from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.
- noun A sharp or tapered end.
- noun An object having a sharp or tapered end.
- noun A tapering extension of land projecting into water; a peninsula, cape, or promontory.
- noun A mark formed by or as if by a sharp end.
- noun A mark or dot used in printing or writing for punctuation, especially a period.
- noun A decimal point.
- noun Linguistics A vowel point.
- noun One of the protruding marks used in certain methods of writing and printing for the blind.
- noun A dimensionless geometric object having no properties except location.
- noun An element in a geometrically described set.
- noun A place or locality considered with regard to its position.
- noun A narrowly particularized and localized position or place; a spot.
- noun A specified degree, condition, or limit, as in a scale or course.
- noun Any of the 32 equal divisions marked at the circumference of a mariner's compass card that indicate direction.
- noun The interval of 11°15′ between any two adjacent markings.
- noun A distinct condition or degree.
- noun The interval of time immediately before a given occurrence; the verge.
- noun A specific moment in time.
- noun An objective or purpose to be reached or achieved, or one that is worth reaching or achieving.
- noun The major idea or essential part of a concept or narrative.
- noun A significant, outstanding, or effective idea, argument, or suggestion.
- noun A separate, distinguishing item or element; a detail.
- noun A quality or characteristic that is important or distinctive, especially a standard characteristic used to judge an animal.
- noun A single unit, as in counting, rating, or measuring.
- noun A unit of academic credit usually equal to one hour of class work per week during one semester.
- noun A numerical unit of academic achievement equal to a letter grade.
- noun Sports & Games A unit of scoring or counting.
- noun A unit equal to one dollar, used to quote or state variations in the current prices of stocks or commodities.
- noun A unit equal to one percent, used to quote or state interest rates or shares in gross profits.
- noun One percent of the total principal of a loan, paid up front to the lender and considered separately from the interest.
- noun Music A phrase, such as a fugue subject, in contrapuntal music.
- noun Printing A unit of type size equal to 0.01384 inch, or approximately 1/72 of an inch.
- noun A jeweler's unit of weight equal to 2 milligrams or 0.01 carat.
- noun The act or an instance of pointing.
- noun The stiff and attentive stance taken by a hunting dog.
- noun A reconnaissance or patrol unit that moves ahead of an advance party or guard, or that follows a rear guard.
- noun The position occupied by such a unit or guard.
- noun Either of two positions in ice hockey just inside the offensive zone near the boards, usually assumed by defenders attempting to keep the puck in the offensive zone.
- noun Basketball A position in the forecourt beyond the top of the key, usually taken by the point guard.
- noun In women's lacrosse, a defensive player who marks the opponent playing nearest to the goal (the first home).
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

Help support Wordnik (and make this page ad-free) by adopting the word point.
Shkedy's team uses the Bible as a starting point to see what animals were once in Israel, reading the Scriptures with a conservationists 'point of view.
Zookeepers Try To Repopulate Israel With Biblical Animals 2010
Thom: And back to Chris Hedges 'point, and the larger point of is the planet melting down, are we melting down, and is it because of the way we think?
OpEdNews - Diary: Chris Hedges' Extraordinary New Book "Empire of Illusion" 2009
BROWN: Go ahead, David, but to address this point about whether or not the players have leverage really or, as to James 'point earlier, would the owners actually decide, you know, if this turned into something, like, hey, we don't want to deal with this; who needs the controversy?
AMY HOLMES, CNN CONTRIBUTOR: On Rowland's point and Bill 'point, I agree a lot of his speech was inspiring and the type of rhetoric we love as fellow Americans.
I want to just make one point about Paul's point -- James 'point, excuse me, and that it's not just Democrats that are -- excuse me, Republicans that are fired up this way and making these horrible statements like the one woman and even the gentleman who shouted "terrorist," listen, let me show you some of the e-mails that I get from the fired up left and Obama supporters.
They had this thing called 'point of information 'where they get up and say point of information, and the speaker can choose to accept or decline, and the WA side did it so often, I swear it was just like the speaker had to just keep waving his arm in a' sit down 'motion.
blu94anjel Diary Entry blu94anjel 2008
"" We're trying to tell players that once you go past the point of [impasse], it's difficult to put the yolk back in the egg, '' said the Boston Red Sox's John Harrington, the owners 'point man.
Thus, while Zeno accepts Socrates 'point that his own arguments aim to show that there are not many things, he corrects Socrates' impression that, in arguing this point, he was just saying the same thing as Parmenides in a different form.
