
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • noun A valve that regulates the flow of a fluid, such as the valve in an internal-combustion engine that controls the amount of vaporized fuel entering the cylinders.
  • noun A lever or pedal controlling such a valve.
  • transitive verb To regulate the flow of (fuel) in an engine.
  • transitive verb To regulate the speed of (an engine) with a throttle.
  • transitive verb To suppress.
  • transitive verb To strangle (a person); choke.

from The Century Dictionary.

  • In electricity, to reduce (the flux in a magnetic circuit) by diminishing the cross-section of the iron traversed by the lines of force, or by the introduction of joints or air-gaps.
  • To choke; suffocate; have the throat obstructed so as to be in danger of suffocation.
  • To breathe hard, as when nearly suffocated.
  • To choke; suffocate; stop the breath of by compressing the throat; strangle.
  • To pronounce with a choking voice; utter with breaks and interruptions, like a person half suffocated.
  • To obstruct by a throttle-valve or otherwise: said of steam, a steam-pipe, or a steam-engine.
  • Synonyms Strangle, etc. See smother.
  • noun The throat.
  • noun The windpipe or thropple: same as throat, 2 .
  • noun A throttle-valve.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • transitive verb To compress the throat of; to choke; to strangle.
  • transitive verb rare To utter with breaks and interruption, in the manner of a person half suffocated.
  • transitive verb To shut off, or reduce flow of, as steam to an engine.
  • noun The windpipe, or trachea; the weasand.
  • noun (Steam Engine) The throttle valve.
  • noun (Steam Engine) the hand lever by which a throttle valve is moved, especially in a locomotive.
  • noun (Steam Engine) a valve moved by hand or by a governor for regulating the supply of steam to the steam chest. In one form it consists of a disk turning on a transverse axis.
  • intransitive verb To have the throat obstructed so as to be in danger of suffocation; to choke; to suffocate.
  • intransitive verb To breathe hard, as when nearly suffocated.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • verb transitive To cut back on the speed of (an engine, person, organization, network connection, etc.).
  • verb transitive To strangle or choke someone.
  • verb intransitive To have the throat obstructed so as to be in danger of suffocation; to choke; to suffocate.
  • verb intransitive To breathe hard, as when nearly suffocated.
  • noun A valve that regulates the supply of fuel-air mixture to an internal combustion engine and thus controls its speed; a similar valve that controls the air supply to an engine.
  • noun The lever or pedal that controls this valve.

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • verb place limits on (extent or access)
  • noun a valve that regulates the supply of fuel to the engine
  • noun a pedal that controls the throttle valve
  • verb kill by squeezing the throat of so as to cut off the air
  • verb reduce the air supply


from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition

[Short for throttle valve, from throttle, to strangle, choke, from Middle English throtelen, probably from throte, throat; see throat.]

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

From Middle English *throtel, diminutive of throte ("throat"), equivalent to throat +‎ -le. Compare German Drossel ("throttle"). More at throat.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

From Middle English throtlen ("to choke, strangle, suffocate"), from the noun (see above). Compare German erdrosseln ("to strangle, choke, throttle").


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  • The sneaky thing about the virus is that it steps on your endorphin throttle pretty hard as it goes to work.

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  • In airplanes, the power lever is called a throttle and is normally mounted perpendicular to the floor.

    The Dream Machine Richard Whittle 2010

  • In airplanes, the power lever is called a throttle and is normally mounted perpendicular to the floor.

    The Dream Machine Richard Whittle 2010

  • In airplanes, the power lever is called a throttle and is normally mounted perpendicular to the floor.

    The Dream Machine Richard Whittle 2010

  • I thought that I might go faster by not giving the motor the full throttle because the more the throttle is extended, the more wheel spin one gets and I came back with what must have been a three quarter opening of the throttle and the speed on the return journey was only two miles an hours less than before.

    An Address by Sir Malcolm Campbell 1933

  • The throttle is easier to push, so you’ll have less thumb fatigue.

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  • While the new protests are welcome, at this point the only thing that will pull back the throttle is a White House intervention.

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  • But he says he did have some luck with a device called a throttle-body spacer, which swirled the air and fuel mixture closer to the engine.

    Do Fuel-Saving Gadgets 2008

  • The passage-way from the mixing chamber to the intake manifold is controlled by a butterfly valve which is called the throttle-valve and is connected to the throttle-lever on the steering wheel as well as to the foot accelerator, its position determining the amount of gas and air or mixture being fed the engine.

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  • In a moment more I saw I was mistaken, for at the throttle was a uniformed soldier, and another comrade in his gray-green costume was shoveling coal into the furnace.

    In the Claws of the German Eagle Albert Rhys Williams 1922

  • The FTC’s $60 million settlement with AT&T, announced in 2019, resolved allegations that the wireless provider failed to adequately disclose to its unlimited data plan customers that, if they reach a certain amount of data use in a given billing cycle, AT&T would reduce—or “throttle”—their data speeds to the point that many common mobile phone applications, such as web browsing and video streaming, became difficult or nearly impossible to use

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