
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • noun The quality or condition of being supreme.
  • noun Supreme power or authority.

from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun The state of being supreme, or in the highest station of power; also, highest authority or power.
  • noun An English statute of 1558–9 (1 Eliz., c. 1) vesting spiritual authority in the crown, to the exclusion of all foreign jurisdiction.
  • noun Synonyms Predominance, etc. (sec priority), sovereignty, domination, mastery.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun The state of being supreme, or in the highest station of power; highest or supreme authority or power.
  • noun [Eng.] an oath which acknowledges the supremacy of the sovereign in spiritual affairs, and renounced or abjures the supremacy of the pope in ecclesiastical or temporal affairs.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun The quality of being supreme.
  • noun Power over all others.
  • noun When used with a designation for a particular group, the assertion that the group in question is superior to or should rule over others.

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • noun power to dominate or defeat


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  • "The very realm where life strives to assert supremacy" is of course the realm of art, and its acts of asserting "supremacy" -- of affirming and extending the reach of experience itself -- constitute the most meaningful "truth" we can discover.

    John Dewey's *Art as Experience* 2010

  • The novel deals with the real Jason Bourne and his attempt to regain "supremacy".

    More Sequels: Fourth Jason Bourne Film on Track for 2010 « 2008

  • If the cost of air supremacy is not paid in dollars, it may be paid in blood.

    The Last Ace 2009

  • The corporatist mentality no longer even has the empirical support that buttressed Berle's confidence in the power and long-term supremacy of large corporations.

    Robert Teitelman: An Excursion With Adolf Berle Robert Teitelman 2011

  • I think your earlier focus on parliamentary versus judicial supremacy is (correct but) off themark.

    The Volokh Conspiracy » Canadian University Restricting Graphic Posters That Compare Abortion to Genocide 2010

  • Air supremacy is what enables us to send an elaborate fleet of machinery caterwauling over a targeted nation, such as Afghanistan or Iraq: the orchestrating AWACS (“Airborne Warning and Control System,” the flying surveillance-and-command center); precision bombers; attack planes, helicopters, and drones; ground support; rescue choppers; and the great flying tankers that keep them all fueled.

    The Last Ace 2009

  • In the Clerk's view, this supremacy is exercised, inter alia, through parliamentary committees.

    Archive 2009-12-01 2009

  • Catholics will tell you that one of the proofs of Petrine and Papal supremacy is that Rome is the only patriarchate never to fall into heresy.

    Matthew Yglesias » Endgame 2010

  • If the struggle for commercial supremacy is profitable, continue it.


  • A perpetual democratic supremacy is at risk because … they have a broad coalition?

    Matthew Yglesias » Politics Without Minorities 2009

  • We need to challenge the system paradigm, which I call wealth supremacy—the bias that institutionalizes infinite extraction of wealth for the wealthy, even as it means stagnation or losses for the rest of us.

    Breaking Up With Capitalism Marjorie Kelly 2024


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