Comments by rocksinmypockets

  • n. Complaints about small, probably inconsequential, things out of all proportion.

    I haven't posted here in a long time, but when my friend Kristen said this word today I knew I had to add it.

    June 10, 2013

  • Hahaha. It does sound a bit like that. Buff Orpingtons do have gold plumage, but they are one of the gentler, friendlier breeds out there. A rooster, however, is always a cock, if you know what I mean.

    May 26, 2010

  • I love all of those things, ruzuzu. Ophelia, in particular, is a dandelion eater. She eats the seeds right off the stem as if it were a snowcone when they are available. I was actually thinking about adding the word personality to the list, but decided that I'll add individual characteristics instead.

    May 26, 2010

  • Here's a nice version in French, palooka.

    June 2, 2008

  • *Laughing* Palooka, while you might prefer a two or a three, I believe that a four is what we are supposed to aspire to. A sign of your good health, my friend.

    May 30, 2008

  • Thanks, bilby. I got totally addicted to Wordie when I started, and ended up having to go cold turkey for awhile. Not to mention, my non-computer-based life got in the way. Now I'm trying to get back now and again to catch up some, post some, and just enjoy. Hopefully I'll be around a bit more over the summer.

    May 25, 2008

  • It's sort of amazing how many of these there are!

    January 28, 2008

  • Thanks Reesetee. Now I just have to learn moderation. I find that I want to keep up with everything and everyone here, which is more than a full time job, and I'm no where near retirement. :)

    January 28, 2008

  • I seem to have gotten a bit carried away. Once I started I couldn't stop. Guess I've been away from Wordie for too long.

    January 26, 2008

  • Brilliant.

    November 12, 2007

  • This I love (with sionnach's definition).

    November 12, 2007

  • When it's just too good for "yum" alone. Additional emphasis can be added by tacking on yet another "a-lum" or two.

    November 12, 2007

  • A sweet list. I never thought about naming bunnies after trees.

    Psst, maple snuck in there twice. :P

    November 12, 2007

  • Teehee, how could I possibly resist?

    November 9, 2007

  • C-b, this list is awful! I mean wonderful! I mean awful!

    Oh, how about "ornt juice"? I used to think it was kind of cute. That wore off.

    November 8, 2007

  • This may seem sort of silly, but sometimes I'd really love to be able to rearrange the order of the words on one of my lists. With some lists word order can make a pleasure of reading the list as a whole. Thus far the only way I've accomplished shuffling words is to move them all to a generic list and then move them back in the desired order.

    November 8, 2007

  • I'll have to take in those lists a little bit at a time, and I'll probably have to wait a day or two to begin after reading these comments! Ouch. :[

    November 8, 2007

  • This is a particularly yummy list of words. I'm experiencing symptoms.

    November 8, 2007

  • I love the visual this list creates.

    November 8, 2007

  • I know it's been said, but, wow, this is a great list!

    November 8, 2007

  • I'll say.

    November 7, 2007

  • I love the idea of time being measured in ounces.

    November 7, 2007

  • Ugh! Is there a list for these already? Sure seems like there should be!

    November 6, 2007

  • I really like the look up options. Thanks for keeping them!

    November 5, 2007

  • Well, no. Actually, it's rather small at 500cc's, but I wouldn't exactly call it a mini bike. ;P It's just that vehicle makers generally try to find names that sound impressive/fast/tough/etc., so a town in Utah just seemed like an odd thing to name a bike after.

    November 4, 2007

  • Wow. You have posted nearly 1000 words within a week! I wonder if that's a record.

    November 4, 2007

  • Yeah, Bohemian Rhapsody is impressive. It's worth listening all the way through.

    November 4, 2007

  • I find "fusstrated" (in place of frustrated) to be much more annoying.

    November 3, 2007

  • I absolutely love your username.

    November 3, 2007

  • Okay, I suppose it's probably meant to be read as "great" or "maximum" or some such thing. A bit more believable, anyhow.