Zeno of Elea Palmer, John 2008
BROWN: But to Lars 'point, to Lar's point, Gloria, let's play devil's advocate, why are we demonizing all lobbyists?
The Clean Water Act prohibits the discharge of pollutants from any 'point source' to waters of the United States unless authorized under a permit that is issued by EPA or a qualified state, and the act expressly defines CAFOs as point sources.
Archive 2007-08-01 2007
Related Words
synonyms (962)
Words with the same meaning
- L
- Thule
- Ultima Thule
- abode
- accent
- accentuate
- ace
- acerbity
- acidity
- acme
- acridity
- acrimony
- aculeate
- aculeus
- acuminate
- acumination
- address
- advance guard
- advantage
- affective meaning
- aim
- aim at
- airhead
- allude to
- ambition
- amount
- analyze
- ancestor
- angle
- animus
- announcer
- antecedent
- antler
- apex
- apogee
- applicability
- applicable
- application
- appoint
- apposite
- appropriate
- appropriateness
- apropos
- apt
- area
- article
- as regards
- ascender
- aspect
- aspiration
- astringency
- atom
- attribute
- auger
- avail
- avant-garde
- awl
- ax
- azimuth
- back
- barb
- barbed wire
- barblet
- barbule
- barbwire
- basis
- bastard type
- battle line
- beachhead
- bear
- beard
- bearing
- bearings
- behalf
- behoof
- bellwether
- belly
- belly laugh
- bench mark
- bend
- bend to
- benefit
- bent
- beside the point
- bevel
- bias
- bifurcation
- bight
- bill
- birthmark
- bit
- bite
- bitter end
- bitterness
- black letter
- blade
- blaze
- blaze a trail
- blemish
- blotch
- blue story
- bodkin
- body
- borer
- bottom
- bottom dollar
- boundary
- bracket
- bradawl
- brand
- breakwater
- bridgehead
- bring up
- brink
- brow
- buccinator
- burden
- burin
- bushwhacker
- butt
- butt end
- caesura
- caliber
- call attention to
- caltrop
- cant
- cap
- cape
- capital
- cardinal point
- carpet tack
- case
- cast
- caste mark
- causticity
- chalk
- chalk up
- chapter
- character
- characteristic
- check
- check off
- checkmark
- chersonese
- cheval-de-frise
- chevron
- chief thing
- chisel
- cicatrix
- cicatrize
- circumstantial
- circumstantiality
- climax
- cloud nine
- cockspur
- coin
- cold steel
- colon
- coloring
- comma
- compass
- concern
- concerning
- conduce
- conjugate
- connotation
- consideration
- constituent
- contribute
- convenience
- coral reef
- core
- corner
- cornerstone
- counsel
- count
- counter
- course
- crank
- crest
- crisis
- critical point
- crook
- crotchet
- crown
- crumb
- crux
- culmen
- culmination
- current
- cusp
- cuspidate
- cut
- cutlery
- cutter
- dab
- dagger
- dapple
- dash
- datum
- day
- decimal point
- decline
- define
- deflection
- degree
- delimit
- delta
- demarcate
- denotation
- descend
- descender
- desideration
- desideratum
- design
- designate
- desire
- detail
- details
- determination
- determine
- diacritical mark
- dibble
- die
- direct
- direct attention to
- direction
- direction line
- directionize
- dirty joke
- dirty story
- discolor
- discoloration
- dispose
- district
- dogleg
- dole
- dot
- double entendre
- dram
- dribble
- driblet
- drift
- drill
- drop
- droplet
- dwarf
- earmark
- edge
- edge tools
- effect
- elbow
- element
- ell
- em
- emphasize
- emplacement
- en
- end
- end stop
- engrave
- engraving
- engraving tool
- entity
- essence
- essential
- essential matter
- etching ball
- etching ground
- etching needle
- etching point
- ethnic joke
- exhibit
- explorer
- extension
- extent
- extreme
- extreme limit
- extremity
- face
- facet
- fact
- factor
- fag end
- farthest bound
- farthest outpost
- farthing
- fat-faced type
- fateful moment
- feature
- feet
- fid
- fierceness
- file
- first line
- fishhook
- fitting
- fix
- fix on
- fixed purpose
- fleck
- flick
- flyspeck
- focus
- focus of attention
- focus of interest
- font
- force
- forebear
- forefront
- foregoer
- foreland
- forerunner
- fork
- fragment
- freckle
- front line
- front rank
- front runner
- front-runner
- frontiersman
- fugleman
- full stop
- fun
- function
- fundamental
- funny story
- furcation
- gaff
- gag
- gash
- germane
- gimlet
- gist
- gnat
- go
- goad
- goal
- gobbet
- good one
- good story
- grade
- grain
