blackberry trifle?
I back now. In time for blackberry season - will likely be wording about trifle before long
What's new in the marsupial world?
Been missing you and your expansive sandwormery!
For two days now, the phrase HOOBA PORKRIND! has been going through my head.
I'm probably unofficial leader of the HP fan club. I even made a pilgrimage to his home town where I managed to get my hands on a history of Bairnsdale that is just breathtaking.
I'll accept the compliment if you'll point me to the Blushing Room!
HOT DOG. second to the OED, you're my favourite thing about the internet, bilby
You might like the stories of Hal Porter.
I was just wondering about that the other day. I work downtown so I can drink coffee, eat sushi, and all manner of other things pretty much whenever I want. My email's on my librarything profile.
I've added a link to your fine Reduples list in the description of my list of Scots reduplicative words.
Tickling suists is one of my favorite ways to pass the time.
You rock.
hot dog!
"mad mouth has added 88 lists containing 5,464 words, 2,788 comments, 513 tags, 331 favorites, and 18 pronunciations."
My mom was Latvian, but I grew up on the prairie in the middle of the U.S.
Your pronunciations are fantastic!
thx for contributing to the 'gods' list! :D
Thanks madz!
Thanks! You fought the good fight :-7
Hi Madz. Are there negative connotations associated with 현미 hyeonmi in Korea?
You are not imagining the word, because I too have a pair of lines in my head, something like:
"he's got no feloorum,
he's lost his dingdoorum"
But I have no idea how the words in question might actually be spelled.
You're back! *somerflipouettes in joy*
ooo your lists are excellent!
me likey.. :)
Oh, I was only in metaphorical stitches about something you wrote. Still, I made a full recovery :-)
How's yer mouf?
I'll try to, but I'm not sure of some of them - I found a few in lyrics to dancehall songs.
a silver filđan
or two, perchance to abide
this company, shine
madmouth are a:
Congratulations on reaching 1000 comments! And in such a short time! Your contributions are much appreciated and enjoyed.
madmouth, what frogapplause said!
It's birds and bees (and begonias), rather than the facts of life, if that's what you're wondering. But remember, pretty-pretty words only! I'm sure you have a bazillion.
Would you call an inhabitant of jeju a jejune?
I take it you're not in Vancouver just now, which is a shame because it's a stupendously beautiful morning! the kind that makes your earlobes tingle and your voice box quiver in a joyous contralto.
Madmouth: I'm enjoying your comments and word lists a lot!
I'd love to see more SCBM (BSCM/CSBM/CBSM?) words on Wordie (like mrš!). It's a language I'm picking up in bits and pieces, partly because it occasionally crops up in Slovene texts (often in the form of swear words, which Slovenes claim all derive from army Serbian).
Thanks for the additions to and citations on Yiddishkeit, they're great. Much appreciated!
To madmouth: Fate is like that.
To C_B and Pro: I suppose my passions for Baltimoriana and Ljubljaniana (and more generally Sloveniana) can seem confusing.
I know for sure that he (he?) mentioned it in two recent conversations, one about Baltimore and one about Forvo.
Why did I think you were a Slovenian living in America? *time for bed*
No, I'm an American, but I live in Slovenia. Welcome to Wordie!
Are you Croatian, madmouth?
Comments by madmouth
madmouth commented on the word absolute shit tip
Redditor describing someplace called Slade Green
September 6, 2024
madmouth commented on the word dastardice
I can see it already
Utter Dastardice: A Memoir
June 21, 2024
madmouth commented on the word horn stalkball
it needs a 'y' somewhere
June 21, 2024
madmouth commented on the word yachtsmanship
March 23, 2024
madmouth commented on the word Nowhere Else
I thought there might be an Else somewhere but Google hath brought me up short
November 25, 2023
madmouth commented on the word bisasual
cf. bleisure wear
March 15, 2023
madmouth commented on the word the mad & the plaid
I'm not talking about Scots and I'm not not talking about Scots
March 15, 2023
madmouth commented on the word Osyth
a.k.a. Osgyth, Sythe, Othith, and Ositha
May 31, 2022
madmouth commented on the word tithe pig
this term gives me so many feels
April 28, 2021
madmouth commented on the word փ
also cf. ㅍ called "piup"; two candidates so far for glyphs whose naming gives one a kissy face
March 8, 2021
madmouth commented on the word փ
a strikethrough that fell over :D
March 8, 2021
madmouth commented on the word Berger
patron saint of really deep thoughts
March 8, 2021
madmouth commented on the word Flambeaux
patron saint of Christmas crimes
March 8, 2021
madmouth commented on the word Moss
patron saint of the male gaze
March 7, 2021
madmouth commented on the word Nigella
patron saint of well-bred dipsomania
March 7, 2021
madmouth commented on the word Barks
patron saint of cultural appropriation that really means something to people
March 7, 2021
madmouth commented on the word Brewer
patron saint of frivolous lists
March 7, 2021
madmouth commented on the word Alice
patron saint of psychedelic fearlessness
March 7, 2021
madmouth commented on the word Marple
patron saint of accusatory intuitions
March 7, 2021
madmouth commented on the word Badu
patron saint of vibes
March 7, 2021
madmouth commented on the word palladobismutharsenide
'I met a traveller from an antique land,
palladobismutharsenide in hand'
February 26, 2021
madmouth commented on the word alitanym
I hereby proclaim the past tense of knit and knight to be the same! That is, knit, e.g. "Bilby knit me just before Vday"
February 26, 2021
madmouth commented on the word alitanym
now that the slot is free, can I knight myself the knight of consonants?