    November 3, 2007

  • Mules!

    Don't like the "orthopedic shoes" suggestion, eh?

    November 3, 2007

  • *Laughing as she sets another place for reesetee.*

    November 3, 2007

  • Don't feel bad, uselessness, it's supposedly very rare for anyone to get over 48, much less stay there. 47 seems quite respectable.

    November 3, 2007

  • What a relief! ;)

    November 3, 2007

  • Well, come on over, there's plenty of food!

    November 3, 2007

  • Haha, now that the WordNet definition is hovering next to the word my comment looks redundant.

    November 3, 2007

  • Aw, thanks, reesetee. :)

    November 3, 2007

  • A stand-in for sh**

    November 3, 2007

  • I've never heard "George Warshington" before. Shoosh, that's funny.

    November 3, 2007

  • They're still funny names for motorcycles.

    November 3, 2007

  • Well, I'll have to remember not to get on your bad side, reesetee! ;P

    November 3, 2007

  • But parent is a verb. *looking bewildered*

    November 2, 2007

  • This is a fun list. Here's one for you: Oh, pickledy poo!

    November 2, 2007

  • Great list, John. How about booties? Orthopedic? Would horseshoes be too much of a stretch? :D

    November 2, 2007

  • It makes me sound schnockered. :P

    November 2, 2007

  • Welcome, virago!

    November 2, 2007

  • I wonder how long it takes that fellow to learn a new piece. *still laughing*

    November 2, 2007

  • I'm in south central Wisconsin. Ramps grow wild in some of the woodland areas here and just to the northwest of us.

    November 2, 2007

  • I wonder how a motorcycle ended up with this moniker.

    November 2, 2007

  • WordNet doesn't seem to be pulling this one up, but says, "a rivet or screw head having the form of a truncated cone."

    November 2, 2007

  • I suppose it could be an incredibly interesting town, though.

    November 2, 2007

  • According to my bike is named after a town in Utah. A bit of a let down, really.

    November 2, 2007

  • That list of yours gets yummier by the word, skipvia.

    I just noticed that the link (below) to your list isn't working; I think you need to add the "A" in "A Southern Season" to it.

    November 2, 2007

  • Of course! The universal law of conservation of consonants. Clearly I need to page through my grade school texts as a refresher; I'd completely forgotten it. ;)

    November 2, 2007

  • It's a regional thing. Warsh is more commonly heard than wash in north central Illinois. At least in my own personal experience.

    My grandma always said warsh, so I'm rather fond of it, myself.

    November 2, 2007

  • How about snap, snip, wham, boom, and plop? :)

    November 2, 2007

  • Funny! And accurate.

    I must admit that I like bubble tea. Totally avoided for some time because it sounds like it belongs in anime, but it's pretty darn yummy-weird.

    November 2, 2007

  • Hope you all have a good time.

    November 2, 2007

  • The WordNet addition is nice on some words, but sucky on others, where it gives an inadequate definition. :(

    November 2, 2007

  • Oh, fine, just leave me here in the dark. I'll entertain myself. No problem.

    No, really. I'm fine.

    November 2, 2007

  • Interesting. It is also a letterpress term for a small, wedge-shaped piece of metal with teeth on one side. Used in sets of two, with their teeth facing eachother, quoins form an expandable rectangle that sits between blocks of wood (called furniture) on the press bed, and are tightened with a quoin key to secure type in place for printing.

    November 2, 2007

  • Really, uselessness? Everyone can see it but me? Oh dear.

    November 2, 2007

  • But I can't see towers open fire!!

    November 1, 2007

  • Books smell good when they're old, too. :)

    November 1, 2007

  • Haha, kewpid, that was my first thought, too.

    October 31, 2007

  • Great word! Shouldn't we be hearing it a lot more often than we do, though?

