from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.
- intransitive verb To move on or ahead; proceed.
- intransitive verb To extend; run.
- intransitive verb To move by or in front of something.
- intransitive verb To move past another vehicle.
- intransitive verb To gain passage despite obstacles.
- intransitive verb To move past in time; elapse.
- intransitive verb To be transferred from one to another; circulate.
- intransitive verb Sports To transfer a ball or puck to a teammate.
- intransitive verb To be communicated or exchanged between persons.
- intransitive verb To be transferred or conveyed to another by will or deed.
- intransitive verb To undergo transition from one condition, form, quality, or characteristic to another.
- intransitive verb To come to an end.
- intransitive verb To cease to exist; die. Often used with on.
- intransitive verb To happen; take place.
- intransitive verb To be allowed to happen without notice or challenge.
- intransitive verb Sports & Games To decline one's turn to bid, draw, bet, compete, or play.
- intransitive verb To decline an offer.
- intransitive verb To undergo an examination or a trial with favorable results.
- intransitive verb To serve as a barely acceptable substitute.
- intransitive verb To be accepted as a member of a group by denying one's own ancestry or background.
- intransitive verb To be approved or adopted.
- intransitive verb To make a decision.
- intransitive verb To convey property to an heir or heirs.
- intransitive verb Medicine To be discharged from a bodily part.
- intransitive verb Sports To thrust or lunge in fencing.
- intransitive verb To go by without stopping; proceed beyond or leave behind.
- intransitive verb To go across; go through.
- intransitive verb To allow to go by or elapse; spend.
- intransitive verb To go by without paying attention to; disregard or ignore.
- intransitive verb To fail to pay (a dividend).
- intransitive verb To go beyond; surpass.
- intransitive verb To undergo (a trial or examination) with favorable results.
- intransitive verb To cause or allow to go through a trial, test, or examination successfully.
- intransitive verb To cause to move.
- intransitive verb To cause to move into a certain position.
- intransitive verb To cause to move as part of a process.
- intransitive verb To cause to go by.
- intransitive verb To allow to cross a barrier.
- intransitive verb Baseball To walk (a batter).
- intransitive verb To maneuver (the bull) by means of a pase in bullfighting.
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

Help support Wordnik (and make this page ad-free) by adopting the word pass.
However, on reflection, a few of us felt that system was too rigid, so we changed it once again, to pass,/pass*.
: UNLOCK echo Enter password to Unlock folder set/p "pass = >" if NOT % pass% = = type your password here goto FAIL attrib - h - s "Control Panel. {
If it was the latter, then Congress was either equally venturesome, or inattentive, because they let the phrase pass without comment.
Alexander Hamilton, American Richard Brookhiser 1999
If it was the latter, then Congress was either equally venturesome, or inattentive, because they let the phrase pass without comment.
Alexander Hamilton, American Richard Brookhiser 1999
Since most people really don't want to select a truly random password, where the letters and digits are mixed in a nonsense pattern, the term pass phrase is used to urge people to at least use several unrelated words in sequence as the pass phrase.
It was quite unthinkable to contemplate letting the title pass to a cousin, it seemed, however blameless and worthy he might be.
Ungrateful Governess Balogh, Mary 1988
A mountain pass is a place where the impossible becomes barely possible.
Through Glacier Park: Seeing America First with Howard Eaton 1916
In six speeches during the course of seven days, President Obama has hammered home his call for Congress to act on his $447 billion jobs plan, saying some version of the phrase "pass this bill" more than 100 times.
Fitzpatrick hit as he throws, pass is short for Lee Evans.
unknown title 2009
Fitzpatrick hit as he throws, pass is short for Lee Evans.
unknown title 2009
People who bike sometimes call a close pass a “punishment pass”, and women are more often punished for biking.