February 13, 2021
madmouth commented on the list vancouver-was-a-dude-rtkyxXYoEL
it's fun if you drive by and say "_____ was a dude" every time
February 5, 2021
madmouth commented on the word why not eh
repping Canadian apathy
January 9, 2021
madmouth commented on the word botchpotch
embrangulated, even
December 17, 2020
madmouth commented on the word blendmere
rhymes with Fendmuir
December 15, 2020
madmouth commented on the word Malice "Flex" Aforethought
the many names of Chub Chub...
December 15, 2020
madmouth commented on the word Repudgeblican
he is steel alive
November 30, 2020
madmouth commented on the word covid
there's like, nothing mankind can't denial about it's our species superpower
November 20, 2020
madmouth commented on the word a fulsome Germanic strain of throat-terrorism
talking smack about accents c/o Breyten Breytenbach
November 13, 2020
madmouth commented on the word milkette
let's make creamy thimble the synonym
November 13, 2020
madmouth commented on the word Sparsington
How to excoriate a piece of fried chicken with ill-distributed seasoning, as seen on The Pengest Munch
March 9, 2019
madmouth commented on the word apoplexy
Oughn't there be a list with obsolete medical terms? Halp
November 24, 2018
madmouth commented on the word pandowdy
Good one and yeehaw live in the Platonic cousinhood near each other, prosewise
November 23, 2018
madmouth commented on the word metempsychotic fit
Upload me into an ibex dearie
November 23, 2018
madmouth commented on the word subtropical privilege
ie. Summer til November practically
September 3, 2018
madmouth commented on the word all new flora
TMI/FoH* warning!
Three days of kimchi and whatever goes with that, and my insides are rearranged for optimal vigour. Drink schmink - to shit like a Korean is the real bonanza.
*Faint of Heart
September 3, 2018
madmouth commented on the word ethnopoetics
I want "tarted up ethnopoetics" on my epitaph. *on record* writing pop songs in 7/8 time
August 29, 2018
madmouth commented on the word butt dial
August 27, 2018
madmouth commented on the word procuress
And suggests the cognate procuratrix
August 13, 2018
madmouth commented on the word Slough of Despond
Indeed, where else would one put despond
August 13, 2018
madmouth commented on the word smifligate
Never will I nor wish to conceive of this not rhyming with profligate
ruddy smifligate
Smifligate McGee over there
August 13, 2018
madmouth commented on the word Ascolia
This really gives the dangers of hockey something to aspire to
August 13, 2018
madmouth commented on the word skig
wee skig and skiglet really push the smallness envelope dunnit
August 13, 2018
madmouth commented on the word faq
By Jove, it works! Remercies sans fin~
August 13, 2018
madmouth commented on the word faq
Is anyone else getting an error message when trying to make a new list? This happened on two different devices for me
August 8, 2018
madmouth commented on the word dadiah
cf. makkolli or 막걸리. It isn't dairy but the google image results are remarkably similar
August 1, 2018
madmouth commented on the word grasshopper escapement
New Sailormoon attack!