    October 29, 2007

  • Well c_b, I could only find three that are recognized: Schip-A-Pom (Pomeranian x Schipperke), Skip-Shzu (Schipperke x Shih Tzu), Schipper-Poo (Poodle x Schipperke)

    October 29, 2007

  • I agree with you, sionnach. Believe it or not, this is less than half of the list. There are others I am tempted to add, but think I ought not to.

    October 28, 2007

  • A friend of my sister's just named her child Leaf Mountain.

    October 28, 2007

  • Road trip!!

    October 28, 2007

  • Lhaffon loses something without capitalization.

    October 28, 2007

  • Oh, I don't know, skipvia. I like okra pickled with hot peppers, and in masala or sambhar. Yum!

    October 28, 2007

  • pronounced burn-ah-fee

    October 28, 2007

  • Or else, ought to be followed by, "Gesundheit."

    October 28, 2007

  • "Kerrbluschnauz" sounds like something that should be shouted when you stub your toe.

    October 28, 2007

  • Definitely. And, "What in bullmation?!"

    October 28, 2007

  • This should really be the language spoken in Griffonland.

    October 28, 2007

  • Yup, I figured it was just me. Thanks, uselessness, that worked. I'm brand spanking new to web design and don't have all the basics memorized just yet.

    October 28, 2007

  • It's sort of what one looks like when one's had too much to drink, too. :P

    October 28, 2007

  • A Kerrbluschnauz is a Kerry Blue Terrier x Miniature Schnauzer cross

    October 28, 2007

  • I believe that you are correct c_b. The American Canine Hybrid Club list must not have been thoroughly edited.

    I'll fix it.

    October 28, 2007

  • This bug is probably mine, not the site's, but I couldn't find an answer elsewhere. I can't seem to get an external link to show up/function as an external link. What am I supposed to be entering in order to have it work?

    October 28, 2007

  • Haha! John, I'd love to see that scenario play out. I'll be chuckling for days just thinking about it.

    October 27, 2007

  • Okay, so it wasn't a very impressive win (I saw the trophy before I saw the scores). But I still have a Wordie trophy. I'm not knockin' that.

    October 27, 2007

  • Yeah. :(

    But it was fun anyway. :)

    Thanks, uselessness!

    October 27, 2007

  • Wow! I can't believe it! Wahoo! I won a Wordie game!

    October 27, 2007

  • C-b: I definitely intend to list each combination on its respective page. It may just take a few days (between work and company, oh, and sleep). :)

    One of the coats I've worn in my life is that of a veterinary technician, and I stumbled upon the complete list while looking for something else. I could hardly believe my eyes, and couldn't stop myself from laughing out loud. Of course, the very first actual thought I had was, "there's no way around making Wordie list out of this mess!"

    Ressetee: Yup, I'd bet most of these mutts have been viewed down some pretty long muzzles, if you know what I mean. ;)

    October 27, 2007

  • I just learned the word sniglet, which is a synonym for madeupical, and equally fun to say.

    October 26, 2007

  • You're funny; commenting on deleted words that don't exist on any list, and referring to listed words in the comment. It's like playing with a toggle switch to read them back to back to back. :P

    October 26, 2007

  • Thanks, yarb!

    October 26, 2007

  • It's just a brownish-black mineral consisting of zinc sulfide, but it sounds disgusting, doesn't it?

    October 26, 2007

  • I am going to say this word over, and over, and over. Just cuz it's fun.

    October 26, 2007

  • I'd go so far as to say that Wordie is a nice-assed, pro-text website. *grin*

    October 26, 2007

  • A perfectly believable word. I'm going to incorporate it into my vocabulary immediately. I will use it with discretion, of course.

    October 26, 2007

  • Yes, I've always used it as the past tense of squeeze. It just fits better than squeezed in most cases (an exception being "squeezed in between").


    "Who squoze the juice?"

    "She squoze all the water from the washcloth."

    "I squoze my eyes shut." (But I'd still say, "My eyes were squeezed shut.")