- grammatical meaning
- granule
- gravamen
- graver
- graving
- gravitate
- great point
- grind
- grip
- groat
- groove
- groundbreaker
- guide
- guts
- hack
- hair
- handful
- harbinger
- harpoon
- harshness
- hat pin
- hatch
- have a tendency
- head
- heading
- headland
- heart
- heaven
- heavens
- height
- helmsmanship
- herald
- high noon
- high point
- highest pitch
- highest point
- hilltop
- hint
- hold a heading
- hold on
- hole
- hone
- hook
- horn
- hour
- howler
- hyphenate
- icepick
- idea
- identify
- immaterial
- impact
- implication
- imply
- import
- important thing
- impress
- imprint
- in point of
- in reference to
- inappropriate
- inapt
- incidental
- inclination
- incline
- inconsequential
- indicate
- individual
- inflect
- inflection
- innovator
- instance
- instant
- intaglio
- integer
- intendment
- intension
- intent
- intention
- interest
- interval
- iota
- irrelevant
- issue
- italic
- item
- jape
- jest
- jestbook
- joke
- jot
- jumping-off place
- juncture
- kairos
- keenness
- kernel
- keystone
- knee
- knife
- knoll
- lance
- lancet
- landmark
- latitude and longitude
- laugh
- lay
- lead
- lead runner
- leader
- lean
- leap
- lentigo
- letter
- level
- level at
- lexical meaning
- lie
- lieu
- ligature
- limit
- line
- line of direction
- line of march
- literal meaning
- little
- little bit
- living issue
- locale
- locality
- location
- locus
- lofty peak
- logotype
- look to
- lower case
- macula
- main point
- main thing
- majuscule
- make a mark
- malapropos
- mallet
- mark
- mark off
- mark out
- marking
- marlinespike
- material
- material point
- matter
- matter in hand
- maximum
- meaning
- measure
- meat
- mention
- meridian
- messenger
- microbe
- microorganism
- midge
- milestone
- mind
- minim
- minimum
- minor detail
- minuscule
- minute
- minutia
- minutiae
- mite
- modeling clay
- modicum
- module
- mole
- molecule
- moment
- moment of truth
- mordacity
- mordancy
- mote
- motif
- motive
- mottle
- mountaintop
- mucro
- mull
- nail
- naked steel
- navigation
- naze
- ne plus ultra
- neb
- needle
- ness
- nevus
- nib
- nicety
- nick
- nisus
- no place higher
- nook
- noon
- notch
- notion
- nuance
- nub
- nucleus
- nutshell
- object
- objective
- oilstone
- opinion
- orientation
- ounce
- outguard
- outpost
- overtone
- oxgoad
- panic
- parenthesize
- parse
- part
- particle
- particular
- pas
- patch
- pathfinder
- pause
- peak
- pebble
- peculiarity
- peg
- pencil
- peninsula
- pepper
- percentage
- period
- person
- persona
- pertinence
- pertinent
- pi
- pic
- pica
- pico
- piece of advice
- pigsticker
- pike
- piloting
- pin
- pinch
- pinhead
- pinnacle
- pinpoint
- pioneer
- pitch
- pitchfork
- pith
- pittance
- pivot
- place
- place emphasis on
- placement
- plan
- plane
- plateau
- play
- plunge
- poignancy
- point at
- point at issue
- point in question
- point of view
- point out
- point to
- point up
- pointer
- pointless
- pole
- polka dot
- position
- precedent
- precipice
- precipitate
- precursor
- predecessor
- pregnant moment
- present
- prick
- prickle
- problem
- profit
- project
- projection
- promontory
- prong
- property
- proportion
- proposal
- prospectus
- psychological moment
- punch
- punctilio
- punctuate
- punctuation
- punctuation marks
- puncture
- puncturer
- purport
- purpose
- quality
- quarter
- question
- quiddity
- quill
- quoin
- railhead
- range
- range of meaning
- ratio
- reach
- real issue
- real meaning
- redound to
- reef
- reference
- reference mark
- referent
- regard
- regarding
- region
- relation
- relevance
- relevant
- remind
- remove
- reset
- resolution
- resolve
- respect
- rib tickler
- riddle
- ridge
- rigor
- riot
- rocker
- roman
- roughness
- round
- rowel
- rubric
- run
- rung
- sake
- salient point
- sandspit
- sans serif
- say
- scale
- scar
- scarification
- scarify
- scope
- score
- scorper
- scotch
- scout
- scrap
- scratch
- scratching
- scream
- script
- scruple
- seal
- seam
- season
- semantic cluster
- semantic field
- semicolon
- sense
- serve
- service
- set
- set toward
- settle
- seventh heaven
- severity
- shade
- shadow
- shank
- sharpen
- sharpener
- sharpness