Paris cycling numbers double in one year thanks to massive investment and it's not stopping 2024
Related Words
synonyms (943)
Words with the same meaning
- OK
- abalienate
- abandon
- abysm
- abyss
- accept
- access
- accredit
- act like
- administer
- admission
- admit
- adopt
- advance
- affiliate
- affirm
- aggrandize
- agree to
- aisle
- alien
- alienate
- alley
- allow
- ambulatory
- amen
- amortize
- answer
- ante
- ante up
- aperture
- approach
- approval
- approve
- arcade
- arise
- arroyo
- artery
- artful dodge
- artifice
- assign
- attempt
- authenticate
- authority
- authorization
- authorize
- autograph
- avail
- avenue
- back
- bag of tricks
- barter
- be all over
- be annihilated
- be at sea
- be blooded
- be consumed
- be destroyed
- be done for
- be equal to
- be found
- be gone
- be innocent of
- be lost
- be met with
- be no more
- be past
- be realized
- be regarded as
- be successful
- be wiped out
- bear
- bearings
- beat
- become extinct
- become void
- befall
- bequeath
- bestow
- bestride
- bet
- bet on
- betide
- better
- bill of health
- bind
- bite the dust
- black out
- blind
- blink at
- blow over
- bluff
- bosey
- bottleneck
- bottom
- bottom glade
- bottoms
- bowl
- box canyon
- breach
- break
- breakers ahead
- broadcast
- buck
- bypass
- call
- canal
- canyon
- cardhouse
- care
- carry
- carry over
- case
- cash in
- cast
- catapult
- catch
- catch on
- catch up with
- cause for alarm
- cavity
- cease
- cease to be
- cease to exist
- cease to live
- cede
- certify
- change of pace
- change-up
- channel
- chap
- character
- chasm
- check
- chicanery
- chimney
- chink
- chouse
- chuck
- chunk
- circulate
- circumstance
- clearance
- cleft
- cleuch
- click
- climacteric
- cloister
- close
- clough
- clutch
- col
- collapse
- colonnade
- come
- come about
- come across with
- come along
- come down
- come off
- come on
- come through
- come to naught
- come to nothing
- come to pass
- come true
- come up to
- come up with
- communicate
- communication
- commute
- complication
- complimentary ticket
- condition
- conduit
- confer
- confirm
- conk out
- connect
- connection
- consecrate to
- consign
- constitute
- consume
- contingency
- continue
- convergence of events
- convey
- coquet with
- corridor
- cosign
- coulee
- couloir
- countersign
- course
- cover
- cover ground
- covered way
- crack
- cranny
- crawl
- creep
- crevasse
- crevice
- crisis
- critical juncture
- critical point
- croak
- cross
- crossroads
- crucial period
- cruise
- crunch
- crux
- curve
- curve-ball
- cut
- cwm
- dabble
- dale
- danger
- dangerous ground
- dart
- dash
- deal
- deal out
- decease
- declare
- decline
- decree
- dedicate to
- deed
- deed over
- defecate
- defile
- deliver
- deliver over
- dell
- dematerialize
- demise
- depart
- depart this life
- deport
- design
- develop
- device
- devolve
- devolve upon
- devote
- die
- die away
- die out
- diffuse
- dike
- dingle
- dirty deal
- dirty trick
- disappear
- disburse
- discharge
- discontinue
- discount
- discount ticket
- dismiss
- dispel
- dispense
- disperse
- dispose
- disregard
- disseminate
- dissipate
- dissolve
- distance
- distribute
- ditch
- division
- do
- do a fade-out
- do it
- dodge
- dole
- dole out
- donga
- downcurve
- drag
- draw
- drift
- drop
- dwindle
- effort
- effuse
- egest
- elapse
- elevate
- eliminate
- embarrassing position
- embarrassment
- embrace
- emergency
- emit
- employ
- enact
- enact laws
- end
- endangerment
