from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.
- intransitive verb To have and keep in one's grasp.
- intransitive verb To aim or direct; point.
- intransitive verb To keep from falling or moving; support.
- intransitive verb To sustain the pressure of.
- intransitive verb To keep from departing or getting away.
- intransitive verb To keep in custody.
- intransitive verb To retain (one's attention or interest).
- intransitive verb To avoid letting out or expelling.
- intransitive verb To be filled by; contain.
- intransitive verb To be capable of holding: synonym: contain.
- intransitive verb To have as a chief characteristic or quality.
- intransitive verb To have in store.
- intransitive verb To have and maintain in one's possession.
- intransitive verb To have as a responsible position or a privilege.
- intransitive verb To have in recognition of achievement or superiority.
- intransitive verb To maintain control over.
- intransitive verb To maintain occupation of by force or coercion.
- intransitive verb To withstand the efforts or advance of (an opposing team, for example).
- intransitive verb To maintain in a given condition, situation, or action.
- intransitive verb To impose control or restraint on; curb.
- intransitive verb To stop the movement or progress of.
- intransitive verb To reserve or keep back from use.
- intransitive verb To defer the immediate handling of.
- intransitive verb To own or have title to.
- intransitive verb To be in possession of, whether legally entitled or not.
- intransitive verb To bind by a contract.
- intransitive verb To adjudge or decree.
- intransitive verb To make accountable; obligate.
- intransitive verb To keep in the mind or convey as a judgment, conviction, or point of view.
- intransitive verb To assert or affirm, especially formally.
- intransitive verb To regard in a certain way.
- intransitive verb To cause to take place; carry on.
- intransitive verb To assemble for and conduct the activity of; convene.
- intransitive verb To carry or support (the body or a bodily part) in a certain position.
- intransitive verb To cover (the ears or the nose, for example) especially for protection.
- intransitive verb To maintain a grasp or grip on something.
- intransitive verb To stay securely fastened.
- intransitive verb To maintain a desired or accustomed position or condition.
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

Help support Wordnik (and make this page ad-free) by adopting the word hold.
I was not entirely sure that I should be able to hold my own with him, but I at least had the purpose made to do as well as I could upon him; and now I say that I will not be the first to cry hold.
Without saying anything of my intentions to any one, I mounted the railing, and taking hold of the centre rope, just below the upper block, I put one foot on the hook below the lower block, and stepped off just as I did so some one called out hold on.
Chapter IV 1885
* puts me on hold for 5 minutes -I still have the customer on hold*
Teknikcal support, - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger? 2008
He's being held by Mary Landrieu, who admits that her hold is about the White House's moratorium on offshore drilling, not about Lew, who she says “clearly possesses the expertise necessary to serve as one of the President's most important economic advisors.”
The Senate becomes a little more broken Ezra Klein 2010
"Despite The Post's claim to the contrary, my hold is absolutely related to Mr. Lew and the position he seeks," Landrieu wrote in response.
Landrieu explains why she's blocking Lew Ed O 2010
In other areas where that process is already being done, they're in what they call a hold and rebuild phase, where they're trying to get that sort of trust with the local population.
And then increasingly he got what he called a hold on himself.
Cytherea Joseph Hergesheimer 1917
I would rate Ford a short term hold with a medium to long term buy.
unknown title 2011
That being said, the insights and answers provided in this title hold true to biblical statements concerning the evidence of God found throughout creation and His people, and should be acceptable within all major denominational bents.
Instead, a "hold" is shorthand for a promise to obstruct all further consideration of a particular piece of Senate business. explanation of how this works came from David Waldman, and I encourage you to read it in full.