August 1, 2018
madmouth commented on the word tanuki
As for scrotal endowments, it was tucked that day
July 19, 2018
madmouth commented on the word tanuki
True facts I have met a tanuki tho in Korean it's called nŏguri. It emerged golden and obviously supernatural from the brush at the mountain top only to have my sister yell, don't FEED IT it's DIRTY T-T
July 19, 2018
madmouth commented on the word fricandeau
See, *I* heard you'd slight a loaf at the slightest provocation
July 19, 2018
madmouth commented on the word cunctatory
I dig this change in meter. Makes one pause to Think
June 9, 2018
madmouth commented on the word floxinoxinihilipilification
As One Does
June 9, 2018
madmouth commented on the word the only way to dally
ie. with fripperies
June 3, 2018
madmouth commented on the user billpaymart
I don't want context and I don't need context for this greatness
June 3, 2018
madmouth commented on the word jawing
A tradesman.
June 3, 2018
madmouth commented on the word barfly
Bwahahahahaaa this one is my favorite
May 31, 2018
madmouth commented on the word adamantane
Cf. kikiriki
May 26, 2018
madmouth commented on the word eft
Smooth Newts of Oxbridge
May 17, 2018
madmouth commented on the word procrastibaking
Wesley Straton is such a fictional-sounding name
May 17, 2018
madmouth commented on the word womansplaining
Like irony but when it irons itself
May 16, 2018
madmouth commented on the word dust
Thus stirred my 90s heart
May 15, 2018
madmouth commented on the word scrumpy
Duly brack't
May 15, 2018
madmouth commented on the word Adanac
Hahahahahahhaaaa I never noticed!!
May 15, 2018
madmouth commented on the word bossage
"Stack shrewdly one's sausage" has a Shakespearean declarativeness
Stack your sausage to the stacking place
May 15, 2018
madmouth commented on the word dust
Cue Gil Scott Heron's "Angel Dust"
May 14, 2018
madmouth commented on the word scrumpy
Viv Stanshall, proto-Wordie und playboy, was fond of this phrase and whereof it signifies both
May 13, 2018
madmouth commented on the word lean in
It's a neoliberal feminist ideology suggesting that women just need to be more ***proactive*** to get dem promotions @.@
May 13, 2018
madmouth commented on the word queeple
I'm adding this to Fictional Sex Toys try and stop me
May 13, 2018
madmouth commented on the word mangú
This one looks magnificently refriable
May 9, 2018
madmouth commented on the word usurps the prerogative of her husband
I found him by destiny alone, glittering meaningfully from a thrift shop shelf with the special light I've come to recognize as Books Madmouth Is Meant To Read
May 8, 2018
madmouth commented on the word catamite
Burroughs' memoirs with a vengeance
May 8, 2018
madmouth commented on the word usurps the prerogative of her husband
This is the entire contents of my future prenup
May 3, 2018
madmouth commented on the word baha'i
How about passive-aggressively rhyming it with hawai'i?
April 11, 2018
madmouth commented on the word suction bucket jacket foundation
cf. diagnosis-related group pricing system, as seen in a book of discussion topics
April 11, 2018
madmouth commented on the word above par
Capital! Capital!
April 9, 2018
madmouth commented on the word above par
My life is always entertaining but it could reach religious proportions if Bertie narrated it. Speshly as one is so often above par
April 2, 2018
madmouth commented on the word above par
I want all of my everythings converted to the Per Bertie Wooster version
April 2, 2018
madmouth commented on the word thraward
Remember when every 18th century poem had a hooker named Celia?
March 17, 2018
madmouth commented on the word corvette
*screencaps at once*
March 17, 2018
madmouth commented on the word corvette
This slashifies the lyrics of Little Red Corvette for me rather
March 17, 2018
madmouth commented on the word octalthorpe
March 13, 2018
madmouth commented on the word octalthorpe
Omg there are two separate thorpe universes. Could the Vikings have even dreamed
March 13, 2018
madmouth commented on the word pishogue
The latent thought arises - is that what pish is short for? Capital!
March 13, 2018
madmouth commented on the word intertwined names
Cf. Korean naming tradition, which is highly formalized (to the extent that almost everybody's given name is precisely 2 syllables), siblings often share a syllable, either the first or the second. E.g. sister 지현(Ji Hyun) and brother 지원(Ji Won), or two sisters named 민주(Min Ju) and 영주(Yŏng Ju).
March 13, 2018
madmouth commented on the word Ugthorpe
I went ahead and thorped it
March 11, 2018
madmouth commented on the word Middlethorpe
Also two of these, natch
March 9, 2018
madmouth commented on the word Gawthorpe
There are two of them!!