- endeavor
- endorse
- endure
- enfeoff
- engage
- ennoble
- entry
- erode
- espouse
- estate
- estimation
- evacuate
- evanesce
- evaporate
- eventuate
- exalt
- excavation
- exceed
- excel
- exchange
- excrete
- exigency
- exit
- expel
- expend
- expire
- export
- express
- extend
- extradite
- extravasate
- extremity
- exudate
- exude
- fade
- fade away
- fade out
- faded
- fail
- faint
- fall
- fall asleep
- fall out
- fare
- fare forth
- farewell
- fast deal
- fastball
- fault
- feint
- ferry
- fetch
- ficelle
- filibuster
- fill
- fill the bill
- fine how-do-you-do
- fire
- fissure
- fix
- flaw
- flee
- fleet
- flight
- fling
- flip
- flit
- flow
- flow on
- flume
- fly
- footing
- ford
- forget
- forgo
- fork
- fork over
- forsake
- forswear
- forward
- forward pass
- fracture
- free admission
- free pass
- free ticket
- freedom
- fritter away
- fulfill
- full pratique
- furrow
- gain ground
- gain on
- gain upon
- gallery
- gambit
- gamble
- gang
- gap
- gape
- gaping chasm
- gash
- gate
- gather head
- gathering clouds
- get across
- get ahead
- get ahead of
- get along
- get by
- get over
- get the floor
- get through
- ghat
- ghaut
- gill
- gimmick
- give
- give in
- give off
- give out
- give over
- give over to
- give permission
- give the go-ahead
- give the imprimatur
- give thumbs up
- give title to
- give to
- give up
- give word
- glen
- glide
- go
- go across
- go ahead
- go along
- go around
- go as
- go away
- go beyond
- go by
- go fast
- go forward
- go great guns
- go in for
- go off
- go on
- go out
- go over
- go over big
- go to town
- go west
- go-ahead
- googly
- gorge
- graduate
- green light
- groove
- grove
- guest pass
- gulch
- gulf
- gully
- guts
- hack it
- hand
- hand down
- hand forward
- hand in
- hand on
- hand out
- hand over
- hap
- happen
- have it
- have its time
- have no idea
- have run out
- have the floor
- hazard
- heave
- hell to pay
- hide
- hie
- hinge
- hobble
- hocus-pocus
- hold
- hold the field
- hold up
- hole
- home thrust
- hot water
- house of cards
- how-do-you-do
- hurl
- hurtle
- ignore
- imbroglio
- imitate
- impart
- imperilment
- impersonate
- import
- improper suggestion
- incision
- incurve
- indecent proposal
- initial
- inlet
- instance
- interchange
- intersection
- intervale
- issue
- isthmus
- jab
- jam
- jeopardy
- jerk
- joint
- joker
- journey
- juggle
- junction
- juncture
- just do
- keel over
- kick the bucket
- kick upstairs
- kill
- kloof
- knight
- know a little
- know not
- know not what
- know nothing of
- knuckleball
- kotal
- lance
- lane
- lap
- lapse
- last
- lateral
- lateral pass
- launch
- lay
- lay a wager
- lay down
- leak
- leave behind
- leave no trace
- leave standing
- leave the scene
- leave word
- legislate
- let
- let fly
- let go by
- let in
- let pass
- liberty
- lie
- lob
- lobby through
- location
- log
- logroll
- lot
- lunar rill
- lunge
- make
- make a hit
- make good time
- make head against
- make headway
- make known
- make nothing of
- make over
- make progress
- make progress against
- make strides
- make the grade
- make up leeway
- masquerade as
- measure out
- meet
- meet a bet
- meet requirements
- meet with success
- melt
- melt away
- melt like snow
- menace
- mess
- metastasize
- metathesize
- mete
- mete out
- mimic
- mix
- moat
- modality
- mode
- morass
- motion
- move
- move along
- move forward
- move on
- narrow
- narrows
- neck
- negotiate
- not know
- not rightly know
- not understand