    October 26, 2007

  • Okay, I haven't been here very long, so the following is a combination of first impressions and guesswork.

    chained_bear is obnoxious (in the most lovable way)

    jennarenn is sunny

    John is winsome (I can't help but see the teapot)

    reesetee is caffeinated

    rocksinmypockets is rapprochemental

    seanahan is intense

    skipvia is dissociative

    uselessness is abecedarian

    I can hardly wait for the official answers.

    October 26, 2007

  • I've been saying this all my life. I totally believed it was unmadeupical until a few years ago when multiple friends started hassling me to produce a published dictionary definition.

    I've been pouting ever since.

    October 26, 2007

  • It sounds like moist is quickly becoming c_b's least favorite word.

    October 26, 2007

  • Perhaps I ought to look more seriously at Libertarianism. Not that I'd necessarily want to give up simply being Independent, but stranger things have happened.

    October 26, 2007

  • Not widely practiced in politics, anyhow.

    October 26, 2007

  • It's like candy. Only better.

    October 20, 2007

  • See earworm.

    October 20, 2007

  • Oh my, that's great. Thanks for the smorgasbord of annoyingly peppy music, uselessness! No wonder it seemed so familiar and yet hard to place.

    October 20, 2007

  • What is the soundtrack, anyway? I might want to get a copy. :D

    October 19, 2007

  • Didn't JC act as Pinocchio's conscience (and savior) in the Disney version? Kind of creepy.

    October 19, 2007

  • Eel is cooked, too, and super yummy. But I love the raw fish the most. :P

    October 19, 2007

  • Hmm, I bet sauteed ostrich ferns would be yummy in a sushi roll. Mmmmmm, sushi.

    October 18, 2007

  • Now I'm wondering if the entire Pinocchio story is a thinly veiled religious lesson. Hmmm.

    October 17, 2007

  • What?! No! Now I have to stop saying jiminy cricket. Oh balls. (Don't tell me that's religious, too.) *grumbling to self in disgust*

    October 17, 2007

  • Being the non-religious sort, I prefer "jiminy," short for "jiminy cricket," as an alternative.

    October 16, 2007

  • But can we add this soundtrack to the earworm merch? Teeheehee.

    October 16, 2007

  • And it looks good on a Onesie!

    October 16, 2007

  • With regard to the Google ads do you only get paid if we click on them? If that is the case, it may pay (more) to look at other options (like the merch and private ads). If you get paid even without clicks, that's great.

    October 16, 2007

  • Oh, no, the crappuccino mugs are just TOO good! I think I actually must buy some.

    How cool would it be to put whole lists in cloud form on merch? Oh, dear. I'm in trouble. I can see I'm going to spend money that I oughtn't.


    October 16, 2007

  • What always works for me, in terms of getting rid of earworms, is humming my favorite childhood song. It never gets stuck, but it has enough oomph to derail the worm. I think the smurf song would just be another earworm for me.

    And, I have to agree with npydyuan on Big Rock Candy Mountain. Ug!

    October 16, 2007

  • Um, don't you mean Filberts?

    October 15, 2007

  • Why thank you, npydyuan.

    October 15, 2007

  • Also used to slip-sheet prints/drawings/photographs.

    October 15, 2007

  • I didn't even know you could make and interrobang with a computer keyboard. *Ogling trivet with wonder and awe*

    October 15, 2007

  • Yum!!

    October 15, 2007

  • type high

    October 15, 2007

  • .918

    October 15, 2007

  • Perhaps I should have said that I love it in theory. It is a clever little twist, and so perfectly appropriate for the listing.

    Oh, hell, I'm probably enough of a dork to still love it tomorrow, who am I kidding?

    October 15, 2007

  • I wish that I could say I have. I only learned that you could this summer. Supposedly they taste sort of like asparagus, but I'll let you know for certain in the spring.

    October 15, 2007

  • Oh, reesetee, I know! I know! If only I had enough time to be truly dedicated to all of my addictions. ;)

    October 15, 2007

  • Oh, that's gorgeous! Thanks for the visual, SG.

