
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • intransitive verb Grammar To inflect (a verb) in its forms for distinctions such as number, person, voice, mood, and tense.
  • intransitive verb To join together.
  • intransitive verb Biology To undergo conjugation.
  • intransitive verb Grammar To be inflected.
  • adjective Joined together, especially in a pair or pairs; coupled.
  • adjective Mathematics & Physics Inversely or oppositely related with respect to one of a group of otherwise identical properties, especially designating either or both of a pair of complex numbers differing only in the sign of the imaginary term.
  • adjective Linguistics Derived from a common source, such as the words foul and filth.
  • adjective Chemistry Conjugated.
  • noun Mathematics & Physics Any of a set of numbers that satisfy the same irreducible polynomial.
  • noun Chemistry A chemical compound that has been formed by the joining of two or more compounds.

from The Century Dictionary.

  • To join together; specifically, to join in marriage; unite by marriage.
  • In grammar, to inflect (a verb) through all its various forms, as voices, moods, tenses, numbers, and persons, or so many of them as there, may be.
  • In biology, to perform the act of conjugation; specifically, in botany, to unite and form a zygospore.
  • United in pairs; joined together; coupled.
  • In botany, applied to a pinnate leaf which has only one pair of leaflets.
  • In chem., containing two or more radicals acting the part of a single one.
  • In grammar and rhetoric, kindred in meaning as having a common derivation; paronymous: an epithet sometimes applied to words immediately derived from the same primitive.
  • In mathematics, applied to two points, lines, etc., when they are considered together, with regard to any property, in such a manner that they may be interchanged without altering the way of enunciating the property—that is, when they are in a reciprocal or equiparant relation to one another.
  • noun In gram, and rhetoric, one of a group of words having the same immediate derivation, and therefore presumably related in meaning; a paronym.
  • noun In chem., a subordinate radical associated with another, along with which it acts as a single radical.
  • noun A conjugate axis.
  • In gearing, said of tooth-profiles when they are of such a form that one will drive the other with a constant velocity-ratio, that is, when the ratio of the angular velocity of the driver to that of the driven is constant.
  • United by a transverse furrow, as the paired ambulacral pores of the echinoids.
  • noun Of a point O with respect to the triangle ABC, a point O′ such that on it are copunctal AX′ , BY′ , CZ′ when X′ , Y′ , Z′ are the isotomic conjugates, with respect to the sides, of X, Y, Z the points where transversals from A, B, C through O meet the sides.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • transitive verb obsolete To unite in marriage; to join.
  • transitive verb (Gram.) To inflect (a verb), or give in order the forms which it assumes in its several voices, moods, tenses, numbers, and persons.
  • adjective United in pairs; yoked together; coupled.
  • adjective (Bot.) In single pairs; coupled.
  • adjective (Chem.), rare Containing two or more compounds or radicals supposed to act the part of a single one.
  • adjective (Gram.) Agreeing in derivation and radical signification; -- said of words.
  • adjective (Math.) Presenting themselves simultaneously and having reciprocal properties; -- frequently used in pure and applied mathematics with reference to two quantities, points, lines, axes, curves, etc.
  • adjective (Math.) the line through the center of the curve, perpendicular to the line through the two foci.
  • adjective (Conic Sections) two diameters of an ellipse or hyperbola such that each bisects all chords drawn parallel to the other.
  • adjective (Opt.) See under Focus.
  • adjective (Optics) two mirrors so placed that rays from the focus of one are received at the focus of the other, especially two concave mirrors so placed that rays proceeding from the principal focus of one and reflected in a parallel beam are received upon the other and brought to the principal focus.
  • adjective (Geom.) an acnode. See Acnode, and Double point.
  • adjective (Conic Sections) a triangle each of whose vertices is the pole of the opposite side with reference to a conic.
  • intransitive verb (Biol.) To unite in a kind of sexual union, as two or more cells or individuals among the more simple plants and animals.
  • noun A word agreeing in derivation with another word, and therefore generally resembling it in signification.
  • noun (Chem.), rare A complex compound formed from the non-covalent union of two other comounds, behaving as a single compound.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • verb grammar, transitive To inflect (a verb) for each person, in order, for one or more tenses.
  • verb rare To join together, unite; to juxtapose.
  • verb biology To reproduce sexually as do some bacteria and algae, by exchanging or transferring DNA.
  • noun Any entity formed by joining two or more smaller entities together.
  • noun mathematics (of a complex number) A complex conjugate.
  • noun mathematics More generally, any of a set of irrational or complex numbers that are zeros of the same polynomial with integral coefficients.
  • noun mathematics An explementary angle.

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • adjective (of a pinnate leaflet) having only one pair of leaflets
  • verb undergo conjugation
  • adjective of an organic compound; containing two or more double bonds each separated from the other by a single bond


from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition

[Latin coniugāre, coniugāt-, to join together : com-, com- + iugāre, to join (from iugum, yoke; see yeug- in Indo-European roots).]

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

From the participle stem of Latin conjugāre ("to yoke together"), from con- + jugāre.


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