March 9, 2018
madmouth commented on the word Ugthorpe
cf. Scunthorpe
Is a list of -thorpes due?? What are all the -thorpes?
March 9, 2018
madmouth commented on the word mates rates
cf. horhaj
March 9, 2018
madmouth commented on the word bog-shoeing
It's well known bog-laden areas are more conducive to shamanic energy bring a stave with your bogshoes boys
February 20, 2018
madmouth commented on the list our-potential-autobiographies
Wordie Olympics alert!
February 11, 2018
madmouth commented on the list potential-names-for-my-autobiography
CAN WE do an open list as well and get all the wordies' imagined self??
February 11, 2018
madmouth commented on the word The Land of the Morning Calm
and indeed, finding breakfast here is not easy
February 11, 2018
madmouth commented on the word garderobe
cf. garderoba meaning 'one's clothing' in SBC
February 11, 2018
madmouth commented on the user vendingmachine
Your list of lists is peauetrie
February 2, 2018
madmouth commented on the word coffin-ripe
You magnificent sod
February 2, 2018
madmouth commented on the word deadname
The name a trans person had prior to transition, not to be used post-
February 2, 2018
madmouth commented on the word g2g
cf. s2g
January 29, 2018
madmouth commented on the word kos
So succinct! Like kiff
January 27, 2018
madmouth commented on the word harbouration
cf. hateration and holleration
January 27, 2018
madmouth commented on the word 대시한 여자
"Woman who asks a man out", a marked category in 2018 y'all
January 25, 2018
madmouth commented on the word 방귀 유발자
Lit. fart inducer (the person, not the substance)
January 25, 2018
madmouth commented on the word swipe right
cf Tindering and Tinderization
January 25, 2018
madmouth commented on the word 우유
re: etymology, it's more like petrol and milk are both types of oil.....
the one legged one is the cow
January 25, 2018
madmouth commented on the word friskins
There's something fundamentally English abt ccvccvcc I feel, cementing it into the syllable freakiness hall of fame
December 30, 2017
madmouth commented on the word Leunbach's paste
Well done, Leunbach
June 11, 2017
madmouth commented on the word Planet B
May 24, 2017
madmouth commented on the word versing
In the context of classroom pidgin, my wee students routinely used "versus" as a verb. Is the takeaway that the youf just love verbs more than other people?
May 24, 2017
madmouth commented on the word Terminal City
I prefer majestic shithole don't even argue
November 8, 2016
madmouth commented on the user bilby
Bilby o bilby,
Didst thou die on latinx hill?
November 3, 2016
madmouth commented on the word potgut
Snatched,thank you!
November 3, 2016
madmouth commented on the user Hyun
한국분 이예요?
September 28, 2016
madmouth commented on the word harupsex
I know haruspex is difficult to spell, but this seems like a licentiously intentional typo
September 26, 2016
madmouth commented on the word Kwisatz Haterade
September 26, 2016
madmouth commented on the word binchie
cf. Binch, a delicious mass-produced Korean cookie
September 20, 2016
madmouth commented on the word lazeative
verily, bland portmanteaux are the whimper to the 21st century's end
September 20, 2016
madmouth commented on the word Cantopop
warning: liable to appear at the end of even the grittiest thrillers.
September 20, 2016
madmouth commented on the word the rabbi's cat on a hot tin roof
yeah m8 I'm having the rabbi's cat on a hot tin roof tonight best be there
September 12, 2016
madmouth commented on the word the rabbi's cat on a hot tin roof
we should just say this instead of 'party'
September 12, 2016
madmouth commented on the word cosmogonist
the universe...has a rash
September 12, 2016
madmouth commented on the word skitter
cf. skitters. whose wiktionary def is not, to my knowledge, the most >ahem< colloquial usage
September 2, 2016
madmouth commented on the list words-to-remember--15
September 2, 2016
madmouth commented on the list words-to-remember--15
milady, why have you been thinking about synthetic ox gall lately?
September 2, 2016
madmouth commented on the word lezpocalypse
I don't know what it's meant to mean but if it means what it means to me then I feel about it the way Bill Burroughs felt about going to space eventually
September 1, 2016
madmouth commented on the word bruchus scimitar gunslinger
this is my Platonic ideal of nom de porn
September 1, 2016
madmouth commented on the user juhaish
you have to go to the page of a word any word, then scroll down to the right-hand column "Add ____ to your lists"; at the bottom is the "new list" option.
