Comments by kad

  • Thought of this list when I came across cuscuses for the first time today. Cuscus is the common name for a particular species of possum:

    May 7, 2011

  • A failed arm of a triple-junction of a plate tectonics rift system.

    June 25, 2010

  • An extended period of heavy snow and extreme cold in Mongolia that prevents livestock grazing.

    May 20, 2010

  • how about quokka? (Now wracking my brain to think of other words with a double k.)

    March 10, 2010

  • a co-protagonist.

    January 13, 2010

  • I am kad, I've just been reborn as kitinka here on Wordnik. When John comes back to the couch I'll ask him why kitinka won out over kad in the Wordie-Wordnik shuffle.

    Mollusque, there's a Bivalve, NJ?

    December 2, 2009

  • A rare ungulate no scientist has ever glimpsed in the wild. Also known as the Vu Quang ox.

    September 4, 2009

  • "An artifact is the product of a successful attempt to make a purposeless, useless, beautiful thing out of a past-tensed fact. It can never be art, and it can never be fact."

    --"Everything Is Illuminated" (Jonathan Safran Foer)

    August 3, 2009

  • "Artifice is that thing that was art in its conception and ifice in its execution. Look around. Examples are everywhere."

    --"Everything Is Illuminated" (Jonathan Safran Foer)

    August 3, 2009

  • "An ifact is a past-tensed fact. For example, many believe that after the destruction of the first Temple, God's existence became an ifact."

    --"Everything Is Illuminated" (Jonathan Safran Foer)

    August 3, 2009

  • "Ifice is a thing with purpose, created for function's sake, and having to do with the world. Everything is, in some way, an example of ifice."

    -- "Everything Is Illuminated" (Jonathan Safran Foer)

    August 3, 2009

  • A nephelometer is used to measure the turbidity of water via the scattering of light through a water sample.

    June 26, 2009

  • The biliary tract (or biliary tree) is the common anatomy term for the path by which bile is secreted by the liver on its way to the duodenum, or small intestine, of most members of the mammal family. (Wikipedia)

    April 3, 2009

  • A material which, when combined with calcium hydroxide, exhibits cementitious properties.

    April 1, 2009

  • plural form of lemma.

    March 24, 2009

  • A coronagraph is a telescopic attachment designed specifically to block out the harsh, direct light from a star, so that nearby objects can be resolved without burning out the telescope's optics.

    November 14, 2008

  • Used for measuring the speed of a ship.

    October 21, 2008

  • A circular disk used to measure water transparency in oceans and lakes.

    October 21, 2008

  • A device for measure the osmotic strength of a solution.

    October 21, 2008

  • This robocall has John McCain in hot water right now:

    October 20, 2008

  • The sudden, whole-body jerk that often occurs as you're falling asleep.

    October 7, 2008

  • The opposite of enriching.

    September 30, 2008

  • "Marine bacterial populations are controlled through grazing protists in a process known as bacteriovory."

    --Zubkov and Tarran, Nature, September 2008

    September 11, 2008

  • noooooo! the bananaphone earworm begins again!

    July 14, 2008

  • "The Romans were so smitten with Zadar — the Old Town is a 400-by-1,000-meter peninsula (about 100 acres) framed by Adriatic islands — they gave it municipium status, the second highest among cities."

    -- New York Times, 7/7/08

    July 8, 2008

  • small transparent animals that live in damp places such as puddles, or patches of moss

    June 4, 2008

  • or walrus whiskers:

    "...the stiff, sensitive whiskers that a walrus uses to search for bivalves through the seabed’s dark murk, and that feel like slender tubes of bamboo."

    --Natalie Angier, "Who is the Walrus?", NYTimes, 5/20/08

    May 21, 2008

  • a telephone that looks, amazingly, like a banana and a squid.

    March 15, 2008

  • "...the ability to declaim for portentous minutes about the revolution in world affairs brought about by technological change/environmental degradation/the fundamental decline in moral values."

    --David Brooks, The Rank-Link Imbalance

    New York Times, March 14, 2008

    March 14, 2008

  • Strawberry Fields?