- notarize
- notch
- nullah
- obsolete
- occupy
- occur
- offer
- okay
- omit
- opening
- ordain
- outcurve
- outdistance
- outdo
- outgo
- outlet
- outmatch
- outpace
- outrun
- outsail
- outshine
- outstrip
- overhaul
- overlook
- overpass
- overreach
- overrun
- overshoot
- overshoot the mark
- overstep
- overstride
- overtake
- paper
- parcel out
- parlay
- parlous straits
- part
- pass
- pass along
- pass around
- pass as
- pass away
- pass by
- pass for
- pass muster
- pass off
- pass on
- pass out
- pass over
- pass the buck
- pass up
- pass upon
- passage
- passageway
- passport
- past
- pay out
- peg
- peg out
- pelt
- perfuse
- peril
- perish
- permission
- permit
- peter out
- pickle
- pigeonhole
- pinch
- pitch
- pitchfork
- place
- play
- play against
- pledge
- plight
- ploy
- plunge
- portico
- portion out
- pose as
- position
- posture
- pratique
- predicament
- prefer
- press on
- pretend to be
- pretty pass
- pretty pickle
- pretty predicament
- prevail
- proceed
- progress
- promise
- promote
- pronounce
- proposal
- proposition
- prosper
- protection
- psssport
- punt
- push
- push on
- put
- put in
- put in force
- put off mortality
- put the shot
- put through
- quagmire
- qualify
- quicksand
- quit this world
- railroad through
- railroad tunnel
- raise
- rank
- ratify
- ravine
- reach
- refuse
- reject
- relay
- render
- renounce
- rent
- repair
- report
- request
- resign
- resolution
- retire from sight
- return to dust
- rift
- rime
- rise
- risk
- road
- rocks ahead
- roll
- roll logs
- roll on
- route
- rub
- rubber stamp
- run
- run its course
- run on
- run out
- rupture
- ruse
- safe-conduct
- safeguard
- sanction
- sashay
- satisfy
- say
- say amen to
- scheme
- scissure
- scrape
- scratch the surface
- screwball
- scurvy trick
- seal
- seam
- second
- secrete
- see
- sell
- send
- send word
- serve
- serve the purpose
- service
- set forth
- settle
- settle on
- sexual advance
- share
- share with
- shift
- shoot
- shoot ahead of
- shot-put
- shy
- sign
- sign and seal
- sign away
- sign over
- signal
- sink
- sink away
- sinker
- situation
- skip
- sleight
- sleight of hand
- sleight-of-hand trick
- slide
- slider
- slight
- sling
- slip
- slip away
- slip by
- slit
- slot
- slough
- smatter
- snap
- speak
- spend
- spitball
- spitter
- split
- spoon out
- spot
- spread
- spurn
- squeeze
- stab
- stage
- stake
- stand
- stand pat
- stand the test
- stand up
- standing
- state
- state of affairs
- station
- status
- steal a march
- stem
- step forward
- step over
- stew
- sticky wicket
- stop
- stop breathing
- storm clouds
- straddle
- strait
- straits
- stratagem
- strath
- stream
- stretch
- subscribe to
- subterfuge
- succeed
- succumb
- suffer
- suffer an eclipse
- suffice
- suggestion
- support
- surmount
- surpass
- surrender
- swamp
- swear and affirm
- swear to
- sweep
- swing
- switch
- swoon
- table
- take
- take heed
- take it
- take no notice of
- take notice
- take place
- take the floor
- take up
- tell
- terminate
- thin ice
- threat
- throat
- throw
- thrust
- tight spot
- tight squeeze
- tightrope
- tilt
- tolerate
- top
- toss
- toy with
- trade
- traject
- trajet
- transcend
- transfer
- transfer property
- transfuse
- transit
- translate
- translocate
- transmit
- transpire
- transplace
- transplant
- transpose
- transude
- travel
- trench
- trial
- trick
- tricky spot
- trough
- try
- tunnel
- turn
- turn down
equivalents (3)
Other words for 'pass'