September 1, 2016
madmouth commented on the word latinx
"meaningful, plausible, useful, novel, even aesthetic", just not to that guy on the internet, is still conceivably meaningful, plausible, useful, novel, even aesthetic, n'est-ce pas? Any further novelty umbrage is gonna turn into a fairy tale and its name is Tricycle Magnum Superhighway, the Salty Cracker.
August 31, 2016
madmouth commented on the word latinx
"daddy, it's well past midnight"
"I can't sleep! someone on the internet is wrong!"
August 30, 2016
madmouth commented on the word latinx
yes, but hold the Branagh. he's clearly not been held enough as a child
August 29, 2016
madmouth commented on the word latinx
as for actx, I want it verbed so we can revive the shakespearean ask/axe debate
August 29, 2016
madmouth commented on the word latinx
vestigiality of these categories in English notwithstanding, 'latina' and 'latino' are specifically gendered borrowings. a list of gendered borrowings into English, indeed, would have quite a bit of fodder. its grammar import function is pretty good aye
August 29, 2016
madmouth commented on the word latinx
I don't especially see how suffix modification undoes euro-colonial legacy while the whole whopping "Latin" remains in there, but I may just be a pedantrix here.
August 28, 2016
madmouth commented on the word latinx
Like fun is English gender neutral! Are we forgetting the -trices?!
August 28, 2016
madmouth commented on the word AUSCANZUKUS
I keep reading this as 'auzancuckoos'
aus & couscous? bilby?
August 26, 2016
madmouth commented on the word erumpent
can I instead be queen of harts? more artemisiacal
August 26, 2016
madmouth commented on the word erumpent
this is one for the queen of hearts' lost sylloquary
August 26, 2016
madmouth commented on the word asp of jerusalem
another name for woad, they say
August 26, 2016
madmouth commented on the word I don't need someone who isn't willing to eat a doctor whole
and that, my friend, is what we call - physics
August 24, 2016
madmouth commented on the word whitewashing
it may be an irresoluble regional frequency dispute; I've in my (granted, short) life never heard your sampled usage, for instance. note to self: bone up on sports jargon
re: ScarJo - read here
August 4, 2016
madmouth commented on the word whitewashing
also - greenwashing (BP logo anyone??), pinkwashing (breast cancer support themed snacks)
August 3, 2016
madmouth commented on the word whitewashing
but there's precedent! e.g. 'whitewashed', as in a POC who's held to have excessively assimilated to whiteness (in my context people apply such terms to themselves), is a fairly established contemporary usage, older than the current debate about ScarJo doing martial arts etc
August 3, 2016
madmouth commented on the word quousque
THIS is the direct consequence of your punning
August 1, 2016
madmouth commented on the word fell to thinking, as was his wont
-an unidentified Daniil Kharms translator with sssstyle
July 25, 2016
madmouth commented on the word furvert
I was unable to google image a scornful chicken emoji to express my feelings toward your joke, HELAS
July 25, 2016
madmouth commented on the word Squamptonian
a.k.a. Squamp Thing
July 22, 2016
madmouth commented on the list qistorm
what *cough* are the...evens?
July 21, 2016
madmouth commented on the word don't count
dewd. you blew my mind
July 21, 2016
madmouth commented on the list qistorm
2 years already! I'm gonna fly back in Oct but that's plenty of time for more amaze-y-ments
July 21, 2016
madmouth commented on the word hashtag fucklife
it's a noun not a phrase, important! a trochee
July 21, 2016
madmouth commented on the word don't count apparently a better way to learn complicated shamanic rhythms on the janggu than 'but is that a 5 or a 7?' rolling constantly through one's head
secretly its a juiced up 6 most of the time. I COUNTED
July 21, 2016
madmouth commented on the word Christmassy
This is my favorite word today. What's the word for the distinct sensation of having a favorite word that day? I want to put it in my minor Evelyn Waugh novel
July 21, 2016
madmouth commented on the word idolothytic
oddly specific!!
July 21, 2016
madmouth commented on the word monkey slug caterpillar
I just Googled this and I think it's in poor taste on nature's part really. must be art students
June 14, 2016
madmouth commented on the word ❤
June 13, 2016
madmouth commented on the word sanshō
it's lemongrassy, with a gunpowder undertone. though shoes OUGHT to be spicy too
June 3, 2016
madmouth commented on the word tronc
sCUSE me that's just Quebecois
June 3, 2016
madmouth commented on the word sanshō
sancho in Korean. The most faithful of spices
June 1, 2016
madmouth commented on the word jean dimmock
May 24, 2016
madmouth commented on the list quaintnesses
bonus for ambiguity. does she operate? does she opera? are kinky boots involved either way?