    February 19, 2008

  • "It was the subject of a recent cover story in San Francisco magazine that quotes a Berkeley mother so stressed out about the extravagance of her nightly baths that she started to reuse her daughter’s bath water. Where there is ecoanxiety, of course, there are ecotherapists."

    --For 'EcoMoms,' Saving Earth Begins at Home. NYTimes, 2/16/08

    February 16, 2008

  • The disillusioned Boy Genius seeks gastronomical and spiritual enlightenment on a journey to the world's most traveled places.

    February 14, 2008

  • The story of an Afghan boy haunted by the guilt of destroying his best friend's kite.

    February 14, 2008

  • Dan Brown's suspense-filled tale of an attempt by the Illuminati to sell the Pope a Ford Pinto.

    February 14, 2008

  • Or is it someone who hates Phillip Roth?

    January 29, 2008

  • excellent!

    January 29, 2008

  • Such a nice sounding phrase for what is actually extremely caustic stuff.

    December 14, 2007

  • I thought I'd discovered a bug on when this came up. Does anyone actually use this phrase?

    December 9, 2007

  • cowher power! here we go!

    November 15, 2007

  • see also: yummy

    November 15, 2007

  • can't believe this hadn't been listed until now! it's a colleen classic!

    November 15, 2007

  • Nope, I'm a kiwi-eating, darjeeling-swilling eater of world foods. To me, coffee is the #1 reason not to be a locavore, with greek olives a close second. But because I am with child* I have given it up for the time being.

    *Actually had a doctor refer to me as such. I nearly peed my pants trying not to laugh.

    November 14, 2007

  • I've also heard locatarian as a way to describe the valiant few among us on the east coast who can forgo coffee.

    November 13, 2007

  • Skipvia, did you actually witness such an eye popping event?

    November 10, 2007

  • It's not arcane, but one of my favorite units of measure is the Sverdrup. In oceanography, it's a measure of the volume of water transported by a current in a given amount of time.

    November 7, 2007

  • or systematically naming all men 'Bob'

    November 2, 2007

  • From what I can gather, this is a type of tooth, a molar to be more precise.

    Etymology: Pseudo, false, for superficial resemblance; tribos, grinding, for the grinding and crushing function of the pseudo-tribosphenic molar;

    November 1, 2007

  • perhaps each of us should have an action item.

    October 31, 2007

  • Or, as served in Pittsburgh in the 1970s, a dish that came in a box in the frozen food section and elicited groans from young children.

    October 29, 2007

  • "They had taken supper, an inedible excrescence, at a restaurant across the parking lot, in a booth beneath a faux Tiffany lamp, served by a spotty high school girl with an eerily keen smile and an imposingly cleft chin."

    -- The Emperor's Children, by Claire Messud (page 454)

    October 29, 2007

  • glad you had pad thai and mocha...they seem to balance out the passive-aggressive and the overcast.

    October 25, 2007

  • And kind of like an eluent--a substance used to separate different components of a solution.

    October 18, 2007

  • thanks reesetee! i think i'd feel a sense of accomplishment if i even had a halfway decent paragraph of fiction by november 30, so there's not much to lose.

    October 18, 2007

  • I love it!

    October 18, 2007

  • I'm having pre-wrimo anxiety--trying to decide whether to go for it or not. It seemed like such a good idea back in July, but reality is setting in. Anyone else planning on spending November writing a mediocre novel?

    October 18, 2007

  • One of my pet peeves is when someone says 'you times the first number by the second' instead of 'you multiply the the first number by the second.' Much to my chagrin, one of the *graduate students* in a class I'm teaching said this today. I think I have to fail her.

    October 18, 2007

  • Sort of the good-spirited opposite of schadenfreude.

    October 17, 2007

  • i like "jeez louise" myself.

    October 16, 2007

  • ew! though i wonder if there are enough synonyms for phlegm to constitute a list...

    October 11, 2007

  • Is this how you spell the sound of Dr. Evil's laughter in 'Austin Powers?'

    October 6, 2007

  • is there a road trip destinations list yet?

    October 5, 2007

  • a correlation graph that helps to reveal the characteristics of a time series

    October 5, 2007

  • I was surprised to find that this is actually a word. I'd always used commensurate, which basically has the same meaning.