    October 15, 2007

  • I always say "neener neener boo boo"

    October 15, 2007

  • Did you know that you can eat the fiddleheads?

    October 15, 2007

  • Lucky you! (In all seriousness.)

    October 15, 2007

  • The tag was a good idea, SonfoGroucho. I have to remember to think about tags as a tool for clarification here. Thanks!

    October 15, 2007

  • Oh, yeah! This is a great list. Nice list name, too. But how could you leave out 'platypus'?

    Confession: your username is one of my favorites to say out loud.

    October 15, 2007

  • As in the kind of rocks that you pick up on the sidewalk or in the driveway and use to write or draw on the cement with in lieu of manufactured chalk?

    October 15, 2007

  • I just love the fact the the listing comes with it's own infecting, infesting little earworm.

    October 15, 2007

  • I definitely think you should leave it in the list. The context is *exactly* what prompted me to keep looking, and hence, to keep learning! What better way to dilute the negative association than to educate?

    Besides, the world is already full of contradiction. This word is a lovely reminder to 1) seek out what is beautiful, and 2) remember what we (as humans) have done, so as not to repeat what ought not be repeated.

    October 15, 2007

  • Ha! Another artist. Or, at the very least, art appreciator.

    October 15, 2007

  • I'm jealous, oroboros. I haven't seen any bluebirds in my yard yet. They are a favorite. I've been having a blast watching woodpeckers, though. So far I've counted four kinds: Red-bellied, Northern Flicker, Downy, Yellow Bellied Sapsucker.

    October 15, 2007

  • I am (forgive the pun) a fledgling bird watcher. We moved into a new neighborhood about a year and a half ago which is near a marsh, a wooded conservation area, and the shoreline of a small lake. Add to that a nice variety of mature trees, both deciduous and evergreen, and you get birds. Lots of them. It's wonderful. I'm slowly turning our front yard into an native open woodland with an emphasis on fruit and nut-bearing trees and shrubs.

    October 15, 2007

  • The light...the light...

    (shuffling forward, eyes glazed, mumbling incomprehensively)

    October 15, 2007

  • This list makes a particularly nice cloud.

    October 15, 2007

  • Some words are just made to be said aloud.

    October 15, 2007

  • Hey reesetee, I *love* the feel and sound of this word. It took me a while to find it's avian connection: the Hottentot Teal. It has some other, much less lovely, associations in it's closet, too.

    October 15, 2007

  • Ah, thank you, seanahan.

    Reesetee, I've noticed you have a thing for bird words. :) Do you bird-watch, too?

    October 14, 2007

  • uselessness was probably right, but it was an entertaining run nonetheless.

    October 14, 2007

  • 1. A small headless nail that is used in the manufacture and mending of soles and heels of shoes and boots.

    Etymology: 17c: a reduced form of sparrow-bill, so called because of the resemblance of the nail to the shape of a sparrow's beak.

    October 14, 2007

  • I love your site and fear that I may become addicted. :)

    October 14, 2007

  • Hi John, I am getting the same 404 error message as others appear to be getting when trying to add my favorite and least favorite words to my profile. I'm on a Macbook Pro and using Firefox.

    October 14, 2007

  • This actually brought tears to my eyes. Granted, I probably have a larger soft spot than the average American for the restoration of old homes and buildings.

    A well crafted list, to be sure.

    October 13, 2007

  • Thanks! No, I haven't seen the play, but I will certainly check it out now that you've brought it to my attention.

    October 11, 2007

  • Ah, but the relief that nepenthes tempts us with comes by way of forgetting. Thus, having no recollection of our prior woes, isn't it likely we will simply find our way right back to worry and pain?

    October 10, 2007

  • The connection you draw, npydyuan, between this word and rabbits is interesting to me on a personal note. For I am called Clapper, and rabbits have played some role in my life from birth up to the present. Perhaps you had a particular audience in mind for this post?

    October 10, 2007