- shoulder
- show
- show a tendency
- sick joke
- side
- sidesplitter
- sight gag
- sight on
- significance
- signification
- significatum
- signifie
- sine qua non
- single
- single out
- singleton
- sink
- site
- situation
- situs
- skewer
- sky
- small cap
- small capital
- smidgen
- smitch
- snip
- snippet
- solder
- soldering iron
- something
- soul
- space
- span
- span of meaning
- spatula
- spearhead
- specifics
- speck
- speckle
- spell
- spiculate
- spicule
- spiculum
- spike
- spine
- spire
- spirit
- spit
- splash
- splotch
- spoonful
- sport
- spot
- spotlight
- spur
- stage
- stain
- stair
- stamp
- standard
- staple
- station
- stead
- steel
- steer
- steerage
- steering
- stem
- step
- stigma
- stigmatize
- sting
- stint
- stop
- stormy petrel
- story
- strap
- strawberry mark
- streak
- stress
- stretch
- striate
- stridency
- stringency
- stripe
- striving
- strop
- structural meaning
- stub
- study
- stump
- style
- subject
- subject matter
- subject of thought
- subside
- substance
- substantive point
- suggest
- suggestion
- sum
- sum and substance
- summit
- swerve
- switch
- sword
- symbolic meaning
- tack
- tactic
- tag
- tag end
- tail
- tail end
- tally
- tang
- taper
- tartness
- tattoo
- tattoo mark
- teeth
- tend
- tend to go
- tendency
- tenor
- text
- the bottom line
- the point
- theme
- thimbleful
- thing
- thought
- thrust
- thumbtack
- tick
- tick off
- time
- time lag
- tine
- tiny bit
- tip
- tip-top
- tittle
- to the point
- toad sticker
- tongue
- top
- topic
- tor
- totality of associations
- trace
- track
- trailblazer
- trailbreaker
- train
- train upon
- trait
- transferred meaning
- tread
- trenchancy
- trend
- trifle
- trifling amount
- trivia
- tune
- turn
- turn upon
- turning point
- type
- type body
- type class
- type lice
- typecase
- typeface
- typefounders
- typefoundry
- unadorned meaning
- underline
- underscore
- undertone
- unimportant
- unit
- upmost
- upper case
- upper extremity
- uppermost
- use
- utmost
- value
- van
- vanguard
- vanishing point
- vaunt-courier
- veer
- vehemence
- verge
- vertex
- very top
- view
- viewpoint
- violence
- virulence
- visual joke
- voortrekker
- warp
- watermark
- way
- wheeze
- whereabout
- whereabouts
- whet
- while
- whit
- whittle
- will
- with respect to
- work toward
- worth
- wow
- yarn
- zag
- zenith
- zig
- zigzag
equivalents (2)
Other words for 'point'
hypernyms (50)
Words that are more generic or abstract
- aim
- be
- bushel
- characteristic
- contact
- designate
- direct
- disc
- disk
- doctor
- electric outlet
- electric receptacle
- electrical outlet
- fix
- foreland
- furbish up
- gun muzzle
- head
- headland
- indicate
- label
- lie
- linear measure
- linear unit
- loan
- mark
- mathematical notation
- mend
- muzzle
- object
- objective
- outlet
- promontory
- relevance
- relevancy
- repair
- restore
- sail
- saucer
- show
- tag
- take
- take aim
- tangency
- taper
- target
- touch on
- train
- wall plug
- wall socket
same context (65)
Words that are found in similar contexts
- 12-27
- Carte
- Time
- act
- action-oriented
- body
- boy
- capacity
- circumambulation
- conduct
- corbeille
- coupé
- croix
- d'homme
- dame
- daughters
- day
- decide
- depreciative
- derivable
- drink
- easy-care
- emphatical
- end
- evidence
- five-week
- gagne
- homme
- hotel
- ice-free
- illuminative
- j'avois
- jeux
- l'astre
- letter
- level
- libelous
- line
- matter
- monnaie
- one-finger
- opinion
- person
- points
- position
- pupil
- relative
- remediless
- roi
- series
- sight
- six-run
- something
- southernmost
- step
- strength
- three
- toison
- tumid
- victory
- vin
- wife
- woman
- year
- youth
variants (6)
cross-references (235)
- -point à brides
- Collocations of do, have, make, and take
- accidental point
- acting point
- actual point
- alençon point
- alveolar point
- apparent double point
- arago's neutral point
- archimedean point
- armed at all points
- at (or on) the point of
- at all points
- auricular point
- babinet's neutral point
- basal points
- base point
- bonepoint
- boscovichian point
- breaking point
- brewster's neutral point
- brianchon point
- broca's point
