
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • transitive verb To beware of.
  • adjective Watchful; wary.
  • adjective Aware.
  • noun An item that is offered for sale.
  • noun An attribute or ability, especially when regarded as an article of commerce.

from The Century Dictionary.

  • Watchful; cautious; prudent; wary.
  • On guard; on the watch (against something). See beware.
  • Aware; conscious; assured.
  • To take care of; take precautions against; take heed to; look out for and guard against; beware of: as, ware the dog. Except in a few phrases, as in ware hawk, ware hounds, beware is now used instead of ware.
  • noun Seaweed of various species of Fucus, Laminaria, Himanthalia, Chorda, ete. They are employed as a manure and in the manufacture of kelp, etc. See seaware.
  • To use; employ; lay out; expend; spend.
  • noun An obsolete preterit of wear.
  • An obsolete spelling of wear, 10.
  • noun The wares produced at the Etruria pottery, Trenton, New Jersey.
  • noun a rather indefinite name applied to pottery supposed to have been made formerly at the town of Gombroon, or Bander-Abbas, on the Persian Gulf. Authorities differ as to the character of this ware. Some assert that it was pottery of soft body which was rubbed away from the interior, leaving only the harder shell or outside glaze (“shell-ware”); others assert that it was a creamy white pottery with perforated decorations filled in with translucent glaze; while some writers describe it as a sort of semi-porcelain of white and semi-translucent body, of Perso-Chinese origin.
  • noun One class of Korean tea-bowls is known to the Japanese by the name of Mishima ware, because the formal lines of its decoration resemble at a distance the printed columns of the almanac which is issued from a famous temple at Mishima on the Tokaido, the great route from Kioto to Yedo.
  • noun Articles of manufacture or merchandise: now usually in the plural.
  • noun A collective noun used generally in composition with the name of the material, or a term relating to the characters of the articles or the use to which they are put: as, china-ware, tinware, hardware, tableware.
  • noun A decorative pottery made in the seventeenth century, many of the pieces having the forms of animals.
  • noun The first real or kaolinic porcelain produced in Europe: it was first made by Böttger about 1710.
  • noun A name given in England to vessels of pottery for domestic use, especially for table service. It is common to discriminate pottery from porcelain by the name Delft or Delf, and also Delf-china, etc.
  • noun A fine terra-cotta, enameled in colors, made in England for architectural decorations, flower-vases, garden-seats, etc., especially that made at Tamworth at works founded in 1847.
  • noun Specifically— A coarse earthenware covered with an outer coat of a different color, which, being deeply scratched, shows the body of the ware.
  • noun A kind of pottery in which the body is scratched or scored, the whole being then covered with a transparent glaze, which shows a deeper color where it fills these incisions than elsewhere.
  • noun A pottery made at Stoke-upon-Trent in England, imitated in the main from the Japanese Satsuma.
  • noun Synonyms Merchandise, etc. See property.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • imperative Wore.
  • transitive verb (Naut.) To wear, or veer. See wear.
  • noun (Bot.), Obs. or Prov. Eng. Seaweed.
  • noun (Zoöl.), [Prov. Eng.] the brant; -- so called because it feeds on ware, or seaweed.
  • noun Articles of merchandise; the sum of articles of a particular kind or class; style or class of manufactures; especially, in the plural, goods; commodities; merchandise.
  • noun obsolete The state of being ware or aware; heed.
  • adjective obsolete A ware; taking notice; hence, wary; cautious; on one's guard. See beware.
  • transitive verb To make ware; to warn; to take heed of; to beware of; to guard against.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective poetic aware
  • verb To beware of something.
  • noun uncountable Goods or a type of goods offered for sale or use.
  • noun in the plural See wares.
  • noun uncountable Pottery or metal goods.
  • noun countable, archaeology A style or genre of artifact.
  • noun Ireland Crockery

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • noun commodities offered for sale
  • verb spend extravagantly
  • noun articles of the same kind or material; usually used in combination: `silverware', `software'


from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition

[Middle English, from Old English waru, goods; see wer- in Indo-European roots.]

from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition

[Middle English waren, from Old English warian; see wer- in Indo-European roots. Adj., Middle English; see wary.]

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

From Old English warian

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

Old English wær.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

Old English waru


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  • (n): an old settlement on the River Lea (Lee) in Hertfordshire England. The north-south A10 road passes through Ware. The town was once a center for malting.

    January 5, 2009

  • Barley, oats, &c. --A Glossary of Provincial Words Used in the County of Cumberland, 1851.

    June 1, 2011