
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun Lividity; the mark of a blow.
  • noun Envy; malignity.
  • noun plural The parts of skin in a corpse discolored by the hypostatic accumulation of blood.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun rare Malignity.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun pathology Skin discoloration, as from a bruise, or occurring after death.
  • noun obsolete Malice.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

From Latin līvor.


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  • The paramedics checked for lividity—the livor mortis that occurs when the heart stops beating and blood sinks to the lowest part of the body, eventually leaving fixed purplish-red stains or striated marks there.

    In the Still of the Night Ann Rule 2010

  • The paramedics checked for lividity—the livor mortis that occurs when the heart stops beating and blood sinks to the lowest part of the body, eventually leaving fixed purplish-red stains or striated marks there.

    In the Still of the Night Ann Rule 2010

  • Her calf was discolored—the purplish stain of developing livor mortis as blood settled to the lower limbs.

    CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Skin Deep Jerome Preisler 2010

  • The paramedics checked for lividity—the livor mortis that occurs when the heart stops beating and blood sinks to the lowest part of the body, eventually leaving fixed purplish-red stains or striated marks there.

    In the Still of the Night Ann Rule 2010

  • MICHAEL ARNALL, FORENSIC PATHOLOGIST: Dr. Baden is going to use rigor mortis or the stiffening of the body, livor mortis, or the settling of blood due to gravity, the temperature of the body, and if they know what the family ate for dinner, possibly the gastric emptying time.

    CNN Transcript Jun 10, 2009 2009

  • Hi Sean, at the risk of sounding jealous, envious, and green with livor, I have to say I do not rate your blog as awesome.

    Top-Ten List Sean 2008

  • Ambrose, a canker of the soul, an hidden plague: [1812] Bernard, a secret poison, the father of livor, and mother of hypocrisy, the moth of holiness, and cause of madness, crucifying and disquieting all that it takes hold of.

    Anatomy of Melancholy 2007

  • To see a man protest friendship, kiss his hand, [366] quem mallet truncatum videre, [367] smile with an intent to do mischief, or cozen him whom he salutes, [368] magnify his friend unworthy with hyperbolical eulogiums; his enemy albeit a good man, to vilify and disgrace him, yea all his actions, with the utmost that livor and malice can invent.

    Anatomy of Melancholy 2007

  • Late patet invidiae foecundae pernities, et livor radix omnium malorum, fons cladium, inde odium surgit emulatio Cyprian, ser.

    Anatomy of Melancholy 2007

  • GRACE: Don ` t they get livor mortis from depending on what position they ` re lying in, the blood settles downward in the body?

    CNN Transcript Nov 10, 2006 2006


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  • Once crimes were resolved by MacGyver,

    That endlessly clever contriver.

    Now villains are caught

    More often than not

    By white-coated experts on livor.

    September 11, 2018