The Moderate Voice 2010
Related Words
synonyms (896)
Words with the same meaning
- abandon
- abduction
- abide
- abort
- absorb
- absorb the attention
- abstain
- accent
- accent mark
- accommodate
- account
- account as
- accumulate
- acropolis
- adhere
- adhere to
- adjudge
- adjudicate
- admit
- advance
- advantage
- adverse possession
- affirm
- afford support
- agglomerate
- agree to
- agree with
- allege
- allow
- alodium
- amass
- announce
- annunciate
- answer
- apply
- apprehension
- approve of
- archives
- argue
- armory
- arrest
- arrestation
- arsenal
- ascendancy
- assemble
- assert
- assever
- asseverate
- assimilate
- assume
- attic
- authority
- avail
- aver
- avoid
- avouch
- avow
- back
- back up
- backlog
- balance
- ballast
- bank
- bar
- basement
- bastion
- bay
- be
- be afraid
- be consistent
- be enfeoffed of
- be equal to
- be extant
- be found
- be in existence
- be judicious
- be met with
- be possessed of
- be present
- be seized of
- be the case
- be there
- be true
- be truthful
- beachhead
- bear
- bear hug
- bear up
- belay
- believe
- beset
- bide
- bin
- bite
- blockhouse
- boast
- bolster
- bolster up
- bonded warehouse
- bookcase
- booth
- bosom
- bottle up
- box
- box up
- brace
- breathe
- bridgehead
- bridle
- bunch
- bunker
- buoy up
- burgage
- buttery
- buttress
- cage
- call
- cancel
- capture
- care
- cargo dock
- carry
- carry on
- castle
- catch
- catch up
- catching
- cavity
- cease
- cell
- cellar
- cellarage
- cellule
- chamber
- character
- charge
- charisma
- charm
- check
- cherish
- chest
- cinch
- citadel
- claim
- clamp
- clasp
- claws
- cleave
- cleave to
- clench
- clinch
- cling
- cling to
- clinging
- clip
- cloister
- closet
- clot
- clout
- cluster
- clutch
- clutches
- coagulate
- coal bin
- cohere
- collaring
- collect
- colony
- command
- compartment
- compel
- complete
- comprehend
- comprise
- conceal
- conceive
- condone
- conduct
- confine
- confinement
- conform to fact
- congeal
- conglomerate
- consequence
- conservatory
- consider
- constrain
- contain
- contend
- continue
- continue to be
- control
- convene
- convoke
- cool
- cool off
- coop
- coop in
- coop up
- cork up
- count
- count in
- countenance
- counterbalance
- coup
- cover
- cradle
- crate
- credit
- crib
- crutch
- crypt
- cumulate
- cupboard
- curb
- curtail
- cushion
- custodianship
- custody
- custos
- cut it out
- cyclone cellar
- daresay
- de facto
- de jure
- death grip
- decelerate
- declaim
- declare
- deem
- defeat time
- defend
- defer
- defy time
- delay
- deny
- dependency
- depository
- depot
- derivative title
- desist
- detain
- diminish
- direct
- discontinue
- display
- do
- do it
- dock
- dominance
- domination
- dominion
- dompt
- donjon
- dot
- dragnet
- drawer
- drive
- drop it
- dump
- dwell
- effect
- embody
- embosom
- embrace
- eminence
- encage
- enchant
- enchantment
- encircle
- enclose
- enclosed space
- encompass
- end
- endure
- enfold
- engage
- engage in
- engage the attention
- engage the mind
- engage the thoughts
- engross
- engross the mind
- engross the thoughts
- enjoin
- enjoy
- entertain
- enthrall
- enunciate
- environ
- envisage
- esteem
- estimate
- exchequer
- exercise
- exercise judgment
- exhibit
- exist
- expect
- express
- express an opinion
- expression mark
- extend
- fancy
- fare
- fascinate
- fasten
- fasthold
- fastness
- favor
- fee fief
- fee position
- fee simple
- fee simple absolute
- fee simple conditional
- fee simple defeasible
- fee simple determinable
- fee tail
- feel
- fence in
- fend off
- feodum
- fermata
- feud
- fiefdom
- fill
- fill in
- fill out
- fill the bill
- firm
- firm hold
- firm up
- fondle
- foothold
- footing
- footplate
- footrail
- footrest
- forbear
- force
- forcible seizure
- forgo
- form an opinion
- fort
- fortress
- foster
- frankalmoign
- free socage
- freehold
- freeze
- freeze to
- fulfill
- function
- garner
- garner up
- garrison
- garrison house
- gather into barns
- gavelkind
- get by
- give over
- give support
- glory hole
- go
- go around
- go on
- go out
- godown
- good feeling
- govern
- grab
- grabbing
- grapple
- grasp
- grip
- gripe
- grow together
- guard
- guarding
- guess
- hack it
- haft
- halt
- hand
- handclasp
- handhold
- handle
- hands
- hang on
- hang on to
- hang together
- happen to be
- harangue
- harbor
- have
- have a hunch
- have an idea
- have an impression
- have an inkling
- have and hold
- have being
- have done with
- have in hand
- have place
- have tenure of
- have the idea