    October 3, 2007

  • "The Pit of Despair! Don't even think about trying to escape. The chains are far too thick. Don't dream of being rescued either."

    --The Albino, in 'The Princess Bride'

    October 2, 2007

  • Until, uh, last night I thought that Belle and Sebastian were singing about louvredors rather than "louvre doors:"

    "Now the centre of my so called being is

    The space between your bed and wardrobe with the louvre doors"

    I guess I kind of pictured there being a group of louvredors (like matadors?) being in that space. It wasn't until I went to look up 'louvredor' that I realized there was no such thing.

    October 2, 2007

  • I can't see or hear 'goji berries' without hearing this guy in my mind:

    September 27, 2007

  • "We are in search of an electroporator capable of delivering 15V for 50 ms pulses that also has a plug for an external electrode. Thank you for your help."

    Because everyone should know what an electroporator is, right?

    September 26, 2007

  • kewpid, you also might enjoy this list

    September 25, 2007

  • Always makes me think of one of the saddest short stories I've ever read: 'In the Gloaming,' by Alice Elliot Dark.

    September 24, 2007

  • and 'fumi' would be a great nickname for a dragon :)

    September 22, 2007

  • Reminds me of the "Verbivore Challenge" on the radio show "A Way With Words," a cheesy show about words that was on KPBS when I lived in San Diego. If you haven't ever heard the it is

    September 20, 2007

  • A weather front that slips in behind another.

    September 20, 2007

  • Gnatstown reminds me of the Icelandic town of Myvatn (sp?), which translates to 'Fly Lake.' A beautiful little town, but unfortunately it is is accurately named.

    September 19, 2007

  • me too!

    September 19, 2007

  • Absolutely. I'm originally from Pittsburgh, not far from the Youghiogheny River. Unless I've been mispronouncing it my whole life, the first 'gh' is pronounced like a 'k': Yawk-i-gain-ee.

    Off the top of my head, I can't think of another word with a gh that gets pronounced as a k...which means that the rest of my work day is shot as I try.

    September 18, 2007

  • Thanks reesetee! Are you in the Garden State, too?

    September 18, 2007

  • Very seriously. This is apparently a town, a state park, and a rest stop on the garden state parkway. Despite desperate attempts last weekend, I couldn't find my way from the highway to the state park and wound up in horrendous traffic. The silver lining is that it prompted me to actually buy a map.

    According to Wikipedia, this word comes from a Lenape Native American word for 'upland' or 'upland village.' But I'd rather picture Cheesquake State Park as a place where they pass out cheesecake at the entrance. Or where there is cottage cheese rustling nervously in the breeze.

    September 18, 2007

  • If there's anything worse than having a yeast infection, it's having to buy a product called Vagisil to get rid of it.

    September 18, 2007

  • brenda renetti (instead of brenda and eddie in billy joel's 'scenes from an italian restaurant')

    September 18, 2007

  • This reminds me of one of my favorite misunderstandings of lyrics. A friend of mine thought that the singer of 'Lowrider' kept saying 'Low, dry dove, is a little higher.'

    September 18, 2007

  • a female version of a cuckold.

    September 15, 2007

  • a critically endangered ungulate found mainly in northern Cambodia.

    September 13, 2007

  • the rutgers university newspaper is the daily targum.

    September 11, 2007

  • A Mormon who is also a man, e.g. Mitt Romney.

    September 3, 2007

  • A waxy white protective substance covering the skin of a fetus.

    September 2, 2007

  • I love the 'How to Speak 19th Century' page! It reminds me of John's list of Olde Fashyned Slang:

    July 19, 2007

  • dig the random word!

    July 12, 2007

  • there was a you'uns thread going...

    July 10, 2007

  • it's already been done. the result is the squircle.

    July 3, 2007

  • go.

    June 20, 2007

  • I had always thought that it was the latter definition.

    May 7, 2007

  • blistering? as in a blistering review?

    February 20, 2007

  • legendary chicken fairy, make my dreams come true!

    February 20, 2007

  • inconceivable!

    February 20, 2007

  • As in you'uns-guys goin' dahntahn? Watch the Stillers?