- brocard points
- cardinal point
- cold-rigor point
- conical
- corresponding points
- critical point
- cuspidal point
- cuspidal point of a surface
- cut over point
- cut point
- darwin's point
- dead-point
- decimal
- degree
- disparate points
- dot
- double points of a nomographic transformation
- duplication
- effectiveness
- english point
- equinoctial points
- essential singular point
- eutectic point
- expression-point
- external point
- far-point
- feature
- figurative point
- finite point
- fixed point
- fixed point of a transformation
- focal point
- french point
- from point to point
- frontal points
- frégier point
- full point
- fundamental points
- gambler's point
- genoa point
- geometry on a point
- gergonne's point
- grebe point
- harmonic points
- harmonic points on a conic
- harmonically conjugate points
- heads and points
- ideal point
- identical points
- imaginary point
- imperfection
- in (the) point
- in good point
- in point
- in point of
- in point of fact
- indented in point
- index of a point
- indicator-point
- indifferent point
- infinitely distant point
- intercardinal points
- intersecting point
- invariable points
- inverse point
- irish point
- isolated point
- jugal point
- jugomaxillary point
- lace
- lemoine point
- limiting point
- limiting points
- lubber's point
- lunistitial points
- malar point
- material point
- mcburney's point
- mean point
- median point
- mental
- middle point
- moment
- monro's point
- multiple point
- nagel's point
- needle-point
- neutral point
- neutral points
- neutralization point
- nodal points
- non-essential singular point
- objective
- opposite points
- ordinary point
- painful points
- particular
- pencil point
- perfect aggregate of points
- petit point
- pinch points
- place
- point appliqué
- point at infinity
- point d'alençon
- point d'angleterre
- point d'appui
- point d'ar-gentan
- point d'esprit
- point de gaze
- point de raccroc
- point de valenciennes
- point de velin
- point diamond
- point duchesse
- point for point
- point impaled
- point involution
- point of attack
- point of augmentation
- point of coincidence
- point of condensation
- point of contrary flexure
- point of day
- point of dispersion
- point of distance
- point of election
- point of fall
- point of fusion of metals
- point of honor
- point of horse
- point of incidence
- point of law
- point of magnetic indifference
- point of order
- point of osculation
- point of perfection
- point of reflection
- point of refraction
- point of regard
- point of sight
- point of undulation
- point of view
- point of vision
- point plat
- point system
- point to point method
- point writing
- point à réseau
- point-print
- point-to-point
- points and pins
- points of support
- points of the compass
- poristic points
- power of points
- principal points
- proper point
- quiescent point
- rational point
- real point
- regular point
- representative point
- rosepoint
- rubber points
- scale of points
- schedule point
- shooting
- singular point
- singular point of a function
- spanish point
- spinal point
- standing point
- steiner's point
- subnasal
- supraorbital point
- symcentral point
- symmedian point
- target point
- tarry's point
- temperature
- the five articles and the five points
- tip
- to back a point
- to be at a point
- to blow heads and points
- to cast a point of traverse
- to come to points
- to control the point
- to give points to
- to make a point
- to make a point of
- to point
- to point a rope
- to point a sail
- to point high
- to point the leaders
- to point the yards of a vessel
- to stand upon points
- to strain a point
- topically ordinary point
- transition point
- tressed point
- triple point
- tritactic
- unit point
- united points
- vandyke points
- vellum point
- venice point
- vowel points
- yield point
chained_bear commented on the word point
"Point means the ear cut to a point, but is sometimes used for the 'fork' mark..."
—W. Walter Gill, Manx Dialect Words and Phrases, 1934
April 23, 2009
jmjarmstrong commented on the word point
JM bought a pencil with an eraser at both ends and just can’t see the point!
May 31, 2011