- having title to
- heap up
- helm
- helve
- hem in
- hide
- hinder
- hoard
- hoard up
- hold
- hold as
- hold at bay
- hold back
- hold down
- hold fast
- hold forth
- hold good
- hold in
- hold in check
- hold in custody
- hold in leash
- hold in restraint
- hold off
- hold on
- hold on to
- hold out
- hold over
- hold spellbound
- hold the interest
- hold tight
- hold together
- hold true
- hold up
- hold water
- hold with
- holder
- holding
- hole
- hollow
- hug
- hutch
- hypnotize
- imagine
- immerse
- immobilize
- immure
- impede
- impel
- importance
- impound
- imprison
- incidental power
- include
- incorporate
- infatuate
- influence
- influentiality
- inhibit
- insinuation
- insist
- involve
- involve the interest
- iron grip
- iron hand
- issue a manifesto
- jail
- judge
- jurisdiction
- just do
- keep
- keep afloat
- keep alive
- keep back
- keep from
- keep going
- keep hold of
- keep in
- keep in check
- keep in custody
- keep in detention
- keep off
- keep on
- keep out
- keep under control
- keep up
- keeping
- key signature
- kidnapping
- knight service
- knock it off
- last
- last long
- last out
- lay down
- lay fee
- lay off
- lay up
- lead
- leadership
- lease
- leasehold
- leave off
- legal claim
- legal possession
- lend support
- lengthen
- leverage
- library
- lie
- ligature
- live
- live on
- live through
- lock
- locker
- locus standi
- look on
- look upon
- look upon as
- lumber room
- lumberyard
- magasin
- magazine
- magnetism
- mainstay
- maintain
- make the grade
- manage
- mandate
- manger
- manifesto
- mark
- martello
- martello tower
- mass
- mastership
- mastery
- measure
- meet
- meet requirements
- mesmerize
- metronomic mark
- mew
- mew up
- moment
- monopolize
- mortise
- mote
- motte
- mug
- nabbing
- nail down
- never let go
- nip
- not let go
- notation
- number among
- nurse
- nurture
- obsess
- obtain
- occupancy
- occupation
- occupy
- occupy the attention
- occur
- offer
- operate
- opine
- orate
- original title
- own
- owning
- participate in
- pass
- pass muster
- pause
- peel
- peel tower
- pen
- pen up
- perch
- perdure
- perennate
- perpetuate
- persevere
- persist
- personality
- persuasion
- pew
- picking up
- pile up
- pillbox
- pillow
- pin down
- pine
- possess
- possessing
- possession
- possessor
- post
- postpone
- potato cellar
- potency
- pound
- power
- power grab
- predicate
- predominance
- prehension
- preoccupancy
- preoccupation
- preoccupy
- preponderance
- prepossession
- presa
- prescription
- present
- preserve
- preside over
- pressure
- prestige
- presume
- prevail
- preventive custody
- prison
- proclaim
- profess
- proffer
- prohibit
- prolong
- prop
- property
- property rights
- propose
- propound
- proprietary rights
- proprietor
- protection
- protective custody
- protest
- protract
- prove out
- prove to be
- prove true
- pull
- pull in
- purchase
- put
- put it
- put off
- put up
- qualify
- quit
- rack
- rail in
- range
- rath
- reach
- reach out
- rebuff
- receive
- reckon
- reckon among
- reckon in
- reckon with
- reduce
- refrain
- refrain from
- refuse
- regard
- reign
- rein
- rein in
- reinforce
- reins of government
- relinquish
- remain
- remain valid
- renounce
- repel
- repertory
- repository
- repress
- repulse
- repute
- reserve
- reservoir
- resist
- restrain
- restrict
- retain
- retard
- retrench
- rick
- rob
- rule
- run
- run on
- running in
- safehold
- safekeeping
- satisfy
- save
- save up
- say
- scrub
- seal up
- secrete
- segno
- seisin
- seize
- seizure
- seizure of power
- sense
- serve
- serve the purpose
- set
- set back
- set down
- set down as
- shackle
- shelf
- shore
- shore up
- shoulder
- show
- shut in
- shut up
- sign
- signature
- slow down
- slow up
- slur
- snatch
- snatching
- snub
- socage
- solidify
- span
- spare
- speak
- speak out
- speak up
- spellbind
- spread
- squat
- squat on
- squatting
- squirrel
- squirrel away
- stabilitate
- stabilize
- stack
- stack room
- stall
- stance
- stand
- stand for
- stand on
- stand the test
- stand up
- standing
- standing place
- state
- stay
- stay on
- stay put
- steady
- stick
- stick to
- stick together
- stick up
- stock room
- stock up
- stockpile
- stop
- storage
- store
- store up
- storehouse
- storeroom
- storm cellar
- straddle
- straiten
- stretch
- stretch out
- strong point
- stronghold
- suasion
- subbasement
- sublease
- submit
- subscribe to
- subsidize
- subsist
- subtle influence
- subvention
- suffice
- suggestion
- supply base
- supply depot
- support