May 19, 2016
madmouth commented on the word female-to-female drag
re: Lana Del Rey
May 4, 2016
madmouth commented on the word dogwinkle
animal identity crisis alert
May 2, 2016
madmouth commented on the word Mohenjo Daro
reputed tiger wrestling
May 2, 2016
madmouth commented on the word scarce
May 2, 2016
madmouth commented on the word superfunkycalifragisexy
April 28, 2016
madmouth commented on the word cephalophore
April 28, 2016
madmouth commented on the list really-woke-12-year-olds
of course it was too subtle snarkasm on my part these are all uni students. the title is just quoting a Jezebel article on internet outrage
April 25, 2016
madmouth commented on the word frothing
the google image search reveals them to be delightfully similar to Korean 전병, a buckwheat variety
April 21, 2016
madmouth commented on the word i like to press button which does nothing
The dephthpths,though
The existential depththpthths
April 20, 2016
madmouth commented on the list really-woke-12-year-olds
it's hard to avoid young people on the internet eh
April 20, 2016
madmouth commented on the word ramaish
I warrant it's 'rubbish'
April 20, 2016
madmouth commented on the word snottygobble
why so many unctuous syllables for one innocent plant eh?
April 11, 2016
madmouth commented on the word jean dimmock
April 8, 2016
madmouth commented on the word Burquitlam
this place is very real and it has at least one excellent Korean drinkery
April 1, 2016
madmouth commented on the word goddamn the pusher
"he's not a natural man"
March 31, 2016
madmouth commented on the word Kabul Pizzles
March 31, 2016
madmouth commented on the list sports-teams-wed-like-to-see
bourbonmots is gone somewhere before we could get married
sorrows of the internet
March 31, 2016
madmouth commented on the list fancy-man-enjoys-tea
I didn't notice how Alex won this by several leagues
I am literLOLing on company time y'all
March 31, 2016
madmouth commented on the user Wylion2015
come now, you gots to admit - much have become stale over the years
March 28, 2016
madmouth commented on the word evungulation
it hath a rapturous ungoogleability
March 18, 2016
madmouth commented on the word possesseth neophobia
got milk? move the F over!
March 16, 2016
madmouth commented on the word snowperson
This may...genuinely...outsin "straw-person argument" in Suffix Purgatory
March 10, 2016
madmouth commented on the word nanotoxicology
March 10, 2016
madmouth commented on the word heteropaternal
Google-san lends no hand in the elucidation of this Superetc you speak of
March 10, 2016
madmouth commented on the list quaintnesses
March 8, 2016
madmouth commented on the word thinkfluencer
thank you
March 8, 2016
madmouth commented on the word put a gourd on it
sez Rumi
March 7, 2016
madmouth commented on the word diloricate
but he'd be stealing it from Zamboni Palin's mouth tho
March 3, 2016
madmouth commented on the word blackfriar
into the deepfriar with you!
March 2, 2016
madmouth commented on the word doesn't know whether he's arseholes or breakfast
"arsehole/Tuesday/breakfast: typologies of ignorance" is my unethically researched inner thesis child
March 2, 2016
madmouth commented on the word doesn't know whether he's arseholes or breakfast
I read doesn't know whether it's arseholes or Tuesday in Dance to the Music of Time. cf!
March 2, 2016
madmouth commented on the word FiDi
a.k.a. fliff zone
March 2, 2016
madmouth commented on the word pangram
this is a classic quantity-over-quality situation
February 26, 2016
madmouth commented on the word resting bitch face
well, the resting bitches are taking it back, mmkay
having said that, why it's in research or media is rather boggling.
ratherboggling - an obscure sport from the Isles?
February 5, 2016
madmouth commented on the word resting bitch face
almost indistinguishable from Slavic bone structure
February 5, 2016
madmouth commented on the word sword throat
Fun Metaphorical Applications Alert!
January 29, 2016
madmouth commented on the word umbonate
also, is anyone beyond fascinated at the prose stylings of princess_fuckbarf, the only non-bot Twitterer using this word??
January 28, 2016
madmouth commented on the word umbonate
don't eat with your umbos out!
January 28, 2016
madmouth commented on the list •-suggestions-for-new-sailormoon-attacks
girl, oh my GOD I just noticed this
Sailormoon is like a hello kitty feminist universe
January 21, 2016
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