
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • noun The fourth letter of the modern English alphabet.
  • noun Any of the speech sounds represented by the letter d.
  • noun The fourth in a series.
  • noun Something shaped like the letter D.
  • noun The lowest passing grade given to a student in a school or college.
  • noun The second tone in the scale of C major or the fourth tone in the relative minor scale.
  • noun A key or scale in which D is the tonic.
  • noun A written or printed note representing this tone.
  • noun A string, key, or pipe tuned to the pitch of this tone.
  • abbreviation deuteron
  • abbreviation diameter
  • abbreviation differential
  • abbreviation down quark

from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun An abbreviation of Latin (ML.) divinitatis doctor, Doctor of Divinity.
  • An abbreviation of the Latin Dei gratia, by the grace of God.
  • noun An abbreviation of Doomsday Book.
  • noun An abbreviation of the Latin Deo volente, God willing. See Deo volente.
  • noun An abbreviation of Deputy Lieutenant;
  • noun of Doctor of Law, a degree equivalent to D. C. L.
  • noun of Doctor of Literature, a degree equivalent to D. Lit.
  • noun An abbreviation of Doctor of Science.
  • An abbreviation of Doctor of Oratory
  • of Doctor of Osteopathy.
  • A form of -ed, -ed, in certain words. See -ed, -ed.
  • noun Abbreviations of Doctor of Music.
  • noun An abbreviation of dal segno.
  • noun An abbreviation of Dynamical Engineer, a degree conferred at the completion of a graduate course in mechanical engineering.
  • In electricity, an abbreviation for double pole.
  • noun Abbreviations of Doctor of Theology.
  • An abbreviation of Doctor of Pharmacy.
  • noun In music, an abbreviation of destra mano (which see).
  • An abbreviation of dead-reckoning.
  • The fourth letter and third consonant in the English alphabet: the corresponding character has the same position and the same value also in the Latin, Greek, and Phenician alphabets, from which it comes to us. (See A.)
  • As a numeral, in the Roman system, D stands for 500; when a dash or stroke is placed over it, as D, it stands for 5,000.
  • As a symbol: In music: The second tone, or re, of the scale of C.
  • A note which represents this tone.
  • The key-note of the key of two sharps .
  • On the keyboard of the organ or pianoforte, the white key or digital included in each group of two black keys.
  • The string in a stringed instrument that is tuned to the tone D, as the third string of the violin, etc. In chem., D is the symbol of didymium.
  • In mathematics, d is the sign of differentiation, ∂ of partial differentiation, δ of variation, D of derivation (commonly in the sense of taking the differential coefficient), ▵ of differencing, and ⾿ of the Hamiltonian operator.
  • In the mnemonic words of logic, the sign of reduction to darii.
  • As an abbreviation: In Eng. reckoning (d. or d.), an abbreviation of denarius, the original name for the English penny: as, £ s. d., pounds, shillings, and pence; 2s. 1d., two shillings and one penny.
  • Before a date (d.), an abbreviation of died.
  • In dental formulas, an abbreviation of deciduous, prefixed without a period to the letters i, c, and m: thus, di., deciduous incisor; dc., deciduous canine; dm., deciduous molar: all being teeth of the milk-dentition of a diphyodont mammal.
  • or, more simply, taking one half of each jaw only, di. , dc. , dm. . In either case the numbers above the line are those of the upper teeth, and those below the line of the under teeth. See dental.
  • In anatomy and ichthyology (d. or D.), an abbreviation of dorsal (vertebra or fin, respectively).
  • In a ship's logbook (d.), an abbreviation of drizzling.
  • noun An abbreviation of direct current;
  • noun of District Court;


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

Modification of capital letter D, from Ancient Greek letter Δ (D, "Delta").

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

Lower case form of upper case roman numeral D, a standardization of D or Ð, from tally stick markings resembling a superimposed Ɔ and ⋌, from the practice of encircling each hundredth ⋌ notch.


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