hypernyms (39)
Words that are more generic or abstract
- accomplishment
- achievement
- allow
- attempt
- change
- conceding
- concession
- cycle
- disappear
- effort
- enact
- endeavor
- endeavour
- evaluate
- excel
- flight
- flying
- go away
- judge
- juncture
- leave
- leave of absence
- let
- licence
- license
- move
- occasion
- ordain
- oscillation
- pass judgment
- permit
- stand out
- success
- surpass
- throw
- ticket
- try
- vanish
- yielding
hyponyms (62)
Words more specific or concrete
- anticipate
- arise
- backfire
- backlash
- bechance
- befall
- betide
- break
- chance
- coincide
- come
- come around
- come off
- come up
- concur
- contemporise
- contemporize
- cycle
- develop
- do
- fall
- get through
- give
- go
- go off
- go over
- happen
- holiday
- intervene
- lead
- materialise
- materialize
- operate
- overwinter
- pass off
- pass through
- proceed
- recoil
- recrudesce
- recur
- repeat
- result
- roll around
- rub
- run
- serve
- shine
- slum
- sojourn
- soldier
- strike
- summer
- supervene
- synchronise
- synchronize
- thread
- transpire
- turn-out
- vacation
- week-end
- while away
- winter
same context (58)
Words that are found in similar contexts
- aff
- approach
- are
- bed
- break
- bring
- burst
- call
- celebrities'
- charge
- copyright
- cut
- do
- doubt
- drive
- fall
- fight
- fruits
- go
- habria
- hear
- heid
- here
- hole
- journey
- letter
- look
- love
- make
- mean
- move
- nearer
- never
- one
- part
- passage
- path
- perlegere
- plant
- put
- quite
- read
- rise
- rule
- run
- save
- seas
- sheet-infectious
- shoes
- shoot
- stream
- sweep
- take
- think
- turn
- valley
- walk
cross-references (51)
- approved
- as
- change
- chips
- circulate
- cross
- death
- decide
- deliver
- descend
- die
- enact
- exceed
- extend
- for
- go
- ignore
- mediterranean pass
- miss
- motion
- move
- movement
- occur
- outstrip
- pass examination
- pass of arms
- passed ball
- passed pawn
- promise
- state
- thrust
- to be passed on
- to bring to pass
- to come to pass
- to make the pass
- to pass away
- to pass by
- to pass current
- to pass in
- to pass muster
- to pass off
- to pass one's word
- to pass over
- to pass over the range
- to pass publication
- to pass round the hat
- to pass the hail
- to pass the seals
- to pass the time of day
- upon
- well to pass
rhymes (51)
Words with the same terminal sound
- Alsace
- Cass
- Glass
- Grass
- Grasse
- Jas
- Mass
- Mass.
- Nass
- Ras
- Tass
- alas
- amass
- ass
- bass
- basse
- bras
- brass
- chasse
- class
- contrasts
- crass
- das
- dass
- fass
- forecasts
- gas
- glas
- glass
- grass
- harass
- hass
- impasse
- jas
- jass
- lambastes
- lass
- last
- mass
- masse
- middle-class
- morass
- outlasts
- ras
- repass
- sas
- sass
- sasse
- smartass
- surpass
- tass
vendingmachine commented on the word pass
There are many words for pass in the English-speaking world. In the United States, pass is very common in the West, the word gap is common in the southern Appalachians, notch in parts of New England, and saddle in northern Idaho. Scotland has the Gaelic term bealach (anglicised "balloch"), while Wales has the similar bwlch. In the Lake District of north-west England, the term hause is often used, although the term pass is also common—one distinction is that a pass can refer to a route, as well as the highest part thereof, while a hause is simply the highest part, often flattened somewhat into a high-level plateau.--Wikipedia
June 1, 2018