- suppose
- suppress
- supremacy
- surmise
- surround
- survive
- suspect
- suspend
- sustain
- sway
- sweep
- swell
- symbol
- take
- take for
- take hold of
- take in
- take into account
- take into consideration
- take it
- take up
- taking in
- taking into custody
- talons
- tank
- tarry
- tempo mark
- tenancy
- tenantry
- tender
- tenure
- tenure in chivalry
- terminate
- think
- think of
- thrust out
- tide over
- tie
- tight grip
- time signature
- title
- toehold
- tower
- tower of strength
- traction
- transfix
- treasure
- treasure house
- treasure room
- treasure up
- treasury
- trow
- underbrace
- undergird
- underlease
- underlie
- underpin
- underset
- undertenancy
- upbear
- uphold
- upkeep
- upper hand
- usucapion
- usucapt
- vat
- vault
- view as
- villein socage
- villeinhold
- villenage
- vinculum
- wait
- wall in
- ward
- warehouse
- wash
- waylay
- wear
- wear well
- ween
- weight
- whip hand
- wine cellar
- withhold
- withstand
- work
antonyms (1)
Words with the opposite meaning
equivalents (1)
Other words for 'hold'
hypernyms (82)
Words that are more generic or abstract
- affirm
- aim
- assert
- aver
- avow
- be
- bear on
- becharm
- beguile
- believe
- bewitch
- booze
- captivate
- capture
- catch
- cell
- charm
- come to
- command
- conceive
- concern
- confinement
- consider
- continue
- control
- cover
- defer
- direct
- drink
- enamor
- enamour
- enchant
- enclosure
- entrance
- exist
- experience
- fascinate
- fastness
- feel
- fuddle
- go along
- go on
- have
- have got
- have-to doe with
- holdback
- holdover
- jail cell
- keep
- keep back
- pertain
- postpone
- prevent
- prison cell
- proceed
- prorogue
- protect
- put over
- put-off
- reckon
- refer
- regard
- relate
- remit
- restrain
- see
- setback
- shelve
- stop
- stronghold
- swan
- swear
- table
- take
- take aim
- think
- touch
- touch on
- train
- trance
- verify
- view
hyponyms (76)
Words more specific or concrete
- Seat
- acquit
- arrange
- balance
- bear
- bear on
- behave
- block
- brace
- bracket
- buoy
- buoy up
- carry
- carry on
- chock
- clinch
- cling to
- clutch
- comport
- concede
- conciliate
- conclude
- conduct
- conserve
- continue
- cradle
- deport
- distance
- exert
- fix up
- grant
- grasp
- hold close
- hold on
- hold tight
- holdover
- house
- housekeep
- interlace
- interlock
- keep
- lock
- maintain
- makeup
- monopolise
- monopolize
- patch up
- piggyback
- poise
- pole
- preserve
- pressurise
- pressurize
- prop
- prop up
- reconcile
- resolve
- scaffold
- see eye to eye
- settle
- shore
- shore up
- sleep
- sling
- stock
- stockpile
- stoop
- subscribe
- support
- sustain
- trap
- truss
- underpin
- uphold
- wield
- yield
same context (36)
Words that are found in similar contexts
forms (12)
cross-references (68)
- absorb
- apron-string hold
- behold
- bind
- captains of the hold
- carry
- check
- claim
- consider
- control
- decide
- depth of the hold
- detain
- entertain
- have
- hold hard!
- hold stanchions
- holding-out catch
- keep
- lower hold
- manage
- not fit to hold a candle to
- observe
- occupy
- referee's hold
- restrain
- shore hold
- tall hold
- to beholden
- to break out the hold
- to catch hold of
- to hold a candle to the devil
- to hold a good full
- to hold ahead
- to hold by the button
- to hold copy
- to hold down a claim
- to hold forth
- to hold hands together
- to hold in
- to hold in balance
- to hold of
- to hold off
- to hold on
- to hold one's day
- to hold one's hand
- to hold one's nose
- to hold one's nose to the grindstone
- to hold one's own
- to hold one's peace
- to hold one's tongue
- to hold out
- to hold over
- to hold tack with
- to hold tale
- to hold the belt
- to hold the land
- to hold the market
- to hold the plow
- to hold to
- to hold to bail
- to hold together
- to hold true
- to hold under one's girdle
- to hold up
- to hold water
- to hold with
- to leave
rhymes (49)
Words with the same terminal sound
- Nolde
- ahold
- behold
- bold
- bowled
- cajoled
- cold
- consoled
- controlled
- decontrolled
- dold
- doled
- enfold
- enrolled
- extolled
- fold
- foretold
- fourfold
- gold
- golde
- holde
- holed
- mold
- mould
- nold
- old
- olde
- outsold
- oversold
- paroled
- patrolled
- polled
- remold
- resold
- rolled
- scold
- sold
- strolled
- told
- tolled
- twofold
- uncontrolled
- undersold
- unfold
- unsold
- untold
- uphold
- withhold
- wold
whichbe commented on the word hold
I use my phone's HOLD button to put callers into a submissive stupor of helplessness.
October 15, 2008