    February 7, 2007

  • quixotic is my favorite (though it's not easy to choose with so many good words!). i like both the reference to a literary character and the way that it sounds. and it gets extra points for having a 'q' and an 'x' in it.

    January 15, 2007

  • none of the letters stick up or hang down, and i dig that in a word. the dot of the 'i' is a bit troublesome, though.

    January 5, 2007

  • "Even in repose he shows a history thick with embranglement, dust-stomping men turning figures in the steep sun." -- Don DeLillo, Underworld

    January 5, 2007

  • "She's like this cleavagey slutbomb walking around going 'Ooh. Check me out, I'm wicked cool. I'm five by five.'" -- Willow, 'This Year's Girl'

    December 28, 2006

  • jaggers, jaggerbushes, and recently learned that 'dippy eggs' are a pennsylvania thing.

    December 23, 2006

  • oh, also thought i'd suggest 'aromatherapy,' which my last dentist used in an attempt to make the cavity-filling process less stressful.

    December 14, 2006

  • It's amazing how easy it is to get a rise out of scientists -- I'm no exception :) Black sheep we may be, but plain old sheep, we are not. I think you're spot on when you say that blind faith is the antithesis of science.

    December 14, 2006

  • as is mark.

    December 14, 2006

  • uninalienable

    December 14, 2006

  • moraine, kettle, pluvial lake

    December 14, 2006

  • Um...'global warming' and 'power crystals' in the same category? The phrase 'global warming' may be vague, but the phenomenon is very, very real. As 99% of the climate scientists in the world (including me!) will tell you, global warming is no longer a theory. It is a fact.

    December 13, 2006

  • sometimes finding lists like that on websites takes the joy out of compiling the list yourself (waiting for the end of 'car talk' with pencil in hand). but there are so many more listed than i've ever heard on air :)

    December 13, 2006

  • lots of good ones on their website:

    my favorite:

    Curator of our French Armanents Exhibit - Brittany Spears

    December 13, 2006

  • joy, ruby, jewel

    December 13, 2006

  • neat. it took me a minute to figure out what this list was, and now i'm madly trying to think of words to add to it :)

    December 12, 2006

  • Goldie Hawn's character in the movie 'Foul Play' was named Gloria Mundy.

    December 12, 2006

  • and 'wicked' if you're in new england.

    December 11, 2006

  • 'realtor' often becomes 'reel-i-tur' when it should be 'reel-tur' or 're-uhl-tur.' as for vietnamese and spaghetti, i'm as perplexed as you are, pedalinfaith.

    December 8, 2006

  • uncle hobart, chevrolet (ramona's doll), picky-picky (their cat)

    December 8, 2006

  • I often hear "supposably" instead of "supposedly." Then there's Oregon. How most of America can mispronounce the name of one of our own states is beyond me.

    I love this list, by the way :)

    December 8, 2006

  • Herpetophobia, while not specific to alligators/crocodiles is the fear of reptiles, amphibians, and other similar animals.

    December 6, 2006

  • "Portuguese word for a feeling of longing for something that one is fond of, which is gone, but might return in a distant future. It often carries a fatalist tone and a repressed knowledge that the object of longing might really never return."

    December 6, 2006

  • This is one of my favorite words in another language for which we have no equivalent in English. From Wikipedia:

    "...Portuguese word for a feeling of longing for something that one is fond of, which is gone, but might return in a distant future. It often carries a fatalist tone and a repressed knowledge that the object of longing might really never return."

    December 6, 2006

  • pearl, ruby, sandy, mark

    December 6, 2006

  • There have been studies that show that your brain is very active when you're using hesitation words (such as "um"), so they're actually an important part of verbalization. "Kind of" and "sort of" seem like they'd be the opposite to me -- your brain shutting off, giving up on being articulate, and filling in the gap. Just a theory.

    December 6, 2006

  • creepy, very creepy

    December 6, 2006

  • ooh, i like this one. there's also deltoid, but I can't think of other shapes defined by Greek letters. i sense a new list coming on...

    December 5, 2006

  • i never knew that drummers had their own lingo...fascinating.

    December 5, 2006

  • i totally agree, burrito. i could say it over and over and never get sick of it.

    December 5, 2006

  • perhaps denouement as well?

    December 5, 2006